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Aviation Maintenance Management MGMT/ASCI 419 Campus Course Syllabus

Credit Hours Academic Term Meetings !ocation Instructor "##ice Hours Telep$one %&mail 3 Credits Term: Fall II 2012: 15 Oct to 14 December 2012 5:00 9:45 pm; Tuesda ; !C"# $eau%ort !C"# $eau%ort &ducatio' $uildi'() $ld( 59*) +oom 204 , Campus !r- "'t.o' /etrucci 0030 1100 !o'da , Frida 21033 342,119* Cell petru30e4erau-edu; master(u' -com

Course Description: #tude'ts 6ill per%orm a compre.e'si7e e8ami'atio' o% or(a'i5atio'al mai'te'a'ce policies) pro(rams) a'd procedures- &mp.asis is o' mai'te'a'ce pla''i'() %orecasti'( a'd cost co'trol) reliabilit ) sa%et ) a'd %li(.t sc.edule per%orma'ceCourse Goals: #tude'ts 6ill stud a'd lear' .o6 t pical ma9or air carrier a'd (e'eral a7iatio' or(a'i5atio's are structured as 6ell as t.eir respo'sibilities u'der Federal +e(ulatio's) ad7isor circulars) a'd to t.e tra7eli'( public- T.e aircra%t or(a'i5atio' le7el mai'te'a'ce pro(ram o% t.e :#"F 2"FI 21, 1013 6ill also be e8ami'ed- T.e co'cepts o% +eliabilit Ce'ter !ai'te'a'ce 2+C!3) t.e !ai'te'a'ce #teeri'( ;roup 2!#;3 committee approac. %or t.e de7elopme't lar(e aircra%t mai'te'a'ce pro(rams) t.e a(i'( aircra%t problem) a'd t.e lo(istics support a'd mai'te'a'ce sc.eduli'( aspects o% aircra%t mai'te'a'ce pro(rams 6ill also be e8plored- #tude'ts 6ill prepare a'd prese't a' oral prese'tatio' a'd 6ritte' term paper is %ormatted i' accorda'ce 6it. t.e "/" ;uide a'd 6.ic. addresses some speci%ic aspect o% aircra%t mai'te'a'ce ma'a(eme't) t.e topic o% 6.ic. is appro7ed b t.e i'structorLearning Outcomes:

:po' success%ul completio' o% course) t.e stude't 6ill be able to: 1Compare a'd co'trast t.e compo'e'ts o% a F"" appro7ed aircra%t mai'te'a'ce pro(ram a'd a :#"F aircra%t or(a'i5atio'al le7el mai'te'a'ce pro(ram 2"FI 21,1013- 2$#T! /O,33 2+eco('i5e t.e e%%ects o% F"") &'7iro'me'tal or (o7er'me't re(ulatio's o' mai'te'a'ce operatio's carried out b ma'u%acturers) carriers) (e'eral a7iatio') repair %acilities) corporate a7iatio' a'd militar operatio's- 2$#T! /O,23 3:'dersta'd t.e 7arious eleme'ts o% t.e !ai'te'a'ce #teeri'( ;roup 2!#;3 pro(ram a'd .o6 t.e relate to lar(e aircra%t mai'te'a'ce pro(ram de7elopme't- 2$#T! /O,13 4C.aracteri5e t.e 'ature o% %ailure a'd t.e co'cept o% +eliabilit Ce'tered !ai'te'a'ce 2+C!3) 6.ic. is commo' to bot. ci7il a'd :# militar aircra%t mai'te'a'ce pro(rams- 2$#T! /O,33 5Ide'ti% !ai'te'a'ce Co'trol b +eliabilit !et.ods a'd metrics i' order to determi'e .o6 t.e appl to t.e ma'a(eme't o% a particular aircra%t mai'te'a'ce or(a'i5atio'2$#T! /O,33 *+eco('i5e t.e or(a'i5atio'al structure o% a t pical aircra%t mai'te'a'ce or(a'i5atio' a'd t.e met.od b 6.ic. it is i'te(rated i'to t.e o7erall corporatio'- 2$#T! /O,43 1- Compare mai'te'a'ce record <eepi'( a'd docume'tatio' re=uireme'ts a'd u'dersta'd t.e le(al a'd et.ical rami%icatio's o% F"" a'd :# militar re=uired mai'te'a'ce docume'tatio'- 2$#T! /O,33 0:'dersta'd ci7il a'd :# militar a(i'( aircra%t p.ilosop.ies a'd demo'strate .o6 t.e relate to cost trade,o%%s as 6ell as t.eir e%%ect o' Operatio'al "7ailabilit 2O"3 a'd per%orma'ce metrics- 2$#T! /O,23 9- Compare a'd co'trast t.e relatio's.ips o% material support) =ualit assura'ce) a'd a7iatio' sa%et i' a7iatio' ma'a(eme't to %oster sou'd decisio',ma<i'( resulti'( i' t.e e'coura(eme't o% e%%ecti7e mai'te'a'ce processes to impro7e %li(.t sc.edule per%orma'ce- 2$#T! /O,53 'e(uired Course Materials !;!T 419,1 "7iatio' !ai'te'a'ce !a'a(eme't 2004 2>i''iso'?Ir6i',!c;ra6,@ill3 I#$A 001142251B #uppleme'tal Te8t: !;!T 419,1 "ircra%t !ai'te'a'ce !a'a(eme't 2005 2Cobb?+iddle3

Suggested Supplemental Materials: F"" "d7isor Circulars: 2"7ailable o'li'e3 F"" "d7isor Circular 43,12" 210?20?033) /re7e'ti7e !ai'te'a'ceF"" "d7isor Circular 120,1*&) "ir Carrier !ai'te'a'ce /ro(rams- docume't is a 7aluable re%ere'ceF"" "d7isor Circular 120,11") Co'trol b +eliabilit !et.ods a'd !#;,2F"" "d7isor Circular 120,49 211?23?003) Certi%icatio' o% "ir CarriersF"" "d7isor Circular 120,59 210?2*?923) "ir Carrier I'ter'al &7aluatio' /ro(ramsF"" "d7isor Circular 121,22" 23?1?913) !ai'te'a'ce +e7ie6 $oard /roceduresFederal "7iatio' +e(ulatio's 2F"+Cs3 2"7ailable o'li'e3 F"+ /"+T 1,,D&FIAITIOA# "AD "$$+&DI"TIOA#F"+ /"+T 11,,;&A&+"E +:E&!">IA; /+OC&D:+&#F"+ /"+T 13,,IAD&#TI;"TID& "AD &AFO+C&!&AT /+OC&D:+&#F"+ /"+T 21,,C&+TIFIC"TIOA /+OC&D:+&# FO+ /+OD:CT# "AD /"+T#F"+ /"+T 39,,"I+FO+T@IA&## DI+&CTID&#F"+ /"+T *5,,C&+TIFIC"TIOA: "I+!&A OT@&+ T@"A FEI;@T C+&F!&!$&+#F"+ /"+T 91,,;&A&+"E O/&+"TIA; "AD FEI;@T +:E&#F"+ /"+T 135,,O/&+"TIA; +&G:I+&!&AT#: CO!!:T&+ "AD OA,D&!"AD O/&+"TIOA# "AD +:E&# ;OD&+AIA; /&+#OA# OA $O"+D #:C@ "I+C+"FT"/" #THE& Fritte' assi('me'ts must be %ormatted i' accorda'ce 6it. t.e /ublicatio' !a'ual o% t.e "merica' /s c.olo(ical "ssociatio' 2*t. &ditio'3Grading:
Class Participation and Involvement Paper/Project (30% Style, 70% Content "id Term #$am %ome&or' ()estions *inal #$am Total+ UNDERGRADUATE ,rade Points .0 / 100 PTS 10 / 1. PTS % 70 / 7. PTS % 40 / 4. PTS % 2elo& 40 PTS 10 PTS 2! PTS 2! PTS 10 PTS 30 PTS 100 Pts 10 % 2! % 2! % 10 % 30 % 100 %

,rade 0 (S)perior 2 (03ove 0vera-e C (0vera-e 5 (2elo& 0vera-e * (*ail)re

Percenta-es .0 / 100 % 10 / 1. 70 / 7. 40 / 4. !. /0 %

!ibrary T.e Iac< +- @u't Eibrar ) located o' t.e Da to'a $eac. Campus) is t.e primar librar %or all Forld6ide Campus stude'ts)eb .ttp:??librar -erau-edu *$one 20003 *10,9420 2e8t- *9413 or 230*3 22*,1*5* 2Doicemail is a7ailable a%ter .ours3 Hours !o'da , Frida ) 0:00 a-m- , 5:00 p-m- &#T &mail: 6ttp+//li3rary7era)8ed) 'esearc$ *aper/Course *ro+ect/Case Study Analysis ,--. o# your course grade/ course re=uires t.e stude't to prepare a'd submit duri'( 6ee< 0 a researc. paper o' "7iatio' !ai'te'a'ce- #tude'ts s.ould remember t.e 'ature o% t.e class is "7iatio' !ai'te'a'ce a'd t.e %ocus o% t.e paper s.ould re7ol7e arou'd t.eme- /apers do 'ot address topic) but %ocus i'stead o' importa't) but irrele7a't "7iatio' issues 6ill 'ot (rade 6ell- T.e paper s.ould .a7e at least 12 pa(es o% 6.ic. 9 pa(es o% co'te't a'd prepared usi'( "/" *t. &ditio' sta'dards- Friti'( s.ould s.o6 colle(e le7el 6or<- Do'Jt %or(et t.e basics; spelli'() (rammar) a'd %ormat#u((ested !;!T 419 researc. report topics i'clude: "ircra%t "(i'( /roblems "ircra%t !ai'te'a'ce Or(a'i5atio's "ircra%t !ai'te'a'ce Gualit "ssura'ce /ro(rams "ircra%t !ai'te'a'ce Trade Or(a'i5atio's 2"T") I"T") ;"!" etc-3 "ircra%t !ai'te'a'ce :'io's 2Collecti7e $ar(ai'i'() etc-3 "ircra%t !ai'te'a'ce Tre'ds $o(us /arts?:'appro7ed /arts /ro(ram Ci7il /ro(ressi7e !ai'te'a'ce /ro(rams Commuter "irli'e !ai'te'a'ce /ro(rams Co'ti'uous "ir6ort.i'ess !ai'te'a'ce /ro(rams Co'tract 2Outsourci'(3 !ai'te'a'ce /ro(rams Fi8ed $ase Operators !ai'te'a'ce /ro(rams ;e'eral "7iatio' !ai'te'a'ce /ro(rams I'di7idual "irli'e !ai'te'a'ce /ro(rams

I'te(rated Eo(istic #upport 2IE#3 /ri'ciples "pplied To !ai'te'a'ce /ro(rams Ei%e,c cle "pproac. To "ircra%t !ai'te'a'ce !ai'te'a'ce Co'cept De7elopme't !ai'tai'abilit !ilitar !ai'te'a'ce /ro(rams !ai'te'a'ce Eo(istic #upport "cti7ities?I'itiati7es !oder' "ircra%t !ai'te'a'ce !a'a(eme't Tec.'i=ues !ilitar !ai'te'a'ce Co'cepts Gualit "ssura'ce /rocedures?/ro(rams I' "ircra%t !ai'te'a'ce Or(a'i5atio's +eliabilit Ce'tered !ai'te'a'ce Co'cepts T.e @istorical De7elopme't o% "ircra%t !ai'te'a'ce T.e +ole o% t.e DOT?F"" i' "ircra%t !ai'te'a'ce Total /roducti7e !ai'te'a'ce /ro(rams "pplied To "7iatio' Or(a'i5atio's topics appro7ed b t.e i'structor

/apers are due o' t.e 0t. 6ee< 2s.o6' o' t.e Course #c.edule3- T.e paper must be tur'ed i' be%ore ou 6ill be allo6ed to ta<e t.e %i'al e8ami'atio'"ll papers?pro9ects submitted %or (radi'( i' course 6ill be submitted to sa%eassi('-com , 6ttp+//&&&8sa:eassi-n8com/" paper?pro9ect is tur'ed i' late 6ill be do6'(raded 10 poi'ts %or eac. 6ee< t.e paper is paper is 6ort. 25K o% our %i'al (rade- is a lar(e portio' o% our o7erall (rade a'd ou 'eed to treat it as suc.-

Assignments0 1iscussion 2oard *articipation ,I# re(uired #or 2lended 1elivery/0 and/or special administrative: "ll assi('me'ts 6ill be completed i' a pro%essio'al ma''er a'd o' time) u'less prior arra'(eme'ts .a7e bee' made 6it. t.e pro%essor- course i'cludes 6ee<l acti7ities) eac. o% 6.ic. ma .a7e (rade poi'ts associated 6it. t.em- :'less prior arra'(eme'ts .a7e bee' made 6it. t.e i'structor) stude'ts are e8pected to participate eac. 6ee<) accordi'( to t.e course sc.edule- is especiall importa't 6it. re(ards to discussio' acti7ities- Fee<l discussio's t picall i'clude bot. a' i'itial posti'( a'd o'e or more substa'ti7e replies-

Course *olicies &mbr ,+iddle is committed to mai'tai'i'( a'd up.oldi'( i'tellectual i'te(rit - "ll stude'ts) %acult ) a'd sta%% .a7e obli(atio's to pre7e't 7iolatio's o% academic i'te(rit a'd ta<e correcti7e actio' 6.e' t.e occur- T.e ad9udicatio' process 6ill i'clude t.e sa'ctio' imposed o' stude'ts 6.o commit t.e %ollo6i'( academic 7iolatio's) 6.ic. ma i'clude a %aili'( (rade o' t.e assi('me't) a %aili'( (rade %or t.e course) suspe'sio') or dismissal %rom t.e :'i7ersit :
18 *lagiarism: /rese'ti'( as o'eCs o6' t.e ideas) 6ords) or products o% a'

/la(iarism i'cludes use o% a' source to complete academic assi('me'ts 6it.out proper ac<'o6led(eme't o% t.e source- "ll papers submitted %or (radi'( i' course 6ill be submitted to sa%eassi('-com , 6ttp+//&&&8sa:eassi-n8com/ 6.ere t.e te8t o% t.e paper is compared a(ai'st i'%ormatio' co'tai'ed i' t.e sa%eassi('-com database- /apers submitted 6ill be i'cluded i' t.e sa%eassi('-com database a'd become source docume'ts %or t.e purpose o% detecti'( pla(iarism2- C$eating " broad term i'cludes t.e %ollo6i'(: a;i7i'( or recei7i'( .elp %rom u'aut.ori5ed perso's or materials duri'( e8ami'atio'sbT.e u'aut.ori5ed commu'icatio' o% e8ami'atio' =uestio's prior to) duri'() or %ollo6i'( admi'istratio' o% t.e e8ami'atio'cCollaboratio' o' e8ami'atio's or assi('me'ts e8pected to be i'di7idual 6or<dFraud a'd deceit) i'clude <'o6i'(l %ur'is.i'( %alse or misleadi'( i'%ormatio' or %aili'( to %ur'is. appropriate i'%ormatio' 6.e' re=uested) suc. as 6.e' appl i'( %or admissio' to t.e :'i7ersit 3- A*A 3t$ edition %ormat is t.e &+": Forld6ide sta'dard %or all researc. pro9ects1isability and Special 4eeds &+": is committed to t.e success o% all stude'ts- It is a :'i7ersit polic to pro7ide reaso'able accommodatio's to stude'ts 6it. disabilities 6.o =uali% %or ser7ices- I% ou 6ould li<e to re=uest accommodatio's due to a p. sical) me'tal) or lear'i'( disabilit co'tact t.e Disabilit #upport #er7ice O%%ice at 230*3 22*,191*Course Sc$edule
# 1 Class Date /Learning Content/Learning Outcome(s) Assignments ;cto3er 1!, 2012 C68 1 < Startin- ;)t ()estions 1 / 10 C68 2 < T6e *ail)re Process ()estions 1 / 10 0C 120/145 0ir Carrier "aintenance Pro-rams Learning Outcome - 5etermine and contrast t6e components o: a *00 approved aircra:t maintenance pro-ram and a =S0* aircra:t or-ani>ational level maintenance pro-ram (0*I 21/101 8

;cto3er 23, 2012 C68 3 < "aintenance P6ilosop6y ()estions 1 / 10 C68 9 < "aintenance "ana-ement ()estions 1 / 10 0C 120/170 0ppendi$ 1 "aintenance Pro-ram Plannin- 5oc)ment ("S,/2 Learning Outcome - =nderstand and apply t6e policies, practices, and proced)res o: aircra:t maintenance, incl)din- t6e ,eneral, 0ir:rame and Po&erplant criteria speci:ied in *00 0dvisory Circ)lars 0C4!/.0, 0C4!/120, and 0C4!/1!08 =nderstand and eval)ate t6e vario)s elements o: t6e "aintenance Steerin- ,ro)p ("S, pro-ram and 6o& t6ey relate to lar-e aircra:t maintenance pro-ram development8 ;cto3er 30, 2012 See t6e *0?@s and 0dvisory Circ)lars listed a3ove )nder A;t6er S)--ested S)pplemental "aterialsB, *0? Part 19! 0rticle / AT6e ?ole o: t6e *00B Learning Outcome - ?eco-ni>e and assess t6e e::ects o: *00, *ederal 0viation ?e-)lations (*0?S , #nvironmental, and ot6er -overnment re-)lations on maintenance operations carried o)t 3y man):act)rers, carriers, ,eneral 0viation, repair :acilities, corporate aviation and military operations8 Covem3er 4, 2012 M DTERM RE! E" 0rticle / 0n Intro to 0ircra:t Di:eCycle and Inte-rated S)pport "ana-ement 0rticle / T6e Principles o: ?elia3ility (? , "aintaina3ility (" , and ?elia3ility Centered "aintenance (?C" Learning Outcome - Compre6end and analy>e t6e nat)re o: :ail)re and t6e concept o: ?elia3ility Centered "aintenance (?C" , &6ic6 is common to 3ot6 civil and =S military aircra:t maintenance pro-rams8 Identi:y "aintenance Control 3y ?elia3ility "et6ods and ot6er per:ormance 3ased metrics in order to determine 6o& t6ey apply to t6e mana-ement o: a partic)lar aircra:t maintenance or-ani>ation and 6o& t6ese principles can promote cost savin-s8 Covem3er 13,2012 M DTERM E#AM 0*I 21/101 0rticle / T6e Str)ct)re and *)nctions o: 0viation "aintenance ;r-ani>ations Learning Outcome - ?eco-ni>e t6e or-ani>ational str)ct)re o: a typical aircra:t maintenance or-ani>ation and t6e met6od 3y &6ic6 it is inte-rated into t6e overall corporation8 Covem3er 20, 2012 C68 1 < "aintenance 5ata Collection ()estions 1 / 10 0rticle < Comp)teri>ed 0ircra:t "aintenance Systems Learning Outcome - 5etermine maintenance record 'eepin- and doc)mentation reE)irements and )nderstand t6e le-al and et6ical rami:ications o: *00 and =S military reE)ired maintenance doc)mentation8 Covem3er 27, 2012 C68 ! < %)man *actors in "aintenance and Inspection ()estions 1 / 10 0rticle < %)man *actors and Sa:ety Considerations in 0ircra:t Systems C68 7 < T6e Tec6nician C6allen-e

Learning Outcome - =nderstand and apply t6e reE)irements o: an aviation sa:ety pro-ram to a maintenance or-ani>ation, incl)din- *00, #P0, ;S%0, and ot6er applica3le :ederal, state and local re-)lations8 1 5ecem3er 9, 2012 C68 4 < 0-in- 0ircra:t ()estions 1 / 10 0rticle < T6e 0-in- 0ircra:t Pro3lem Case St)dies $ NAL RE! E" Learning Outcome - =nderstand civil and =S military a-in- aircra:t p6ilosop6ies and demonstrate 6o& t6ey relate to cost trade/o::s as &ell as t6eir e::ect on ;perational 0vaila3ility (0o and ot6er :leet per:ormance metrics8 5ecem3er 11, 2012 St)dent ;ral reports/Presentations $ NAL E#AM

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