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We have formed a group of five members and we have selected the name of our institution FANTASY ADS. This means something of dream and desire. Through our effective promotion we will assure our clients that their dream will come true and they will have their desired things from us.

We have chosen the brand RADHUNI which is a brand of SQUARE Consumer Products Ltd. And this brand has a wide variety of products. These are RADHUNI powdered spice, RADHUNI Kheer Mix, RADHUNI Halim Mix, RADHUNI Meat Curry Mix, RADHUNI Kabab Masala, RADHUNI Fish Curry Masala, RADHUNI Chatpati Masala and so on. All these products have already become very popular in the market.

Company profile
RADHUNIs mind share, heart share, and market share are in the highest position in its industry. RADHUNI has successfully made awareness build up. Almost everyone mentioned the name of RADHUNI when they are asked to name a brand of this kind. RADHUNI has just finished its introduction stage in the product life cycle (PLC) and it is now at the beginning of the growth stage in PLC.



As RADHUNI is leader in the market, it has a high growth rate and its relative market share is also high. We can have a look on the table where our brand stands.


About the buying habit of consumers those who buy powdered spice they usually tend to buy RADHUNI with a few exceptions. Though people usually buy RADHUNI the exception happens due to unavailability of the products in the shop. Few retailers, who keep other brands, try to influence its customers to buy that whatever they have in their shops. RADHUNI has acquired a strong position in the market, its market share currently reached to 55%. RADHUNI is the market leader in its industry. We can see the approximate market share from the pie chart given below;

9% 10%

4% 1% 3%


10% 8%


RADHUNI is leading the market with a variety of products. RADHUNI has almost every items of cooking starting from turmeric powder to spicy mixed powder for meat, fish, chotpoty, halim, kheer, and even pachforon. Though RADHUNI has got some competitors in spicy powder like chilly powder but it has got a relatively competitive advantage in mixed powder with one or two competitors. These competitors have a little share here and there in the country. And they are not that much strong either. One of such competitors is Ideal.

RADHUNI has got a competitive advantage over its competitors through proper utilization of the promotion mix. While the major competitors are spending a lot in TV ads, they are doing a little for sales promotion and so on. Whereas RADHUNI constantly giving incentives to wholesalers and retailers. Only a company gave a minor incentive to wholesalers and retailers in the month of Ramadan.

Competitors Profile
Today understanding customer is crucial, but it is not enough. Companies gain competitive advantage by satisfying target consumer needs better than competitors do. Therefore it is important to know the competitors, their strengths and weakness and also the strategies of the competitors. First comes the competitors analysis or identifying competitors.


At the narrowest level, there are a number of competitors competing in the market these are; BD TIGER ARKU FRESH PRAN TATA KWALITY, SHUSHADU, GRIHINI AND OTHERS At a wider range of competition, the brand is challenged by local spice shop. It has been found that this type of producers altogether grab a substantial amount of market share. And it has achieved so much market share only on the basis of peoples tradition to consume spicy powder. And peoples attitude toward spicy powder led them to have a strong position in the market. When we asked, the general people who usually do not like to have spicy powder, what do you buy? They said vangano masala When we asked, Do u ever buy spicy powder? They said yes, when we dont have any vangano masala in hand. When we asked them to name a brand, with no hesitation they first mentioned the name of RADHUNI. Afterwards when they are given the option to name a few they have just added some names whatever came to their mind.


Based on these findings we can rate RADHUNI and its competitors.


Until recently RADHUNI has been in the strong versus weak competitive position in the market. But recently few strong brands have entered in the market by which aRADHUNI is going to face a bit competitive situation especially from the PRAN group.


We may have an idea of the mind share, heart share and market share of the company and the industry from the table given below. Brand Mind Share Heart Share Market Share July 04- Jan 05- July 04- Jan 05- July 04- Jan 05Dec 05 93% 3% 1% 2% 1% 0% 0% 0% till now 90% 2% 2% 2.5% 1.5% 1% 0.5% 0.5% Dec 05 84% 10% 2% 2% 2% 0% 0% 0% till now 81% 8% 3% 3% 2% 0.5% 0.5% 2% Dec 05 50% 20% 8% 10% 12% 0% 0% Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 0% 100% till now 55% 8% 10% 10% 9% 4% 1% 3% 100%

Radhuni Tiger Arku Fresh BD Pran Tata Others

Both low entry and exit barriers encourage companies to start the business. So, there has always been a threat of new entrants and which has made the market competitive. Exit Barriers
Entry Barriers

Low High

Low Low, stable returns High, stable returns

High Low, risky returns High, risky returns

Though the market has already got some competitors, RADHUNI is doing quite fine in the market. This has been possible through its strong reputation for quality and trust. But the situation has challenged the new entrants while the existing firms are having hardship to increase or grab market share. Many companies are not getting the market share because of their poor distribution coverage, advertising, sales promotion and so on. Competitors pricing are relatively low compare to RADHUNI.


SWOT Analysis:

RADHUNI has a strong team for Research and Development. The members consistently seek opportunities to find the new demands and meet them by launching new products. RADHUNI has a strong financial condition and support from its parent company. RADHUNI has achieved a strong brand image. It has selected a good relevant brand name for its products whereas other firms suffering from it. RADHUNI talks quality and gives quality to its customers. RADHUNI has updated manufacturing plant with the capacity to meet the demand. RADHUNI has a wide variety of products which others do not have. RADHUNI has achieved a good competitive advantage through its distribution coverage system.

It charges a bit high price than that of its competitors.


Though they have good distribution coverage system, products are always available in posh urban areas but in some urban places they fail to provide the product in time, as a result they are losing a potential market share.

The culture of eating foods encourages the opportunity of expanding the market. The market is large in this business. There is a huge prospect in this business; a small number of populations have become aware of the advantages of adopting the spicy powder but huge population is there to adopt it. A number of competitors are there in the market but they are relatively weak in terms of financial condition, company size and management. Few firms are following the promotion mix, especially they are lacking in sales promotion but in this case RADHUNI is strongly following this strategy.

The market has become competitive in terms of number of competitors as well as possible entrants of some new companies. 8


Consumers are exposed to ads given by some companies. People of our country still think that this type of ready mix spice will not give them that taste what they could have from the powdered spice which they make manually.

Segmentation means dividing the market into distinctive groups of buyers on the basis of needs characteristics or behaviors of consumers. Segmentation can be done in four ways like Geographic segmentation, Demographic segmentation, Psychographic segmentation and Behavioral approach. As our chosen product is powdered spice which is directly used for cooking purpose and generally the women of our country are involved in cooking. So we follow the demographic segmentation for segmenting our market. We emphasized segmentation. As we followed demographic segmentation and we focused on women consumers in our country. There are generally two classes in women consumers one is housewife another one is service holder. on gender based segmentation and the psychographic

Positioning is the act of designing the companys offering and image to occupy a distinctive place in the target markets mind. Such as - to create awareness about


the product. We have to position our brand RADHUNI by the desire of the target consumer. SQUARE is the name of quality, where consumers can get pure and quality products without any hesitation. Positioning started with a product and a brand name. It is not what you do to a product positioning as what you do the mind of the prospect of the consumer. That is we position the RADHUNI in the mind and desire of the consumer prospect. The SQUARE Companys brand RADHUNI is the potential to cover the market. Thats why the brand made some strategy to position the market in a way that the difference can not be easily copied by competitors and it delivered in a distinctive way. That is why to set up a good brand image it is needed to have a good positioning strategy. In our brand it is important to promote our positioning to cover the market share and what basic feature we give to the target consumer. We have to know what they will want from our products. We are here for the consumers. If we can not provide sufficient benefits then they wont buy our products. So this is important to have a good positioning strategy to the target market. We have to position our brand in such a way that it should be matched with the products benefits and features. The brand RADHUNI is a brand which is used for cooking. So the consumer might think about the taste and how conveniently it can be used. In the positioning stage we are thinking about value proposition. Value proposition is the way where we reflect the core things what we are providing as per as the desire of the target consumer. So the positioning should be such where the core things will be reflected. So the value proposition is for RADHUNI can be-



RADHUNI is easy to use and make tasty your food. RADHUNI helps to have a cook on time and easy to make your food spicy and tasty.

Initially for target the market we will go for women who are living in urban areas. In this case we followed geographic segmentation and the demographic segmentation as well. They can be either housewives or service holders. The causes behind of targeting urban women are First- The price of the product, as the price of this product is a bit high which is only affordable by the urban people. Because we all know that the people of urban are relatively rich then the rural people. Second- Use of quality product, in this case urban people are more quality conscious then the rural people. Third- In urban areas generally people are busy with various activities. So they are very much unwilling to buy raw spice and get bored of doing a manual process. In this situation ready mix spice is like a magic for them.

Fourth- The people of urban areas are not getting pure and quality powdered spice in the market. So we are assuring the people of urban that we are giving them pure and quality products. In this situation it will be a great way for the urban people of getting fresh and pure powdered spice without any harassment.



Fifth - The service holder women are very busy with their jobs and other activities. They have limited time for cooking. So at this moment ready mix spice will be very much attractive and convenient for them. Sixth - Women can easily avoid their physical blending process by using this powdered spice. This will save their energy and time.

Promotion mix
1. Television advertisement:
As our target consumers are urban women in this case, uses of television for advertise will be very effective. That means television has high reach media for this particular product and TV is the most common and effective way of communication. Though it is expensive, it is very effective. If a TV ad can be prepared properly then it can play a vital role to increase the popularity of the product. For television ad it is very important to choose the right time to deliver the advertisement. Usually women watch television at night 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm, when Bengali drama goes on and that is right time to show the advertisement of RADHUNI. Because at this time women watch drama and they are very fond of drama. Trough this, it will be very easy for us to reach our potential buyers. Thats why we rank it first.

2. Sales promotion:
Sales promotion is crucial in attracting consumer. It can be of directly or via the intermediaries. Sales promotion is important to increase the sales. It is important to give incentives to intermediaries to make them satisfied. Otherwise they will switch the brand. RADHUNI is giving retailers and wholesalers various type of sales promotion like They give various types of incentives.

3. Billboard advertisement:



In the big cities, billboard ads are also very effective media. Women always roam around the city for shopping. So it will be also very effective media to send our massages to the potential buyers. For billboards it is very important to choose the place of billboard. In the case of selecting a location for billboard ads we should choose those locations where a woman goes usually. It can be near to the market places. In this way we can build awareness in our target consumers mind. Billboard can be effective for this particular situation. Thats why we rank it third.

4. Newspaper advertisement:
As our targeted consumers are service holder women. So to position our product, we should give advertisement on newspaper also. Here newspaper advertisement can be effective for those women who has a job or busy with own business. Because these women read newspaper more than the typical house wife and every morning they must read newspaper. On the other hand some house wives also read women related pages in newspaper like recipes for cooks, fashion pages etc. So it will be also helpful to send massage through newspaper to our target consumers. Thats why we rank it forth. Moreover to promote RADHUNI we can arrange some sort of TV programs, where someone will teach different type of cooking with the RADHUNI powdered spice. We can also organize cooking contest to build awareness.


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