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DATE: 24.05.13

CHAPTER 6 TRAINING Question 1 Multi!le C"oi#e % Training Met"ods ' Training Prin#i!les ) *MQ T+TA* MAR, . GRA/E Marks Available $ 1& ( & )Marks gained


DATE: 24.05.13

Multi!le C"oi#e Questions0

Ans1er A** 2uestions 3or ea#" 2uestion #"oose an ans1er A4 54 C4 / and !ut a #ross in t"e bo60 Mark onl7 one ans1er 8or ea#" 2uestion0 I8 7ou #"ange 7our 9ind about an ans1er4 !ut a line t"roug" t"e bo6 and t"en 9ark 7our ne1 ans1er 1it" a #ross0 1a) Which type of competition str ct re in!o"!es a"" teams p"ayin# a#ainst each other$ %1) A 5 C / *adder ,no#kout Multi ga9e *eague

1&) The 'r "er()rop test* is common"y se) to test +hich fitness component$ %1) A 5 C / : Ti9ing Rea#tion ti9e ;!eed 3le6ibilit7

1c) The 'prime mo!er* is the a"ternati!e name #i!en to +hich m sc"e ) rin# mo!ement$ %1) A 5 C / : Agonist Antagonist Involuntar7 Insertion

1)) The 'aero&ic trainin# ,one* foc ses on +hat percenta#e of yo r M-.$ %1) A 5 C / %)6&)-. 6-. &-. 1--.

1e) Which type of connecti!e tiss e is responsi&"e for attachin# m sc"e to &one$ %1) A 5 C / : Cartilage Tendon *iga9ents <oints


DATE: 24.05.13

2a) =sing e6a9!les o8 ea#"/ )escri&e the 0ey )ifference &et+een a ti9ed #ir#uit an) a 8i6ed load #ir#uit. %3) 1 mar0 for sayin# +hat time) circ its are/ 1 mar0 for sayin# +hat fi1e) "oa) circ its are/ 1 mar0 for an e1amp"e 23 EA4-. Ti9ed #ir#uit > ?"ere 7ou #o9!lete ea#" station 8or a set !eriod o8 ti9e ( e0g0 '- se#onds on !ress u!s4 t"en '- se#onds o8 sit u!s et# 3i6ed load #ir#uit > ?"ere 7ou #o9!lete a set nu9ber o8 re!etitions on ea#" station4 regardless o8 "o1 long it takes ( e0g0 %- !ress u!s4 t"en %- sit u!s 2&) 3or each of the fo""o+in# &o)y parts/ i)entify a s ita&"e acti!ity +hich co ") &e inc" )e) in a circ it trainin# session. %3) 1 mar0 for each s ita&"e e1amp"e Arms: Press u!s4 Tri#e! di!s4 bi#e! #urls 5e#s: ;tar @u9!s4 s"uttle runs4 ski!!ing4 ben#" ste!s 4ore: ;it u!s4 bur!ees4 A!lankB 2c) 6)entify t"ree # i)e"ines +hich sho ") &e fo""o+e) +hen settin# p an) "ea)in# a circ it trainin# session. %3) 1 mar0 for each s ita&"e e1amp"e %)oesn*t nee) to &e f "" sentences/ & t can not &e so &rief that it )oesn*t sho+ f "" n)erstan)in#) 1: Clearl7 9arked stations 1it" diagra9s o8 e6er#ise 2: /e9onstration o8 ea#" e6er#ise Cin#luding variations 8or 9oreDles ableE 3: Fariet7 o8 e6er#ises 1"i#" are suitabl7 s!read out Ce0g0 sit u!s4 !lank4 leg t"ro1 do1ns not all toda7E 2)) 6)entify t"ree &enefits of ta0in# part in re# "ar +ei#ht trainin#. %3) 1 mar0 for each s ita&"e e1amp"e 1: I9!roved strengt" Cnot @ust Gbigger 9us#lesHE 2: I9!roved 9us#ular enduran#e Cnot @ust Gsta9inaHE 3: I9!roved 9us#le bulk Cnot @ust GbulkHE CAssists re#over7 8ro9 in@ur74 i9!roved 9us#le toneE 2e) 6n +ei#ht trainin#/ +hat )oes yo r 'repetition ma1im m* refer to$ %1) T"e 9a6i9u9 1eig"t 7ou are able to li8t on +NE re!etition


DATE: 24.05.13

2f) 6)entify a s ita&"e metho) of trainin# for a "on# )istance r nner +ho has &ecome &ore) of r nnin# a set )istance at a constant pace e!ery )ay. %1) 3artlek training or Interval training 2#) Wei#ht trainin# can &e comp"ete) in a !ariety of +ays. 6)entify t1o types of +ei#ht trainin#/ an) #i!e one a)!anta#e of each. %4) 1 mar0 for each 'metho)*/ 1 mar0 for each s ita&"e a)!anta#e "in0e) to that metho) Metho) 1: A3ree 1eig"tsB A)!anta#e: /evelo!s Astabilising 9us#lesB Able to 9ake s9all ad@ust9ents to 1eig"t Metho) 2: .esistance machines A)!anta#e: ;a8er to use as 1eig"t 1onBt 8all on 7ou Move9ent o8 1eig"t is guided 3a) 7sin# e1amp"es/ )escri&e ho+ a hi#h 8 a"ity +arm( p sho ") &e comp"ete). %4) 1 mar0 for p "se raiser/ 1 mar0 for s ita&"e )etai" 1 mar0 for stretches/ 1 mar0 for s ita&"e )etai" Pulse raiserI Gentle @og 8or at least $ 1- 9inutes Cto in#rease HRDblo1 8lo1E ;tret#"esI ;tati# and d7na9i# stret#"ing 8or ke7 @oints J 9us#le grou!s4 e0g0 ;AQ e6er#ises on "a9strings4 2uadri#e!s4 s"oulder @oints Cto in#rease 9obilit7 and 8le6ibilit7 o8 9us#lesE 3&) Which princip"e of trainin# can &e app"ie) to re) ce the chance of an ath"ete &ecomin# in9 re). %1) ProgressionI graduall7 Cslo1l7E in#reasing training Ce0g0 7ou 1ould risk in@ur7 9oving 8ro9 li8ting 1-kg to 1--kgE0 3)) 7sin# an e1amp"e from trainin#/ )escri&e +hat )o yo 'p"atea in#*$ %2) 1 mar0 for )escription/ 1 mar0 for s ita&"e e1amp"e Plateauing > being unable to 8urt"er i9!roveDin#rease intensit7 o8 !er8or9an#e Ce0g0 doing '- !ress u!s in 1 9inute during training ever7 1eek4 but not being able to do M+RE t"an '-E0 n)erstan) &y the term

NAME: 3e) 7sin# an e1amp"e/ e1p"ain +hat yo

DATE: 24.05.13 n)erstan) &y the term 're!ersi&i"ity*. %2)

1 mar0 for )escription/ 1 mar0 for s ita&"e e1amp"e Reversibilit7 > losing t"e bene8its gained 8ro9 training b7 "aving too longer breaks4 e0g0 running t1i#e a 1eek to i9!rove sta9ina4 t"en not running 8or ' 9ont"s. 4) :eor#e is a 0een foot&a"" p"ayer an) represents his "oca" team in a semi( professiona" "ea# e. Descri&e a trainin# metho) that :eor#e co ") se and e1p"ain in )etai" ho+ he co ") a"so se the princip"e of o!er"oa) to impro!e his foot&a"" performances. Ans1er in #ontinuous !rose0 %;) T1o se#tions to 7our ans1erI 1E /E;CRI5E TRAINING ;E;;I+NI e0g0 ( George #ould use CIRC=IT TRAINING t1i#e a 1eek to i9!rove "is 8itness 8or 8ootball0 ( T"is involves a sele#tion o8 e6er#ises 1orking di88erent 9us#le grou!s and di88erent #o9!onents o8 8itness0 ( He #ould do !ress u!s and tri#e! di!s 8or t"e strengt" in "is ar9s Cso "e #an "old o88 o!!onents 1"en #"allenging 8or t"e ballE0 He #ould bur!ees and ben#" @u9!s Cto i9!rove "is @u9!s 1"en "eading t"e ball at #ornersE0 He #ould do s"uttle runs and ski!!ing 8or s!eed Cso "e #an s!rint !ast o!!onents 1"en atta#kingE0 ( George #ould do ea#" station 8or '- se#onds4 #o9!leting as 9an7 re!etitions as !ossible4 1it" a 1$ se#onds break in bet1een ea#" station0 He #ould #o9!lete % la!s o8 t"e #ir#uits0 %E APP*K +FER*+A/I e0g0 ( +verload #an be a!!lied using t"e !rin#i!le o8 3IT0 ( He #ould in#rease t"e 3REQ=ENCK o8 "is training b7 training t"ree ti9es a 1eek instead o8 t1o0 ( He #ould in#rease t"e INTEN;ITK o8 "is training b7 redu#ing t"e rest ti9e in "is #ir#uit 8ro9 1$ se#onds to 1- se#onds0 ( He #ould in#rease t"e TIME o8 "is training b7 adding in ot"er stations Ce0g0 sit u!s and star @u9!sE4 or b7 training 8or longer on ea#" station Ce0g0 )$ se#onds instead o8 '- se#ondsE0

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