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Hierarchic: 4 Main Ideas


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2008 Edwin Ellis, All Rights Reserved Published by Makes Sense Strategies, LLC, !rth"!rt, AL www#MakesSenseStrategies#$!%


Mary Anne Wells

Is about



Problem Based Models

Main idea Main idea

Problem based modes are a set of teaching models that uses problems as the focus for developing problem-solving skills, content, and self-regulation.
Main idea Main idea





Identify a Topic: pick a topic that does not have specific characteristics like finding areas of irregular figures or designing experiments. Specify Learning Objectives: two kinds: content (ex: areas of irregular figures) and developmental (selfdirection, problem solving skills) Identify Problems: choose problems that are clear, concrete, and personalized. Determine if students have enough prior knowledge to solve the problem. Access Materials: determine the materials needed to solve the problem.

Review and Present Problem: Review the prior knowledge needed to solve the problem then present the problem itself. Form groups. Devise a Strategy: use judgment to provide enough guidance to prevent your students from floundering, but not too much to keep them from learning. Implement the Strategy: allow the groups to work independently, but provide scaffolding. Discuss and Evaluate Results: Ask the students to evaluate the validity of their results. Clarify misconceptions.

Formative: Informally assess the students prior knowledge before presenting the problem Monitor group work to ensure that everyone is on task and not floundering too much. Summative: Make the assessment line up with the learning objectives.

Problem based models motivate students through: Peer interaction Sense of the unknown Challenge Adds variety Promotes curiosity and interest Student involvement

So what? What is important to understand about this?

The problem based models motivate students through providing a challenge that helps students develop problem-solving skills, content and self-regulation as they solve the problem.

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