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Hierarchic: 4 Main Ideas


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2008 Edwin Ellis, All Rights Reserved Published by Makes Sense Strategies, LLC, !rth"!rt, AL www#MakesSenseStrategies#$!%


Mary Anne Wells

Is about



The Direct Instruction Model

Main idea Main idea

A model that uses teacher demonstration and explanation combined with student practice and feedback to help learners acquire well-defined knowledge and skills needed for later learning.
Main idea Main idea





Identify a Topic: this model is best suited for teaching procedural skills Specify Learning Objectives: 1) Conceptual Knowledge 2) procedural skills Prepare Examples and Problems: Examples are essential for helping students initially understand the skill, and problems are what students need for practice to develop automaticity and promote transfer

Introduction and Review: The teacher introduces the lesson and reviews prior knowledge Presentation: the new skill is presented, explained, and illustrated with high-quality examples Guided Practice: students practice the skill under the teachers guidance Independent Practice: students practice the skill on their own

Students are given problems that they must solve on their own. The wording in problems used for assessments must not be too similar to that used in instruction, because students my simply display their ability to memorize a set of procedure rather than demonstrate genuine understanding.

The direct instruction model motivates students through: Helping students be successful in learning activities Creating a sense of challenge in students Using personalized and concrete examples Involving students in learning activities

So what? What is important to understand about this?

The direct instruction model is useful for teaching students topics that require procedural skills; students will acquire conceptual knowledge and procedural skills through the teachers presentation, guided practice, and independent practice.

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