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Instructions to Slay a Dragon

You have been chosen by Shell Village, to slay the dangerous Brazilian Magma dragon of which is terrorising their homes. Carefully follow these step by step instructions to ensure you a safe adventure. You will need: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Dragon information and compass. Raft or dingy. Grappling hook. Torch or lantern. Heat-proof suit. Bow and arrow. Honey. Muffled bomb. Parachute.

A.1 Travel south east from Rio de Janeiro until you reach the Rushing River. Here, take out your dingy/raft then ride down the river (WARNING: river runs at 50mph). A.2 In about 5 minutes, you should be passing through the Jagged Mountains, which is famous for its stone-aged wall paintings. Make the most of them, for they will be behind you very soon. A.3 You will now be out of the mountain range (WARNING: on the journey back, you will have to go through a more dangerous route). The river will soon be going past Shell Village. A log will be over the surface of the rapids, you will need to grab this or you shall be rapidly making your way towards The Endless Ocean. B.1 Walk off the log onto the south side and the view around you should be magnificent. Once you are finished sightseeing, travel along the Bottomless Fissure (CAUTION! Do not get to close, or you shall fall for eternity). B.2 When the fissure ends, run west towards The Dark Wizards country as Sirria the Soul Stealer will have tracked your scent, and will be in hot pursuit. As you get closer to the country, a black storm frontier will move towards you, at this point, take out your honey and pour some of it over you. This liquid to the storm frontier will seem like the elixir of life. The storm will follow you until the smell of the honey is washed off you. You will need the tempest to slay the dragon. B.3 Keep travelling west, and eventually a hill shall appear. Travel around the base of it until you reach an entrance to a cave. This is the only entrance to the Uranium Mines and also to the dragons lair without going into the crater. You will now need to light your torch or lantern. The dragon does not know about the mines, so keep quiet. C.1 Follow these instructions precisely as they are written to stop yourself from getting lost. The hurricane shall follow your movements above the ground. Go right then left, forward, right, left and continue forward until the passage ends. C.2 You should have reached a boulder. Take out your bomb and destroy the rock. Mount Magma along with the dragons should be directly through the entrance. As you enter, put your heat-proof suit on and step behind a large stone. Draw your bow and arm it as well as taking out your half empty jar of honey. This step will have to be done quickly, or you shall either be killed by the dragon, or have your soul taken by Sirria. Locate the dragon, and throw the remaining honey at it. The storm shall react by dashing towards it, soaking the dragon in rain while simultaneously breaking its heat-proof armour plating. Take this one moment to fire an arrow into the dragons stomach, hopefully killing it. If you succeed, use your grappling hook to climb over the south east side of the volcano, and use your parachute to glide down the slope. You have now completed your assignment. Make your way through the burnt forest to Shell Village to collect your reward. All information on getting home shall be given to you by the mayor.

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