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Clay sm. Claymineral mineraldiagenesis/very diagenesis/verylow lowgrade grademetamorphi metamorphi sm.

AC AC4: 4:Frey-Kbler-Symposium Frey-Kbler-Symposium Contributions to the symposium will be possible to be published in the Swiss Journal of Geosciences, special volume Swiss Journal of Geosciences, special volume Clay mineral diagenesis/very low grade metamorphism

Clay mineral diagenesis/very low grade metamorphism

Guest edito rs: Rafael Ferreiro Mhlma nn & mer Bozkaya Guest editors: Rafael Ferreiro Mhlmann, mer Bozkaya & Sbastien Potel Submission should be send to, deadline isevolutions 15th of of November 2011 1: Elucidating geothermal basins and orogen wedges
using clay mineral indices. 1: Elucidating geothermal evolutions of basins and orogen wedges using mineral indices. 2: Newclay advances in palaeo-geothermometry: comparing clay mineral indices with other methods. 2: New advances in palaeo-geothermometry: comparing clay Conveno rs:indices with other methods. mineral
Prof. Dr. mer Bozkaya Dept. of Geological Engineeri Convenors: Cumhuriyet Prof. Dr. University mer Bozkaya Dr. Sbastien Potel
Enseignant-Chercheur, Minralogie, Ptrologie Institut Polytechnique La Salle Beauvais Dr. Sbastien Potel 60026 Beauvais Cedex (France) EnseignantChercheur, Minralogie, Ptrologie

58140 (Turkey)Engineeri Dept.Sivas of Geological Prof. Dr. Fernando Cumhuriyet UniversityNieto Garca Dpto. Mineralogia y Petrologia 58140 Sivas (Turkey) Fac. Ciencias. Prof. Dr. Fernando Nieto Garca 18002 Granada (Spain) Dpto. Mineralogia y Petrologia

Prof. Dr. Peter rkai Institut Polytechnique La Salle Beauvais

Laboratory for Geochemical Research, 60026 Beauvais Cedex (France) Hungarian Academy of Sciences Prof. Dr. Peter rkai H-1112 Budapest (Hungaria) Laboratory for Geochemical Research,

Fac. Ciencias. 18002 Granada (Spain)

Hungarian Academy of Sciences H-1112 Budapest (Hungaria)

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