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EARTH Met when you take your first steps from Vale on the overworld. Within Kolima, there is a fenced area surrounding a Djinni. You might not realize it, but there's a secret back door to this tree house. Enter the house from behind and go through the underground tunnel. When you resurface, you'll be beside the Djinni. As you travel through the Mogall Forest, you'll spot it. To solve the puzzle, use Move on the rock near a log and push it into the little dent in the ground. Roll the log down and head further south. Push the horizontal log down and go around to push the vertical log left. Go down and to the left to reach the Djinni. When you exit the Lamakan Desert, go west until you're on a little round island. Walk around this area until you fight it in a random battle. Whenever you have obtained Reveal, go back to Vault. To get it out of hiding, examine the bell to ring it. Go back the way you came and use Reveal on the ring of rocks near the dog. Complete the Vault Cave which requires pushing and the Psynergy Frost Once you've made it to Tolbi by ship, go west, across a bridge, northeast, then east to walk by the top half of the Karagol Sea. Eventually, you'll make it to the Kalay Docks, but you'll be entering it through the top, right where the Djinni is. Via Suhalla Desert, use the pink tornado to take you to Crossbone Isle. This Djinni is within the 7th floor. You have to chase it for a while until it settles in one area where it'll mirror you. Use Halt to stop it.


Explore Goma Cave to find an area with a man, a pillar, and a Djinni. Push the pillar to the right 2 times and up 3 times. Continue to complete the cave and you'll run into your new bridge which will help you reach the Djinni. Find a snowman near the north of Imil. Use Move to push it to the left. Go to the opening in the northern part of the cemetery near the entrance and slide right, up, left, up, left, up, right, up, left, up, right, up. From Xian, go north. You'll eventually stumble across a bridge connected to a small piece of land. Walk around this area for a chance to fight it in a random battle. In Kalay, go northeast of town and climb up to the 2 story house. Go right so you jump to the grass and then up to see a statue. Using Move will reveal a passage. Inside, push the statue to the left as far as possible to stop the flow of water allowing you to reach the Djinni.

As you enter Tolbi, go directly east to the outer area of town. Make sure you don't go far to exit. Use Growth on the sapling and Frost on the puddle, then go back the way you came. Go towards the Inn to meet up with the frozen pillar, then use it to jump and reach the Djinni. Near the end of Suhalla Desert, you'll eventually have to climb down a ladder and then get chased by a tornado until you completely exit. Before you go down that ladder, use Reveal to find a set of footprints and a hidden pillar. Use it to find this Djinni. When you enter Lalivero, enter the weapon and armor shop in the east side. Use the ladder to walk on the roof. Jump to the yellow wall and run all the way around counter clockwise until you see the building that has a guard in front of the door. Jump on its roof and jump on the next roof. Climb the vine to reach the Djinni.


In Bilibin, find the sanctum in the east. From here, you can go south and walk on the wooden fences surrounding Bilibin. Walk through it and use Whirlwind to remove the leaves. Inside the cave, use Move on the golden statue and move it south so you can jump across. While walking on the right side of Tret's branches, climb up towards the northeast. This Djinni is sitting in the most northeastern branch. Inside the Fuchin Falls Cave, there are two logs you can roll on. Roll the horizontal log down. Go to the vertical log and roll it left. Go to the horizontal log and roll it back up. Jump on the small platform just above the water surface and go on the vertical log, which should now be touching the wall. Use this to roll to the right towards the Djinni. In the Lamakan Desert, you'll eventually find a large, wide area. Search around for two rings of rocks beside each other. Use Reveal and the ring on the left should contain the Djinni while the one on the right contains an enemy. You need Lift to access the Angara Cave from Vale. When you reach the end of the cave, climb up the ladder to meet up with it which will cause it to slide down. Follow it and you'll realize that it becomes a chasing game around the stones. Get as close as you can to Kite so you're within range and use Halt Navigate through Altmiller Cave until you find a brightened room containing pillars and a Djinni. Roll the first pillar you have access to from left to right. Push the lower horizontal pillar (the one touching the puddle) up. Use Frost on the puddle, then go around to push the pillar on the right towards the frozen pillar. Get behind the very first pillar you rolled. Roll the vertical pillar to the right, walk around the rocks to meet up with the right side of it so you're able to push it back to the left. Go to the top and roll the untouched pillar down. On the Road to Babi Lighthouse, go to the second area with two white pillars and a fallen soldier. Use the ladder on the left to enter a cave. Pull the left pillar to the left by using Move. Go back to the surface and open up the second ladder by pushing the white pillar on the right. Repeat the process so a path will be open. Use Growth on the sapling and continue until you're inside again. Slide down the slope.

WATER Catch up to Mia at the Mercury Lighthouse. When she joins your party, you'll see that she brings this Djinni with her. While exploring the Mercury Lighthouse, you'll come across a room with 6 waterfalls. Walk through the 4th waterfall from the right to find Sleet in a small room to itself. There is a girl in Xian that walks back and forth. Talk to her to spill some water, then use Frost which will create a way to reach this Djinni. As you explore Altin Peak, you'll find yourself in a large room with a cart, lever, and Djinni. Find the pillar beside a puddle. Use Move to move it left, then use Frost on the puddle. Climb up the ladder and use these two pillars to jump across. Ride the cart until it stops. You passed by a red lever and arrow, so walk to that area. Flip the lever, go back to the cart, and ride. From Tolbi, venture northwest and find a vertical bridge. Take it and go further northwest to find a second bridge. Past it is an area that offers an encounter with a Djinni in battle. After you beat Toadonpa in Dodonpa's Fortress and leave, you'll have a choice to go back to Kalay. Choose to stay and go back to the fortress to visit Donpa again. He'll give you a Djinni as thanks. Near the end of Suhalla Gate, slide down the third slope from the left to reach the Djinni.

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