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Elvia E.

Lpez Carrin

To who could interest:

I have the pleasure of going to his company I called the attention the opportunity of employment that vacancy. It would be a great experience for me to offer to them all my knowledge acquired as student in the University of the Sacred Heart, I rely on the knowledge, aptitudes, to assume new challenges, well also to develop and comply with his aims and goals. I am prepared for the above mentioned demands according to his specifications for the position that is urgent in his company as student I realize very well in my academic works and feel capable of learning, of developing and elaborating new functions according to his company need it. For my academic years I have big opportunities of employment that they have help me develop as professional. These help me to take responsibility, organization, punctuality, dedication and seriousness with everything what it could elaborate and from help to his company. Additional I had the opportunity to get out of realize inside the means thanks to the works that it elaborates in the university as: Producer, Director, Camerawoman, Lights, Sound, Coordinator of Floor, Actress, between others. It would be a great opportunity for me to be integrating to join to the mass media and have the privilege of serving him with my capacity and maturity. I have the whole disposition to learn new strategies and methods for the benefit of his company and to be a part of a great equipment of work. Attached I include my summarize I hope to take my skills and performance consideration. Thank you for your time and dedication.


Elvia E. Lpez Carrin

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