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Focus on the Core

Engage, Guide, Challenge Learners

Assess and Adjust

Expand Thinking

SCIENCE/LITERACY UNIT BLUEPRINT Focus: ____Earth & Sun___ KNOWLE !E: Cor" I#"as an# In$or%at&on
W'AT !ENERALI(ATIONS AN KIN S OF KNOWLE !E WILL STU ENTS __12A. ho li!ing things "unction, adapt and change. __12B. ho li!ing things interact ith each other and ith their en!iron#ent. __12C. properties o" #atter and energ$ and the interactions %et een the#. __12 &. "orce and #otion and the principles that explain the#. _'_12E. "eatures and processes o" the Earth and its resources. _'_12F. co#position and structure o" the uni!erse and Earth(s place in it. E)ELOP*

CROSSCUTTINGCONCEPTSOF SCIENCE L&n+ to N", Sc&"nc" Stan#ar#s Patterns Cause and effect Mechanism and explanation Scale, proportion, and quantity Structure and function Systems and system models Energy and matter: Flows, cycles, and conservation Stability and change

Construct BI! &#"as an# -u"st&ons .as"# on th" sc&"nc" stan#ar# an# cross/cutt&n0 conc"1ts2

BI! I#"as )also called *enduring understandings+, The Earth, -un and .oon are all strongl$ connected and ha!e cause and e""ect relationships. Earth and .oon are in regular predicta%le #otion /atterns0 da$s. .onths, seasons, phases o" the #oon INTE!RATE

BI! 3Ess"nt&a45 6u"st&ons 1h$ do e ha!e da$ and night2 1h$ do e ha!e seasons2 1hat is ti#e and ho do e #easure it2

LITERACY E)ELOP7ENT: Anchor R"a#&n0 Stan#ar#s

__CC--31 R"a# c4os"48 to deter#ine hat the text sa$s "914&c&t48 and to #ake 4o0&ca4 &n$"r"nc"s "ro# it4 c&t" s1"c&$&c t"9tua4 ":&#"nc" hen riting or speaking to su11ort conc4us&ons #ra,n $ro% th" t"9t. _' CC--32. "t"r%&n" c"ntra4 &#"as or the#es o" a text and anal$5e their de!elop#ent4 su%%ar&;" th" +"8 su11ort&n0 #"ta&4s an# &#"as2 '_CC--36 Int"0rat" and ":a4uat" content presented in di!erse #edia and "or#ats, including !isuall$ and 7uantitati!el$, as ell as in ords. Standards-Aligned Reading Skills Development: Students will increase ability to __in"er ord #eaning __ su##ari5e __ s$nthesi5e _'_report learning __construct response __co#pare and contrast __ identi"$ and cite e!idence to support an idea or position _'_interpret !isuals __identi"$ and use text structure __anal$5e8in"er causes8e""ects __pre!ie passage8sur!e$ __classi"$ __su##ari5e __s$nthesi5e __co#pare 8contrast __se7uence _'_anal$5e8&n$"r cause9e""ect relations __e!aluate rele!ance _'_deter#ine #ain idea __ _____________________________ __ _________________________________

Center "or :r%an Education ; 2<12

Focus on the Core

Engage, Guide, Challenge Learners

Assess and Adjust

Expand Thinking



E)ELOP7ENT: Wr&t" to L"arn 7or"

R"co%%"n#"#//Anchor Wr&t&n0 Stan#ar# <. 1rite in"or#ati!e8explanator$ texts to exa#ine a topic and con!e$ ideas, concepts, and in"or#ation through the through the selection, organi5ation, and anal$sis o" rele!ant content The explanatory writing standard is recommended because students need to use
the concepts and vocabulary they learn to communicate their new knowledge

1hat "or#ats ill students co#plete so that the$ *think on paper+ a%out the reading and de!elop co##unication a%ilities2
___ journals, notes, learning reports ___la% reports ___report on a science topic, 7uestion, or issue ___CC--11. 1rite ar0u%"nts to su11ort c4a&%s in an ana48s&s o$ su.stant&:" to1&cs or t"9ts using :a4&# r"ason&n0 and rele!ant and su""icient ":&#"nc". ___CC--12. 1rite &n$or%at&:"/"914anator8 texts to "9a%&n" an# con:"8 co%14"9 &#"as and in"or#ation clearl$ and accuratel$ through the "$$"ct&:" s"4"ct&on= or0an&;at&on= an# ana48s&s o$ cont"nt. ___CC--1= 1rite narrat&:"s to de!elop real or i#agined experiences or e!ents us&n0 "$$"ct&:" t"chn&-u"= ,"44/chos"n #"ta&4s= an# ,"44/structur"# ":"nt s"-u"nc"s2

!lick here "or !!SS #riting Standards "or your grade:

> 1 2 = ? @ A 6 B

LEARNIN! ASSESS7ENT For%at&:" Ass"ss%"nts to identi"$ student progress and needs on a dail$ and8or
eekl$ %asis. __#ake glossar$ __dail$ journal __learning report __ eekl$ su##ar$ __graphic organi5er __illustrate text __respond to 7uestions ith e!idence __ rite ith acade#ic !oca%ular$ __student9 ritten 7uestions and ans ers __constructed response __student de#onstrates

__ ______________________________________ __ ______________________________________

Su%%at&:" Ass"ss%"nt At co#pletion o" unit, student ill de#onstrate independent

co#petence in the "ollo ing product)s,0 __ ritten report __de#onstration __presentation __displa$ __%ooklet __illustrated guide

__data anal$sis ith explanation %ased on text and experi#ents

__ _________________________________________________________ __ _________________________________________________________

Center "or :r%an Education ; 2<12

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