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Name: ___________________________________

Felix Reyes, Kirk Easterson, and Arland Edwards

Technology In Music
What is Technology? Why is this so important to know?
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The Wonders of Technology!

I. How Can Teachers Use Technology to Support Effective Instruction?
Classrooms are slowly being equipped with __________. Its becoming the new standard. There is less chance for failure in ____________, and practices are becoming __________________. This includes taking ___________, keeping track of _________, contacting ____________, staying updat ed on information, maintaining students attention, etc. Consider the time saved from not writing notes on the board, and then not erasing them. Files such as _____________presentations, ______ documents, and ______ workbooks help use time to its full po tential. Teachers can also work on _________ at any place on their own time. This luxury is becoming the __________. If one was to say propose this just 20 years ago, they would be denied and most likely laughed at. Through devices such as _________, ______, and ________, classroom attention and participation are easier to maintain. Teachers wont have to worry about the children in the back not being able to ______ the lesson, or people not bein g able to _____ the board, or having _______ handwriting. Sharing these documents has become easier as well, for it only requires a few clicks. Specifications for Standards in Music Technology are listed in each level for:
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II. How Can Modern Technology Benefit Children in a Music Classroom Setting?
A _________document is different than a __________ document. Although concepts are the same, it is almost impossible to lose a digital copy. One must make it a point to lose a digital copy, students wont have an excuse for not hav ing work! But on an optimistic note, it allows for less __________ in communication. ________________________ can be more easily met, as teachers can share and discuss presentations. Specifically when reviewing for standardized tests, or just for teaching in general. Children with ______________ have many more possibilities. These advancements are making their disabilities less of an issue, and can accommodate to their special needs. This is called ___________________. Magnification is possible, presentation colors can be edited, volumes can be changed, and a teachers voice can even be amplified. There are even more possibilities, depending on the child. But this allows for a classroom where these children can feel as equals, or feel that they are a burden. Recently trending, ________________ are slowly making themselves known. ______________ High School made the transition just three years ago. Since then, many other schools have tried this experimental teaching method. The students _______________ at home or on their own time, and then do the projects, exercises, or lab experiments during class. This allows for better _________________. Although still in the early stages, many studies have been done on online classes that show positive results.

III. How Can Technology Improve Education as a Whole?

As stated before, ____________ was once breakthrough technology. The teacher must deal with the world constantly ___________. To ignore this force is simply not possible. It is an educators __________ _ to stay up to date, and to utilize the technology to the full potential. Companies such as ___________ are helping teachers stay as informed as possible on their product. Technology is trending. __________ and __________ are noticing this and are pushing forward. ______ for smartphone or tablets have a created a huge market, and have opened up many jobs. Technology also requires more maintenance, so a proficient maintenance crew must be hired. This will open up new fields of study in schools, and help develop students interests in a broader sense. The ________________________ issues many grants each year to schools and businesses that _____________ to educational technology. These can help with the funding for these new jobs, and also act as incentive.

What might be some reasons as to why teachers use technology in the classroom?
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The Horrors of Technology!

I. How does using Music Technology affect traditional instruction and possibly moral ethics?
As technology begins to become more and more incorporated into classrooms, the need to learn how to use these tools becomes a necessity. _____________________ , is a widely accepted practice that most students and adults learn best in. This also affects traditional practices of teaching and can disrupt their ____________________ thinking process as it restricts how students can communicate in a social environment. One of the biggest things however is having that sense of ____________________ , where guests can come into your class and observe either the students or teachers. This is now being replaced with applications such as __________________ , _____________________ , or __________________________________ .

II. How can technology hinder the classroom experience from both a students and teachers perspective?
There are some ways in which technology can give disadvantages to the learning environment from both a students and teachers perspective. Being able to know how to operate certain __________________ and ____________________ can lead to slowing down effective teaching in the classroom. If there were ______________________ technological issues that could also slow down class time. Some students maybe cant ______________ modern computer technologies. Instructors and student need the proper _________________ to learn how to use online technology. This can lead to the possibility of _________________ on tests and quizzes and ultimately technology can even make it difficult to __________________ , ____________________________ , and ___________________________ students.

III. How does technology affect the educational system?

In order to use technology most successfully in the classroom, teachers need to undergo a _______________________________ , a new way of presenting and thinking about music learning and instruction. This allows students to be evaluated not just as a whole group, but individually based on _____________________ , _________________________ , __________________ , and ____________________________ . This really allows teachers to view their students individually and learn what one particular person may be struggling at and vise versa.

In your overall opinion how do you feel about the use of technology in the classroom? In music? What do you consider to be Pros and Cons of technology in the classroom?

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