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(2 bad guys enter the scene) Bad guy1: The Solar Eclipse will take place soon.

We have to prepare. Call the master. Bad guy2: aster! aster! Come "uick!

(Their Master enters) Bad Boss: What is it# Bad guy2: The Solar Eclipse is comming. Bad Boss: $t last% with Solar Eclipse i will get unlimited power. Soon i will call the dragon and rule the world. B&$'$'$'$ (Evil characters leave, a good spirit enters) Earth spirit: ( )eel evil )orce. The Eclipse is comming. ( have to )ly and warn power rangers. There isn*t much time le)t. (The Spirit leaves, Power Rangers enter,they do the training, stretching etc.) +ed: ,- rangers% time )or our practice. .ellow: ( )eel good today. /reen: .eah% lets start already. (The Spirit enters) Earth spirit: +angers! There*s a great danger% we need your help. 0ink: Who are you# Earth Spirit: (*m the spirit o) the earth% please listen to me. 0ink: What happened# Tell us "uickly. Earth spirit: stop him. aster is trying to call the dragon during the Solar Eclipse. .ou have to

Blue: The ancient dragon. We can*t let him do that. 0ink: We have to help her and stop him. Blue: 1uick spirit o) the earth% lead us to the (Rangers leave, Evil characters enter) aster: .es! The Eclipse has come! 2ragon% i*m calling you! aster. 2on*t worry% we will de)eat him.

(Rangers enter starting ro! the green one and they introduce the!selves) Blue: /ive up aster: 3E4E+! +ed: +angers% attack. (There"s a ight, everyone alls to the ground e#cept Master) aster: ( won. +ed: Evil never wins aster. +angers% let*s unite our power. aster6 aster. (t is over.

5+angers stand up and overcome

aster: 3ooooo! (*m losing control over the dragon. 3ooooooo! (Enters the dragon and eats Master)

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