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Neoseeker : Guides : Hob Walkthrough and Guide : Reservoir - Raise Water


Reservoir - Raise Water

Just Northwest of the Fast Travel Station you'll find a Bugbear with a giant mechanical looking club. There are also several gremlins. The gremlins are just
there to distract you.

This Bugbear has armor protecting his ankles. Since you are only tall enough to reach his ankles, this protects him from your attacks. To remove the
armor, you'll need to use your Magnetic Glove ability. When you are a few feet away from the Bugbear, you will get a prompt to hold L1 when you're
facing him. If you can do so for a couple of seconds, it will pull the armor off of one of his legs.

It's a good idea to kill the gremlins before you attempt this, so they aren't knocking you out of the ability. The Warp Trap ability can be quite useful here.
Use Warp Trap, and then move away from the Bugbear so that he'll be slowed down as he walks through your warp bubble, giving you more time to use
your Magnetic Glove to pull off his ankle armor. He has armor on both legs, so you may need to do this twice - although it is possible to defeat him after
only pulling the armor off of a single leg, by just concentrating your attacks on the exposed leg.

Even without his armor, he's still a dangerous enemy. He's just like any other bugbear with a club, but that is still a dangerous enemy. Don't
underestimate him. When you defeat him you'll earn x5.

After you defeat the Bugbear and the gremlins, Sprites will populate the area. One of the sprites in the west part of the area is special. When
you walk up to him, a vine ladder will grow up the cliff behind him. Pressing while standing next to the sprite with your sword sheathed will
allow you to hug him. Hug the Sprite and you'll earn x10.

Also, it's adorable.

Climb the vine ladder, then make your way north, jumping along the arm of this giant robot.

Watch for a stairway leading down on the left. This will lead you into a grassy field, where you can find a Butterfly. There are several Gremlins
in the area, so be on your guard.

In the south of this area, there's a punch button on the ground that you can activate to create a ladder that will lead back down to the Third
Armament Dungeon.

Return back up the stairs to the robot arm and head northeast. Eventually there will be a path to the east, leading into the robot's head.

At the front of the robot's head there is a Vista. It's not marked with an icon like a normal Vista, but when you approach the area you'll get a
prompt to press . It does show up as a Vista on your map after you activate it. This is a special Vista that also gives you an additional trophy
just for this vista.


Find the Titan

Exit out the robot's head to the east, then take the path northeast. Eventually the path diverges, going north into a dry riverbed, and east along the ledge
south of the riverbed. Head east, up the stairs and continue along until you run into your Robot Friend waiting for you. Follow him to the east and a shot
cutscene will ensue.

After the cutscene, pick up the small key with the winky face ;)

The robot will mark a new destination on your map, far to the East.

Go north over the natural stone bridge. When you reach a path running east and west, go west. At the end of the path, you'll be able to
see a box to the north. Open it to receive the Schematic for the Warp Disrupt Ability.

Drop into the grassy area to the right of the box, and clear out all the gremlins. There's also an armored Ogre who will give you x2. The area will fill
with Sprites when you defeat all the enemies.

There are some natural stone steps in the north. At the top, if you go left there's a nasty Bugbear guarding a dungeon. You can't complete this dungeon
yet, so don't go that way. Save the Bugbear for later.

Instead, go right. You'll find a Vista location at the edge of a small cliff in this direction.

Hop down off the cliff and exit the clearing from the stone step in the southwest corner.

Head east along the stone path. When the path turns south, follow it. At the end, you'll find a punch button that you can use to make a ladder
down to the area before. There's no reason to go down there right now. This merely opens up more travel options on the map for easy traversal

Head east and you'll be confronted by an Armored Ogre and two green sphere monsters with Shields and Spears. Each one of these enemies can be
defeated by breaking their armor/shield with a charged punch attack. This is three tough enemies right together, though. They're no pushovers. Each
enemy gives you x2. x6 total for the fight.

There's a challenging new enemy type if you explore to the north - a green sphere enemy with an unbreakable shield, and a more powerful mechanical
spear - but there's nothing up there that you can access at this time, so I recommend avoiding him for the moment.

Head southeast instead. Soon you'll encounter an axe throwing Bugbear. By himself he's not a huge challenge. You'll earn x3.

Cross the bridge to the east, and follow the path along the plateau to the southeast. When the path ends, you'll find a metal ladder leading down at the
south edge.

At the bottom of the ladder, there are some small destructable trees just to the left of the plateau. Cut down the trees with your sword, and go
north around the west side of the plateau. At the north end, the camera will turn to reveal a broken robot that you can salvage for energy.

Proceed west across the bridge. At the end of the path, you'll find a green vine ladder leading further down the rock face.

There's an Armored Ogre to the west that will give you x2.

There's a small section of path leading south out over the cliff face. At the edge, you'll find a Butterfly.

Cut the trees to the north and you'll find a path leading northwest along the cliffs. At the end of this path there's a vine ladder leading up, but
you have to jump out over a deadly drop to grab the vines along the rock face.
Climb up to the platform above, then jump across to the ledge to the east. Remember to hold R2 to sprint while you jump. On this ledge, you'll
find Flower Pod that you can pry open for a Heart Piece .

Go east from the Flower Pod and you'll find a series of ledges that you can use to safely drop down to the spot where you fought the Ogre on the way here.

Return east to where you climbed down to this level. Continue east past those vines, and eventually you'll find a Bugbear with a club. Defeat
him for x5. There's another Bugbear just to the east that will give you another x5. At the end of the clearing you'll find a warrior, whose
rusted sword can be salvaged for metal .

Return to the west to the vines that brought you down to this level. To get back up, you'll need to climb to the top of one set of vines, then jump across to
your right to the second, which will take you back up to the level above.

Continue east across the bridge, back to the metal ladder that leads up. Don't take that ladder. Continue to the east.

There's a bomber throwing glow worms at you to the south. Ignore him and go north. You'll find a Spear and Shield enemy here. As long as you don't
move to a place where other enemies join the fight, he's pretty easy. You get x2 for defeating him.
There's another one on the cliffs to the northeast, who is similarly easy as long as you keep him isolated.

There's a path to the southeast that will take you across to a place where you can kill the Mad Bomber what Bombs at Midnight for another x3. You
earn a total of x7 for these enemies.

Check along the cliffs to the northeast and you'll find a path leading up to a higher level. When you reach it, go east toward the destination marked on your

This is your next destination, but before you activate the machine there are a few more collectibles you can get.

There is a small stone ladder to the south of the machine. Climb the ladder down onto a large pipe. Drop down off of that pipe to the south, onto the pipe
running north and south with the drains on the top. Now drop down to the east off of that pipe to another pipe that curves around, making a couple of 90°
turns and goes north. Follow that pipe as far north as you can and you'll be able to drop down onto a small stone platform on the east.

There's nothing in the dry lake bed. There's a Save Checkpoint a few paces to the east.

South of the save point, there's a tree you can destroy. Just south of that is a small ledge you can drop down to. Jump to the west to another ledge. This
one has a Vine ladder hanging down from it. Climb to the bottom of the vine ladder, where you can safely drop to the ground below.

Just southwest of where you land, there's a tree you can destroy. Go southwest along the ledge. At the end of the path, you can either jump
across to the next ledge to the west, or use the Magnetic Anchor to pull yourself there. On this ledge, you'll find a Butterfly.

You'll need to use the Magnetic Anchor to get back (or just fall and respawn). Return to the place where you dropped from the vine ladder into this area.

At the east side of this area, there's a walkway leading south. You'll drop down a couple of feet to the walkway. Walk counter-clockwise along this walkway. At
the 6 o'clock position, you'll run into a Beetle Nest. There's a stone slide to the south. Slide down off the walkway to the platform below. Keep moving in this
area, as you'll have beetles constantly shooting projectiles at you. Sprint and jump across to the east.

There's a new enemy type over here. It's a spear and shield enemy with an unbreakable shield. No matter what you do, you can never get rid of his
shield. He also does about twice as much damage as a normal enemy of this type with his wonky mechanical spear. This guy is a hassle.

To defeat him, you'll need to wait until he attacks you, then roll out of the way. After his attack, you'll have a few seconds where his shield is out of the
way that you can attack him. I recommend starting with a Sprinting Sword Thrust attack - assuming you've bought the ability. Alternately, punching this
enemy with a charged punch will knock him backwards. Although you cannot damage him if he blocks your punch with his shield, you could knock him off
of the cliff if he's standing near the edge, killing him instantly.

In this area, you can also damage him by hitting the glow worms on the ground so they explode and damage him. After you defeat him, you'll earn x5.

After you kill him, fight your way north through any remaining beetles to the nest. Attacking the glow worm at the bottom of the nest will cause it to hide inside
the nest, where it will explode, destroying the nest.

Jump back across to the west where you came from, then jump across west again to a smaller stone platform, then northwest to a curved platform. There's a
magnetic anchor point above you. Hold L1 to zip to it, then press → + to climb back up to the walkway.

With the nest destroyed, you can go further counter-clockwise around the circular walkway. At around the 4 o'clock position, you'll need to jump across to a
platform on the northwest, then jump across again to the tower in the middle.

Go to the left through an interior passage and you'll come out next to a switch on the wall. Activate the switch to lower a the platforms running around the
tower and activate a Magnetic Anchor point to your right.

Don't use the anchor point yet. Instead, climb the platform stairs to your left. At the top, there's another one of those annoying unbreakable shield guys.
This is a very tough place for that fight. There's not a lot of room to dodge. I fell off the ledge to the left and had to run back around the path again to get
back. While I was running around the Shield enemy tried to get to me and slipped off and fell to his death. I think this is probably pretty reproducible. You
get x5 for killing him.

There's a broken down robot in the area that you can salvage for energy.

Go back to the east the way you came, and use that anchor point, using → + to climb up onto the ledge. There's another anchor point to the right. Use
←+ to jump from that anchor point onto the ledge to the left of the anchor point. There's one final anchor point to the left. You can jump to the left, or
climb up above the anchor point. Climbing up with ↑ + is the easiest, but be careful for beetles that might be spitting at you from above.

Drop into the circle in the middle of the area, where you'll find a fallen warrior. Collect his sword for scrap metal .

There's a magnetic anchor point on the right side of the area. From it, you can transfer to another point in the center of the area by pressing ← + , and
from there you can climb out of the pit by pressing ↑ + .

You're now standing on top of a series of platforms with Beetles on it. You have to be careful not to fall while fighting the Beetles.

Make your way along the path to the east. At the end of that path, you'll find a Butterfly.

There's another one of those unbreakable shield enemies on the ground to the right. You can drop down to his level after you pick up your butterfly. If
you're sneaky, you can come up behind him while he's looking out over the cliff to the east and hit him with a charged punch, knocking him off the cliff to
his doom for x5.

With all of the collectibles out of the way, make your way west to the Save Checkpoint. Just northwest of the checkpoint there's a Magnetic anchor. Zip up
and climb to the ledge above, then jump off to the Vine Ladder to the left. Climb to the top of the platform, then jump to another vine ladder to your right. It's
hard to see, because it's in the shadows. Climb to the top and turn to your left where there's one more anchor point. Jump north from the anchor point to get
back to the platform at the top of this area.

Now you can easily return to the device with the winky face icon marked as your current destination. Activate the device to raise the reservoir level up from
the depths.


Raise Water

Last edited on Dec 8, 17 10:13pm

Pascale Nov 20, 17 | reply 1 thumbs! ^
Hey i just wanted to say that this guide is rly helpful but i also wanted to add that the shield guys are easily killable if u power punch them !!

Dan May 2, 19 | reply 0 thumbs! ^

On switch version anyone encountered problem were you need to access a higher anchor point, but it is the one below which is still active and it anchors to that,
and cant seem to change it.

I am stuck in the area discussed in the second to last paragraph above I cannot select the second anchor point.

Any ideas....


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