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Self-study UNIT 3 B

Judging by appearances - Vocabulary. 1.Look at these dialogues. Which one refers to appearance ? Which one refers to personality ? 1. Whats he like? Hes really friendly. 2. What does she look like? Shes tall. 2. Put the adjectives into the correct category: personality (P) or appearance (A). bald blonde dark easy going good-looking grey-haired kind outgoing sensible sensitive short slim sociable tanned trendy 3. Match each sentence with an adjective of appearance . 1. She always wears the latest fashions. 2. He loves the sun. He spends all weekends at the beach. 3. Shes almost 2 metres , with really long legs. 4. He used to have thick hair but he hasnt got much now. A) bald B) blonde C)dark D)goodlooking 5. She swims every day.There isnt an extra gram of fat on her. (E) greyhaired 6. He looks Spanish, with brown hair and brown eyes. (F) short 7. Shes 50 now,and her hair isnt brown like it used to be. (G) slim 8. He looks like a film star. Hes very attractive. (H) tall 9. Her hair looks like Marilyn Monroes. (I ) tanned 10. Hes 1 metre 68. Most football players are much taller. (J) trendy

ANSWER SHEET. 1. Dialogue 1 personality Dialogue 2 appearance 2. bald (A) blonde (A) dark (A) easy going (P) good-looking (A) grey-haired (A) kind (P) outgoing (P) sensible (P) sensitive (P) short (A) slim (A) sociable (P) tanned (A) trendy (A) 3. A) 4 B) 9 C) 6 D)8 E) 7 F) 10 G)5 H) 3 I) 2 J) 1

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