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Picture Composition

Diagonal/angle- the view of the lens or how much the lens sees, a large angle covers more area and a smaller angle is the zoomed or telephoto affect Rule of thirds- the best position of your main subject should be in one of the four areas where the lines intersect View finder- the eye level device you look through to create an image. Shutter lag- the difference of time between pressing the shutter button and the time the picture is taken Metering- used to calculate the exposure from the existing light conditions

Focusing and Depth of Field

Depth of field- the distance between the closest and farthest point in the image that are relatively in focus Lens aperture- the term used to define the size of the opening of the lens Panoramas- capturing a series of images to create a picture wider than what you could capture in a single image Cropping- cutting out an area of an image to enhance the composition Blurs- A way of softening an image or just a part of an image. Close-ups- The general term for pictures taken at comparatively close distances Zoom- a camera shot that changes smoothly from a long shot to a close-up or the other way around Extreme zoom (macro)- a lens made for taking photographs very close to the subject Lenses- a visual device that sends light to film or a sensor. Perspective- The relative size, distance and depth of a 3D subject or scene within a 2D flat picture

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