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Oakland Schools Curriculum Unit Plan ELA Ninth Grade Unit 2: Reading Fiction Strategicall

Unit 2: Reading Fiction Strategically Teaching Points

!" Readers monitor their understanding# and the use strategies to check and $i% their understanding: the notice &hen the te%t is not making sense# the sto' and ask (uestions &hen con$used# the re)read to clari$ their con$usion# and the 'redict &hat &ill ha''en ne%t" 2" Readers kno& ho& stories are structured and the use this kno&ledge to 'redict and summari*e +e$ore# during# and a$ter reading" ," Readers use strategies to understand the 'ur'ose or meaning o$ the stor " -he identi$ im'ortant details and connect those details throughout a stor " ." Readers kno& three truths a+out characters in a stor : the &ant something# the change or do not change# and there/s a cost" 0" Readers use sound com'rehension strategies and their understanding o$ te%t structures to connect stor details and understand author/s 'ur'ose" 1" Readers a''l &hat the kno& a+out a 'articular 'oint in histor to understand the conte%t o$ the stor " 2" Readers +uild meaning as the identi$ stor elements in Part ! o$ the stor 3s'eaker# setting# character# 'ro+lem and &ant# character relationshi's# +ack stories4" 5" Readers consider &hat is re6ealed through the stor elements and structure in order to make 'redictions a+out &hat ha''ens a$ter 'art one" 7" Readers learn a+out characters $rom their relationshi's &ith others" !8" Readers learn a+out characters through the 'ro+lems the $ace" Readers use &hat has +een re6ealed 're6iousl to 'redict &hat &ill ha''en in Part ," !!" Readers learn a+out characters + e%amining ho& the deal &ith the 'ro+lem" !2" Readers consider the stor as a &hole to understand theme" !," Readers connect to other te%ts# other genres# and their &orld" !." Readers make 'ersonal connections to literature"

Session 1 Sel$)9onitoring o$ Com'rehension

:-o read &ithout re$lecting is like eating &ithout digesting"; )Edmund <urke Preparation Pre'are co'ies o$ an a''ro'riate short stor " 3=e &ill use :-he Secret Li$e o$ =alter 9itt ; + >ames -hur+er as our sam'le# &hich is $ound in most anthologies and is also a6aila+le on se6eral &e+sites" See htt':??&&&"all) stor "com?issues"cgi@actionAsho&Bstor Cstor BidA!884 Pre'are a co' o$ that short stor that the &hole class can see at once" O'tional: 're'are co'ies o$ the da /s ins'irational (uote" Further resources can +e $ound in: Mosaic of Thought + Susan Dimmerman and Ellin Oli6er Eeene# or at htt':??&&&"greece"k!2"n "us?instruction?ela?1)!2?reading?Reading F28Strategies?reci'rocalF28teaching"htm

Teaching Point

Readers use strategies to monitor and fix their understanding. They 1. notice when the text is not ma ing sense. 2. stop and as !uestions. ". re#read to clarify confusions. $. predict what will happen next. Re6ie& the lesson connection and teaching 'oint" Remind students that &hen readers are not com'rehending# se6eral things ma +e ha''ening: the ma +e Gust reading the &ords on the 'age# getting distracted and thinking o$ other things# not making an sense o$ and?or not 6isuali*ing &hat the are reading# etc" Good readers are a+le to clari$ &hen the summari*e# re) read# identi$ im'ortant details# and connect the details" 9odel reading &ith a 'en" o Read the stor # making our thinking e6ident and marking on a te%t that all can see" Read onl the $irst 'art o$ the stor and underline details that seem to +e im'ortant to the stor " o <racket the $irst 'art o$ the stor &here the character/s 'ro+lem is re6ealed and la+el &ith a summar o$ &hat ha''ens in that 'art o Put a star in the margin &here ou sto''ed to (uestion# clari$ # or 'redict" =rite the (uestion# the clari$ication# or 'rediction"

%cti&e 'ngagement

(ndependent Practice

Students continue reading the stor &ith a 'en and marking their co'ies &ith the same +eha6iors"


<e$ore the end o$ the hour# students turn to a 'artner and share the 'laces &here the sto''ed to (uestion# clari$ or 'redict" -he talk a+out their con$usions and the 'rocess o$ ho& the resol6ed them" Students might +e asked to re'ort out to the class" N?A

)omewor * 'xtension %ssessment

Points might +e gi6en $or an annotated te%t"

Session 2 -hree Parts o$ an Engaging Stor

:=e lo6e to e%'ect# and &hen e%'ectation is either disa''ointed or grati$ied# &e &ant to +e again e%'ecting"; HSamuel >ohnson Preparation Pre'are the models o$ stories that are &ritten in Gust a $e& &ords $rom Wired 9aga*ine online or another suita+le source: 3-he are listed +elo& in the Acti6e Engagement +o%"4 Pre'are student co'ies o$ Stuart I +ek/s :Flu; $rom Micro Fiction: An Anthology of really Short Stories" Pre'are co'ies o$ Allen =oodman/s J=alletJ $rom Micro Fiction: An Anthology of Really Short Stories. Additional resource $or sam'les o$ short stories in onl a $e& &ords: htt':??&&&"&ired"com?&ired?archi6e?!."!!?si%&ords"html Additional resource on the three act structure: htt':??&&&"musik) thera'ie"at?PederKill?StructureCPlot"htm 9icro $iction e%am'les: Micro Fiction: An Anthology of Fifty Really Short Stories, edited + >erome Stern or 6arious &e+sites &ith a &ide range o$ stories"


Ln the $irst unit Launching the Readers/ Writers Note oo!# students 'racticed some +asic elements o$ +uilding stories" Ln the last session# the learned reading strategies" Ln this session# the &ill +uild o$$ o$ this kno&ledge as the e%'lore stor elements and structure in micro $iction# short stor # and a no6el later in the unit"

Teaching Point

Readers now how stories are structured and they use this nowledge to predict and summari,e -efore. during. and after reading. Re6ie& the lesson connection and teaching 'oint" Iis'la these models o$ stories that are &ritten in Gust a $e& &ords $rom Wired 9aga*ine online or $rom another suita+le source o$ our choosing: /ost. then found. Too -ad. HGraeme Gi+son Failed S%T. /ost scholarship. (n&ented roc et. H =illiam Shatner /onged for him. 0ot him. 1Shoot.2 H9argaret At&ood" 3Edited $or school and age a''ro'riatenessM it &as Gust too good to 'ass this e%am'le u'"4 3asted day. 3asted life. 4essert. please. HSte6en 9eret*k

%cti&e 'ngagement

-hese are reall 'lot summaries o$ a &hole stor in Gust a $e& &ords . and these e%am'les ha6e# as all stories do# three relati6el 'redicta+le 'arts: a 'ro+lem or desire# a character/s attem't to deal &ith the 'ro+lem or desire# and a resolution to the 'ro+lem"

(ndependent Practice

Students turn to a 'artner and summari*e# in Gust a $e& &ords# a stor the /6e read or a mo6ie or -N sho& the /6e seen latel # like the sam'les a+o6e" Se6eral 'airs re'ort out their e%am'les $or discussion to illustrate the 'ro+lem# the character/s attem't to deal &ith the 'ro+lem or desire# and the resolution" L$ time 'ermits# students in6ent their o&n three)'art stories in Gust a $e& sentences and share &ith a 'artner" Gi6e the suggestion to &rite the three 'arts o$ a lo6e stor or a detecti6e stor +ecause the are 'redicta+le genres" Students re'ort out"

%cti&e 'ngagement

Iistri+ute co'ies o$ the micro $iction 'iece :Flu"; 9odel ho& a reader reads and disco6ers the three 'arts o$ a stor as ou +racket# la+el each o$ the three 'arts o$ :Flu#; and &rite a 6er +rie$ summar o$ each 'art" Iistri+ute co'ies o$ :=allet; and ha6e students &ork in 'airs to +racket the three 'arts# la+el# and &rite a +rie$ 3three sentence4 summar o$ :=allet"; Students share their di6isions and la+eling o$ :=allet; &ith a 'artner# noting an di$$erences" Students re'ort out a $e& o$ their ans&ers to the class as the teacher makes an necessar adGustments in thinking"

(ndependent Practice Share

)omewor * 'xtension %ssessment


Points could +e gi6en $or identi$ ing the three 'arts o$ the stor and +rie$l summari*ing &hat ha''ens in each section in :=allet";

Session " Ldenti$ ing and Connecting Lm'ortant Ietails

:<e&are o$ the man &ho &on/t +e +othered &ith details"; )=illiam Feather Preparation +onnection <e sure that students ha6e co'ies o$ :Flu; and :-he =allet : $rom Session 2" Pre'are co'ies o$ the Gar Soto/s :Fear#; on 'age 07 $rom his +ook Li"ing #$ the Street and Ron =allace/s :=orr ; on 'age 28 $rom Micro Fiction: An Anthology of Really Short Stories. O'tional: Pre'are co'ies o$ the ins'irational (uote"

Ln esterda /s lesson# students identi$ied three 'arts o$ an engaging stor " -oda # the &ill learn to identi$ im'ortant details in a stor to understand the meaning in the te%t" Readers use strategies to understand the purpose or meaning of the story. They identify important details and connect those details throughout a story. Re6ie& the lesson connection and teaching 'oint" E%'lain that im'ortant details are actions# dialogue# or descri'tion that re6eals the e6ent" Lt might re6eal character or moti6ation" Re6ie& :-he =allet"; Point out ho& details like :-ired o$ losing his &allet to 'ick'ockets#; :All 'earl no o ster#; :the $ather running to&ard an e%it# and laughing &hile elling to dri6e $ast; all add u' to tell the reader a+out a man &ho is ha6ing $un getting +ack at the 'ick'ockets &ho ha6e caused him grie$ in the 'ast" L$ time 'ermits# return to :Flu; and re)read it# looking $or im'ortant details that re6eal meaning" Lm'ortant details that hel' the reader understand include the $ollo&ing: ho& Fa e has changed 'h sicall # Aldo/s comment# :E6er +od should get so sick#; and Aldo/s ans&er# :Lt all started &ith the $lu; are all im'ortant details that hel' the reader to understand the meaning o$ this micro $iction 'iece" -ogether# these details tell us that Fa e/s sudden 'h sical trans$ormation made Aldo take notice o$ her and e6entuall $all in lo6e &ith her" Iistri+ute co'ies o$ :Fear; and do an interacti6e read o$ the $irst third or so" Sto' at the ke details and discuss" %o& do you !no& its i'$ortant( All e6ents# actions# and dialogue are not created e(ual" Good readers notice im'ortant details as the read" 3See annotated teacher/s co' $or sam'le"4

Teaching Point %cti&e 'ngagement

(ndependent Practice

Students continue to read :Fear; and identi$ im'ortant details that the then highlight or underline as the read"


Students share their highlighting or underlining" 3-his could +e done in 'airs or as a &hole class"4 -he then connect the details to tr and disco6er &hat the meaning or 'ur'ose o$ the stor is" Students re'ort out ho& connecting the details hel'ed them to understand the meaning or the author/s 'ur'ose" Iistri+ute co'ies o$ :=orr ; and ha6e students read and underline im'ortant details" -he then connect the ke details in order to $igure out the meaning or 'ur'ose o$ the stor and &rite it in a sentence or t&o" Points might +e gi6en $or an annotated te%t"

)omewor * 'xtension


Session $ -hree -ruths a+out Characters

:Ln nearl all good $iction# the +asic)all +ut inesca'a+le)'lot $orm is: A character &ants something# goes a$ter it des'ite o''osition 3'erha's including his o&n dou+ts4# and so arri6es at a &in# lose# or dra&"; H>ohn Gardner Preparation +onnection <e sure that students ha6e their stories $rom 're6ious sessions: :-he Secret Li$e o$ =alter 9itt ; and :=orr "; Pre'are co'ies o$ a third short stor " 3=e &ill use :So L Ain/t No Good Girl# : + Sharon Flake $rom Who A' ) Without %i'(* O'tional: 're'are co'ies o$ the da /s ins'irational (uote"

Ln Sessions 2 and ,# students learned the three 'arts o$ a stor and ho& to connect ke details to determine author/s 'ur'ose" Ln order to understand more a+out common stor elements# students &ill learn a+out &hat characters in all stories ha6e in common" Readers now three truths a-out characters in a story: !" 2. ". they want something they change or do not change there is a cost and they pay a price. Re6ie& the lesson connection and teaching 'oint" Return to the stor used in Session !" -he teacher lists the details $rom the Session ! stor that re6eal &hat the character &ants# ho& the change 3or do not change4# and &hat the cost is $or the character" Ln 'airs# students return to Session 2/s micro $iction 'iece :=orr ; and identi$ the &ant# the change and the cost in that stor " -he re'ort out in a class discussion" Students read a ne& stor " 3=e &ill use :So L Ain/t No Good Girl";4 -he identi$ the character/s &ant# e6idence o$ change or the lack thereo$# and the cost" -he circle the details that re6eal these character truths" -he la+el $or each character truth in the margin" 3See annotated te%t"4 Students h 'othesi*e a+out &hat the think the stor is a+out# and the author/s 'ur'ose" 3See annotated te%t"4

Teaching Point

%cti&e 'ngagement

(ndependent Practice


Students share the details the marked and their h 'otheses in a class discussion"

)omewor * 'xtension %ssessment


Points ma +e gi6en $or an annotated te%t &ith a h 'othesis"


Session 5 Lnde'endent Practice: A''l ing Com'rehension Strategies and Eno&ledge o$ -e%t Structure
:-he ans&er is al&a s in the entire stor # not a 'iece o$ it"; H>im Karrison Preparation +onnection Pre'are co'ies o$ the handout :Lnde'endent Practice: A''l ing Com'rehension Strategies and Eno&ledge o$ -e%t Structure; Pre'are co'ies o$ one or more a''ro'riate short stories" O'timall # the teacher 'ro6ides a 6ariet o$ short stories so that students can choose a stor that a''eals to them" Pre'are a co' o$ a teacher model o$ a selected stor $or all students to 6ie&" 3=e &ill use :A CP; + >ohn U'dike $rom &&&" tiger)to&n"com?&hatnot?u'dike?4 O'tional: 're'are co'ies o$ the da /s ins'irational (uote"

Ln Session !# students &ere introduced to reading &ith a 'en" -he used com'rehension strategies as the &orked on summari*ing and $inding ke details $rom the stor " Ln Sessions 2# ,# and .# students &ere introduced to se6eral truths a+out $iction te%ts" Ln this session# the &ill s nthesi*e their learning and a''l it to a ne& te%t" Students &ill read a stor # use reading strategies# anal *e the te%t structure# and identi$ and connect the details to h 'othesi*e the theme and author/s 'ur'ose" Readers use their understanding of text structures to connect story details and understand author6s purpose.

Teaching Point

%cti&e 'ngagement

Re6ie& the lesson connection and teaching 'oint"

Iistri+ute the handout ::Lnde'endent Practice: A''l ing Com'rehension Strategies and Eno&ledge o$ -e%t Structure;
Read :A C P; 3or another suita+le short stor 4 and think aloud as ou go# using reading strategies and 'ointing out maGor stor elements# anal *ing the te%t structure and identi$ ing and connecting details to h 'othesi*e a+out theme and intent"

Use the handout :Lnde'endent Practice: A''l ing Com'rehension Strategies and Eno&ledge o$ -e%t Structure; as a guide $or the reading and annotating"
Lntroduce students to the short stories the can choose $rom# gi6ing enough +ackground so that students &ill +e a+le to choose one that the like"

(ndependent Practice Share

Students read their short stor &ith a 'en# annotating as the go# and then $illing out the accom'an ing handout" Students re'ort out $indings during a class discussion" -he share their disco6eries $rom their handouts"


)omewor * 'xtension %ssessment


Points ma +e gi6en $or a short stor that has +een marked &ith a 'en and a com'leted handout"


Unit 2: Reading Fiction Strategically Session 5: %pplying +omprehension Strategies and 7nowledge of Text Structure Name: Name o$ the short stor ou read:

=hen L &as reading L noticed that L &as con$used &henO Ln order to understand &hat &as going on in the stor LO Please +rie$l summari*e the three 'arts o$ the stor " Part One:

Part -&o:

Part -hree:

=hat does the main character &ant@ Ioes the character change@ L$ s?he does change# ho& does s?he do so@ =hat &as the cost to the character@ =hat themes 3lessons a+out li$e4 are $ound in this stor @ L think that the author/s 'ur'ose $or &riting this stor is:


88Session 9 Kistorical Signi$icance

PP This lesson 'ay e inserted at any $oint during the reading of the no"el that you thin! is a$$ro$riate. :L$ ou &ant to understand toda # ou ha6e to search esterda "; )Pearl S" <uck Preparation +onnection Choose a short no6el to read and stud $or the rest o$ the unit" =e &ill use +f Mice and Men as a model $or this unit" 9ake arrangements $or com'uter or li+rar time in order to do research on the time 'eriod in &hich the no6el ou are going to read &as &ritten and?or is set" Consult &ith the media s'ecialist a+out use$ul &e+sites# data+ases# and re$erence +ooks such as those 'u+lished + the Gale Grou' a+out the time 'eriod" Pre'are a list $or students" Pre'are co'ies o$ the handout :Kistorical Period Research#; adding or deleting categories as a''ro'riate to our no6el" O'tional: Pre'are co'ies o$ toda /s ins'irational (uote"

Ln the $irst $i6e sessions# students 'racticed reading strategies and learned the +asics o$ stor structure" Ln this session# students &ill learn a+out the time 'eriod in &hich the no6el &as set or &as &ritten# to gain insight a+out the author/s 'ur'ose" Readers apply what they now a-out a particular point in history to understand the context of the story. Re6ie& the lesson connection and teaching 'oint" Iiscuss ho& &e Gudge Lnternet Sources $or their relia+ilit " Re$er students to htt':??&&&"li+"+erkele "edu?-eachingLi+?Guides?Lnternet?E6aluate"html $or hel'$ul guidelines" Iescri+e sources that the media s'ecialist and ou ha6e determined to +e hel'$ul $or this lesson" Iistri+ute a list# i$ ou choose" Iistri+ute the research handout" Form students into grou's" Let student grou's choose &hich categor the &ould like to research# making sure that all 'ertinent categories are co6ered"

Teaching Point %cti&e 'ngagement

(ndependent Practice Share

Students research the chosen categor # $illing out the associated section o$ the handout"

Students re'ort out $indings grou' + grou'" Students $ill in the other 'arts o$ the handout as other grou's 'resent" What are so'e generali,ations a out the ti'e $eriod( %o& do you $redict the ti'e $eriod &ill $lay a $art in the no"el &e are a out to read/are


reading/ -ust read( -eacher could 'ro6ide other 'ertinent in$ormation such as +iogra'hical in$ormation on the author or geogra'h "
)omewor * 'xtension %ssessment


Points ma +e gi6en $or a com'leted handout"


Unit 2: Reading Fiction Strategically Session 9: )istorical Period Research Name BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB -he no6el &e are a+out to read is set in BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 3time4 and BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB3'lace4" Please research one o$ the $ollo&ing research categories to 'resent to the class: Em'lo ment and Econom Politics -echnolog ? Lnno6ations 9usic and Art Prominent Peo'le

Fun Facts L$ ou $ind an interesting $acts that do not $all under our categor # 'lease list them at the +ottom"


Session : No6el Eick)o$$

:=hen L used to teach creati6e &riting# L &ould tell the students to make their characters &ant something right a&a )e6en i$ it/s onl a glass o$ &ater" Characters 'aral *ed + the meaninglessness o$ modern li$e still ha6e to drink &ater $rom time to time"; )Eurt Nonnegut Preparation Read the no6el and make decisions a+out a''ro'riate sto''ing 'oints" -hose sto''ing 'oints should coincide &ith the lesson goals &hich are outlined" -he no6el should +e +roken into three 'arts" 3Re$er to Session 2 $or e%'lanations o$ each"4 Iecide ho& much o$ the no6el ou &ill read aloud in this session" Consider ke elements o$ Part ! 3character# setting# con$lict4 that ou &ill 'oint out to students" 3Sessions 2 and 5 are lessons a+out Part ! o$ the no6el" Sessions 7 and !8 are a+out Part 2" Sessions !! is a+out Part , o$ the no6el" Ln our sam'le# +f Mice and Men can +e read in 0 da s" -he teacher &ill need to adGust reading times de'ending on the selected no6el and the length o$ class 'eriods" L$ using +f Mice and Men, it is recommended that this session/s reading# including home&ork# co6er Cha'ter ! o$ the +ook" Pre'are co'ies o$ the handout :-erminolog )Elements o$ an Engaging Stor "; Fill in sam'le :-erminolog )Elements o$ an Engaging Stor ; handout# using one o$ the short stories" Pre'are co'ies o$ the handout :Reading A No6el Strategicall ? Part !"; O'tional: Pre'are co'ies o$ toda /s ins'irational (uote"


Ln the last session# students researched +ackground in$ormation a+out the time 'eriod o$ the no6el" -oda # students &ill a''l the historical +ackground o$ the time as the read the no6el" 3Ln +f Mice and Men# students use their +ackground kno&ledge a+out -he Great Ie'ression to dee'en their reading"4 Imagine a book has 3 parts. Readers -uild meaning as they identify story elements and details in the introductory chapters ;Part 1< of the story ;spea er. setting. character. pro-lem and character moti&ations. relationships. and -ac stories<.

Teaching Point


%cti&e 'ngagement

Re6ie& the lesson connection and teaching 'oint" Iistri+ute :-erminolog )Elements o$ an Engaging Stor ; handout" Students &ill use this as a re$erence" Re6ie& the terms $rom the handout# using one o$ the short stories read in the earlier sessions as a model" Iistri+ute :Reading A No6el Strategicall ? Part !"; E%'lain that students &ill look $or stor elements that re6eal setting# characters# 'oint o$ 6ie&# internal and e%ternal stories# and the con$lict or trou+le that the main character is $aced &ith in Part !" 3Students &ill read Part ! o6er t&o da s# so the handout &ill +e due at the +eginning o$ Session 7"4 <egin reading the no6el aloud# as students $ollo& along" Sto' and do a think) aloud as ou come to a 'oint &here a stor element is re6ealed 3For e%am'le# the $irst three 'aragra'hs in +f Mice and Men are all descri'ti6e te%t a+out the setting"4

(ndependent Practice

Students &ill continue to read the no6el and res'ond to the (uestions on the :Reading A No6el Strategicall ? Part !; handout in their reader/s?&riter/s note+ooks" This &ill e re"ie&ed at the eginning of Session .. 3L$ using +f Mice and Men# an a''ro'riate sto''ing 'oint $or the da is the end o$ Cha'ter !"4 Ln 'airs# students share their $indings a+out the no6el so $ar" Assign the reading $or the night" 3L$ using +f Mice and Men# students should com'lete Cha'ter !"4 Students &ill com'lete as much o$ the :Reading A No6el Strategicall ? Part !; handout as 'ossi+le"

Share )omewor * 'xtension




Unit 2: Reading Fiction Strategically Session :: Terminology#'lements of an 'ngaging Story Re6ie& the de$initions o$ the literar elements listed +elo&" Ln our Reader/s? =riter/s Note+ook# identi$ these stor elements in the stor as ou read it" Consider the signi$icance o$ each"

Point of &iew: the 'ers'ecti6e $rom &hich the stor

is told" -he 'erson &ho narrates the

stor is called the s'eaker" !st 'erson 'oint o$ 6ie& is &hen a character narrates the stor " -he ad6antage o$ this 'oint o$ 6ie& is that the reader sees and hears the thoughts o$ the narrator and sees the &orld de'icted through his or her e es. -his t 'e o$ narrator uses the 'ronouns :L#; :me#; and :m ; to tell the stor " ,rd 'erson 'oint o$ 6ie& is that o$ an outside narrator looking at the action" -he &riter ma choose third $erson o'niscient, in &hich the thoughts o$ e6er character are o'en to the reader# or third/$erson li'ited, in &hich the reader enters onl one characterQs mind# either throughout the entire &ork or in a s'eci$ic section" -hird)'erson limited di$$ers $rom $irst)'erson +ecause the authorQs 6oice# not the characterQs 6oice# is &hat ou hear in the descri'ti6e 'assages"

Setting: the time and 'lace in &hich a stor


Three#part story structure: most stories contain three recogni*a+le 'arts"

0art +ne esta+lishes the relationshi's +et&een the characters" -he reader learns a+out setting# characters# 'oint o$ 6ie&# internal and e%ternal stories# and the con$lict or trou+le that the main character is $aced &ith" 0art T&o sho&s the characters li6ing in the &orld" -he action o$ the 'lot dee'ens the reader/s understanding o$ the characters" Ln a no6el# the reader +egins to understand multi'le la ers o$ the 'lot" 0art Three e%'oses the decisions and choices the main character makes" -he reader can make conclusions a+out the character and the stor /s message a+out the human e%'erience"

Pro-lem* +onflict: the struggle +et&een the o''osing $orces on &hich the action in a &ork
o$ literature de'ends" -he resolution to the con$lict can +e accom'lished i$ the 'ro+lem is sol6ed# the character reali*es or learns or acce'ts something# or the character $orces a change on the societ in &hich s?he li6es"


$ictional 'eo'le &ho are in the stor " -his is argua+l the most im'ortant o$ the literar elements" =e learn a+out characters through their internal and e%ternal stories" )nternal story is told through the character/s thoughts 3e"g"# +elie$s# &ants# and need4" 12ternal story is &hat the reader can :see; or :hear; 3e"g"# dialogue# +eha6iors# 'h sical descri'tions4"


Unit 2: Reading Fiction Strategically Session :: Reading a =o&el Strategically* Part 1 Res'ond to these (uestions a+out Part ! o$ the no6el in our Reader/s? =riter/s Note+ook" !" =hat is the 'oint o$ 6ie& in this stor @ 2" =hat is the e$$ect o$ that choice@ ," List a ke detail $rom Part !" ." =hat is the setting@ 0" =h is the setting a''ro'riate@ 1" Ldenti$ a sentence or 'assage that is im'ortant to re6ealing setting" 2" =hat did ou learn in 'art one a+out the main character@ 5" =hat does the main character &ant $or him)?hersel$ or $or others@ 7" Ioes s?he cause the trou+le $or her)?himsel$ or others@ !8" =hat conclusions can ou dra& a+out the character@ !!" Io ou trust the main character@ =h or &h not@ !2" =ould ou &ant him? her as a $riend@ =h or &h not@


Unit2: Reading Fiction Strategically Session :: Reading a =o&el Strategically* Part 1 sample using >So ( %in6t =o 0ood 0irl? Res'ond to these (uestions a+out Part ! o$ the no6el in our Reader/s? =riter/s note+ook" !" =hat is the 'oint o$ 6ie& in this stor @ !st 'erson 2" =hat is the e$$ect o$ that choice@ Lt allo&s us to see her thinking a+out her situation" Lt allo&s us to see ho& she makes decisions and ho& she 6ie&s hersel$" ," List a ke detail $rom Part !" =hat does it re6eal@ :<ut L hate Rem Gust the same# mostl Rcause that girl &ith the red hair and gra e es looks like the girl Raheem once le$t me $or"; -his sho&s the character is +ack &ith a +o $riend &ho has cheated on her" ." =hat is the setting@ Lt/s at the +us sto'# &aiting to go to school" 0" =h is the setting a''ro'riate@ -here is +ound to +e some kind o$ con$lict &hen teenaged +o s and girls are alone together on a dail +asis" 1" Ldenti$ a sentence or 'assage that is im'ortant to re6ealing setting" :9e and them girls +een standing on the same corner &aiting $or the same +us $or a ear no&# and L don/t kno& their names"; 2" =hat did ou learn in Part ! a+out the main character@ Other 'eo'le sa +ad things a+out her# +ut she doesn/t &ant to +e a good girl" She has de6oted hersel$ to a +o $riend &ho cheats on her and treats her &ith disres'ect" 5" =hat does the main character &ant $or him)?hersel$ or $or others@ She &ants the undi6ided attention and $aith$ulness o$ Raheem" 7" Ioes s?he cause trou+le $or her)?himsel$ or others@ She doesn/t cause his 'oor +eha6ior# +ut she tolerates +eing treated +adl " !8" =hat conclusions can ou dra& a+out the character@ She has lo& sel$)esteem# as i$ the 'oor treatment is deser6ed" !!" Io ou trust the main character@ =h or &h not@ L trust that she is +eing honest# since she admits em+arrassing things" !2" =ould ou &ant him? her as a $riend@ =h or &h not@ 3Ans&ers ma 6ar " For e%am'le# students might sa something like: Ses# +ecause L could hel' her"4 No# she lacks sel$)res'ect" Lt &ould +e 6er $rustrating to deal &ith as she &ould al&a s make 'oor decisions and under6alue hersel$"


Session @ Summari*ing and Predicting

:A nice +lend o$ 'rediction and sur'rise seem to +e at the heart o$ the +est art"; H=end Carlos Preparation Read to $ind an a''ro'riate sto''ing 'oint $or the da " < the end o$ Part !# the reader understands the setting# the characters# the 'oint o$ 6ie&# the internal and e%ternal stories# and some o$ the con$licts" 3Ln +f Mice and Men# Part ! can +e said to end at the end o$ Cha'ter 2# as George and Lennie are hired on to the $arm and the ha6e met all o$ the main characters"4 Pre'are co'ies and an o6erhead o$ the :Reading Summar Checklist; handout" Pre'are co'ies o$ a summar o$ a short stor read earlier in the unit that contains the $eatures listed on the reading summar checklist" Pre'are co'ies o$ the :Lm'ortant Tuotations $rom the No6el; chart" 3Sou ma choose to create an o6erhead onl # so students can co' the chart in their Reader/s? =riter/s note+ooks instead o$ using the handout"4 O'tional: 're'are co'ies o$ the da /s ins'irational (uote"


Ln the last session# students +egan reading the no6el to learn a+out the main characters# setting# and 'ro+lems" < the end o$ this session# the &ill look +ack o6er their reading to make 'redictions a+out &hat Part 2 o$ the no6el &ill hold $or the characters as the mo6e around in the &orld that the author has esta+lished $or them" Readers notice details and ma e predictions to connect the information gathered in the introduction to new information as they proceed through the no&el ;Part ((<. Readers de&elop a theory of the purpose of the no&el. Re6ie& toda /s connection and teaching 'oint" Iistri+ute the :Reading Summar Checklist? to +e used to aid summar &riting" Sho& students a teacher)'re'ared model o$ a summar o$ one o$ the short stories used earlier in this unit" Point out the $eatures the model includes $rom the checklist" 3-his 'ractice &ill e6entuall +e done &ithout teacher direction# +ut initiall # the teacher needs to coach summar )&riting"4 E%'lain the :Lm'ortant Tuotations $rom the No6el; chart# +eing sure to discuss the e%am'les"

Teaching Point

%cti&e 'ngagement

(ndependent Practice

Students &rite a ,)sentence summar on esterda /s reading o$ the chosen no6el# +eing mind$ul o$ the criteria on the :Reading Summar Checklist";



Students re6ie& their summaries and consider &hat &as learned a+out the characters so $ar" Ask $or their insights on &hat the ha6e learned a+out the characters and their 'ro+lems" Use the teaching 'oint 'osters $rom sessions !U2 to re6ie& their com'rehension strategies as &ell as &hat the kno& u' to this 'oint a+out the characters" Good readers read on at least t&o le6els# $or 'lot and meaning" What ha"e you learned a out the characters( %o& has the historical conte2t $layed into &hat you ha"e read so far( What do you thin! &ill ha$$en ne2t( What e"idence fro' the te2t leads you to 'a!e these $redictions( What are the !ey things &e need to ta!e &ith us to !ee$ reading( 0redict &hy &e need to !ee$ these things in 'ind. Students read the ne%t section $rom the no6el 3the remainder o$ Part !4" -he &ill com'lete their :Reading Fiction Strategicall ? Part !; handout# &rite another ,)sentence summar o$ this section o$ reading# and $ind t&o (uotations that the $eel are im'ortant" 3L$ using +f Mice and Men# an a''ro'riate reading section $or this lesson is cha'ter 2"4 Points ma +e gi6en $or a &riting a summar that $ul$ills the criteria listed on the :Reading Summar Checklist";

)omewor * 'xtension



Unit 2: Reading Fiction Strategically Session @: Reading Summary +hec list

Sour summaries should include a 6ariet o$ the elements listed +elo&" Sou ma choose to use the sentence starters to lead our summar &riting"

+)%R%+T'R %+T(A=S
Actions o$ the main character and other signi$icant characters are descri+ed as the im'act the stor " The 'ain character 3or another significant character*3does this*.

/%=0U%0' and 4'T%(/S

Lm'ortant actions and details are chosen $rom the reading 'assage" A descri$tion or detail that stri!es 'e as i'$ortant is4

(=T'R=%/ BAT(C%T(A=S
-he character/s thoughts are included" The 'ain character is thin!ing4

T)'B'S %=4 D(0 (4'%S

-hemes and +ig ideas $rom the te%t are included" A the'e that see's to e $resent here is...


Unit 2: Reading Fiction Strategically Session @: Bodel#"#Sentence Summary From? >So ( %in6t =o 0ood 0irl? The s$ea!er tolerates it &hen her oyfriend cheats on her, ta!es her 'oney, and &ont s$end ti'e &ith her. She is thin!ing she is not attracti"e and is luc!y to ha"e such a handso'e oyfriend. A the'e that see's to e $resent here is $eo$le should thin! they are deser"ing of eing treated &ith res$ect e"en if they feel unattracti"e.


Unit 2: Reading Fiction Strategically Session @: (mportant Euotations from the =o&el 4ate Act. 1 Reading %ssignment pp. 1G19 (mportant Euote F1 (mportant Euote F2

>0od. you6re a lot of trou-le. >3hen ( thin of the swell time ( said 0eorge. >( could get along could ha&e without you. ( go nuts. so nice if ( didn6t ha&e you on ( ne&er get no peace.? p.12 my tail. ( could li&e so easy and may-e ha&e a girl.? p.:

Act. 2

pp. 1:##":

Act. "

pp. "@##95

Act. $

pp. 99#H@

Act. 5

pp. HH##1I:


Session H Character Relationshi's

:-here reall are no characters in 'la sM there are relationshi's" =here there are onl characters and no relationshi's# &e ha6e an unsatis$actor 'la "; HArthur 9iller Preparation %cti&e 'ngagement +onnection

Read through the section ou are assigning" 3For +f Mice and Men# this is Cha'ters , and ."4 Pre'are co'ies o$ the handout :Anal *ing Character Relationshi's; O'tional: 're'are co'ies o$ the da /s ins'irational (uote"

Re$er students +ack to the :Reading Summar Checklist; to +e used to assess summar &riting" Sho& students an outstanding model o$ a summar $rom esterda /s class# i$ ou didn/t alread ha6e a chance to do so in Session 5" Remind students o$ the (ualities o$ a good summar # as sho&n on the checklist" Re6ie& the :Reading a No6el Strategicall ? Part !"; Students 'redict &hat &ill ha''en in Part 2 o$ the no6el"

Ln sessions 2 and 5# students e%amined Part ! to disco6er the initial stor elements like setting# character# 'ro+lem and the character/s &ant" Ln this session# students &ill +uild u'on that in$ormation# 'a ing close attention to ho& characters interact &ith one another in Part 2" Readers learn a-out characters from their relationships with others. They use this information to support their theory or de&elop a new theory a-out the -oo 6s purpose. Re6ie& toda /s connection and teaching 'oint" Remind them that Part 2 o$ a $ictional 'iece sho&s the characters li6ing in the &orld" -he action o$ the 'lot dee'ens the reader/s understanding o$ the characters" Ln the no6el# the reader +egins to understand multi'le la ers o$ the 'lot" As the accumulate details a+out ho& the main character interacts &ith other characters# ask them to consider &hat this sho&s a+out the main character" Iistri+ute the handout :Anal *ing Character Relationshi's in Part 2 o$ the No6el"; Iiscuss ho& the reader learns something im'ortant a+out the main character &hen scrutini*ing the &a the talk# act# and think &hen &ith another character" Gi6e an e%am'le o$ ho& a character interacts &ith another character to sho& something im'ortant $rom :So L Ain/t No Good Girl"; When the s$ea!er offers Rahee' a fi"e dollar ill, he ta!es a ten dollar ill instead, &hile she does nothing. This sho&s that they ha"e a $attern of hi' ta!ing ad"antage of her and her allo&ing this to ha$$en.

Teaching Point

%cti&e 'ngagement


(ndependent Practice

Students read a section o$ Part 2 and +egin to $ill out the handout :Anal *ing Character Relationshi's in Part 2 o$ the No6el"; 3L$ using +f Mice and Men# an a''ro'riate chunk o$ the te%t $or this session &ould +e Cha'ters , and ."4

)omewor * 'xtension

-he &ill come to class 're'ared &ith a ,)sentence summar o$ the reading# 2 (uotes &hich the $eel are im'ortant# and a com'leted :Anal *ing Character Relationshi's in Part 2; handout" Points ma +e gi6en $or a &riting a summar and an anal sis o$ (uotations" 3-he teacher ma choose to use the checklist as a ru+ric e6entuall # +ut# at this 'oint# students should +e gi6en credit $or an earnest attem't to $ul$ill the criteria listed on the checklists"4 Points ma +e gi6en the com'letion o$ the :Anal *ing Character Relationshi's in Part 2 o$ the No6el; handout"



Unit 2: Reading Fiction Strategically Session H: %naly,ing +haracter Relationships in Part 2 of the =o&el
State a character &ho interacts &ith the main character in this section o$ the reading# and then h 'othesi*e &hat their interaction re6eals a+out the main character" Please list (uoted e%am'les that su''ort our h 'othesis" !" 9ain character/s name and a second character s?he interacts &ith: K 'othesis o$ &hat this interaction re6eals a+out the main character:

Tuoted e6idence to su''ort our h 'othesis:

2" 9ain character/s name and a second character s?he interacts &ith: K 'othesis o$ &hat this interaction re6eals a+out the main character:

Tuoted e6idence to su''ort our h 'othesis:

," 9ain character/s name and a third character s?he interacts &ith: K 'othesis o$ &hat this interaction re6eals a+out the main character:

Tuoted e6idence to su''ort our h 'othesis:


Session 1I Pro+lems $or the Character

:L &ould ne6er &rite a+out someone &ho is not at the end o$ his ro'e"; HStanle Elkin Preparation Share Read through the section ou are assigning" 3For +f Mice and Men# this is Cha'ter 0"4 Pre'are a t)chart on the +oard# o6erhead# or 'roGector $or the Acti6e Engagement section o$ the lesson" A sam'le is sho&n +elo&" Pre'are co'ies o$ the handout :Predicting Ko& the Character =ill Ieal &ith the Pro+lem"; O'tional: 're'are co'ies o$ the da /s ins'irational (uote"

Students share their h 'otheses + &riting them on stri's o$ 'a'er to +e 'osted on the classroom &alls $or &hole class e%amination" Students should +e gi6en time to circulate and read the h 'otheses made + others" Ln the last session# students anal *ed the character/s relationshi's" Ln this session# &e &ill +uild o$$ that kno&ledge as &e e%'lore ho& the 'ro+lems that s?he $aces intensi$ " Readers learn a-out characters through the pro-lems they face. Readers use this nowledge to predict what will happen in the end of the no&el ;Part (((<. They focus their theories through discussion with other readers and examination of their own thin ing. Re6ie& the lesson connection and teaching 'oint" Re6ie& the h 'otheses 'osted on the &all" E%'lain that this ne%t section o$ reading is the rest o$ Part 2" So# the main 'ro+lem &ill +e re6ealed" Iistri+ute co'ies o$ the handout :Predicting Ko& the Character =ill Ieal &ith the Pro+lem"; Re6ie& the reading $rom the 're6ious da /s session# + asking $or 6olunteers to read their ,)sentence summaries" Ask students to recall the 'ro+lem the main character $aces" Ask students to +rainstorm actions and choices the main character might make in Part , that &ill com'licate or $i% his?her 'ro+lem" =rite these ideas on the le$t)side o$ our t)chart" See sam'le +elo&" On the right)side o$ the chart# ask students to consider &hat the 'ossi+le actions and choices the character might make &ould sa a+out the character" See e%am'le +elo&"


Teaching Point

%cti&e 'ngagement


(ndependent Practice

Students silentl read the last 'art o$ Part 2 to learn more a+out the main con$lict or 'ro+lem that the character has to deal &ith" 3L$ using +f Mice and Men# an a''ro'riate reading $or this lesson is Cha'ter 0"4 For students &ho $inish ahead o$ classmates# the can &rite a ,)sentence summar o$ the da /s reading section and $ind t&o im'ortant (uotes to +e added to their (uotes collection"


<e$ore the end o$ the 'eriod# students share their $indings a+out Cha'ter 0 &ith a 'artner or small grou'" Students $inish reading Cha'ter 0" -he &rite the ,)sentence summaries# locate t&o im'ortant (uotes# and $inish $illing out the :Predicting Ko& the Character =ill Ieal =ith the Pro+lem; handout" Points ma +e gi6en $or the com'letion o$ the :Predicting Ko& the Character =ill Ieal =ith the Pro+lem; handout" Points ma +e gi6en $or a &riting a summar that $ul$ills the criteria listed on the :Reading Summar Checklist";

)omewor * 'xtension



Unit 2: Reading Fiction Strategically Session 1I: Predicting )ow the +haracter 3ill 4eal 3ith the Pro-lem 3hat is*are the character6s pro-lem;s<J )is charge. /ennie. has illed +urley6s wife. 3hat actions or choices might the character ma e to deal with his*her pro-lemJ 0eorge might turn /ennie o&er to the police. 3hat would this action or choice say a-out the characterJ 1. (t might show that he is fed up. )e wants to let /ennie pay the price. 2. )e may -e too scared to get in trou-le himself.

0eorge might run away with /ennie to protect him again.

1. )e is good to his promise to %unt +lara. 2. )is lo&e for /ennie is stronger than his common sense. ". )is fear of -eing alone won6t allow him to lea&e /ennie.

0eorge might a-andon /ennie.

1. 2. ".

)e6s scared. )e6s tired of the commitment. )e6s wea .


Session 11 Iealing &ith -he Pro+lem

:A character# to +e acce'ta+le as more than a chess 'iece has to +e ignorant o$ the $uture# unsure a+out the 'ast# and not at all sure o$ &hat he/s su''osed to +e doing"; )Anthon <urgess Preparation Share Read through the section ou are assigning" 3For +f Mice and Men# this is Cha'ter 1"4 O'tional: Pre'are co'ies o$ ins'irational (uote"

Re6ie& the reading $rom the 're6ious da /s session# + asking $or 6olunteers to read their ,)sentence summaries" Ask students to recall the 'ro+lem the main character $aces" Students share their thinking a+out the :Predicting Ko& the Character =ill Ieal =ith the Pro+lem; handout"


Ln the last session# students e%amined the 'ro+lems the main character $aces" Ln this session# the &ill e%amine ho& the character deals &ith the 'ro+lem and &hat that sa s a+out the character and the author/s 'ur'ose" -hese decisions and choices are &hat is considered Part , o$ the no6el" Readers learn a-out characters -y examining how they deal with the pro-lem.

Teaching Point %cti&e 'ngagement

Re6ie& the lesson connection and teaching 'oint" E%'lain that Part , o$ a $ictional 'iece sho&s the reader ho& the character deals &ith the 'ro+lem" Gi6e an e%am'le $rom :So L Ain/t No Good Girl;: At the end o$ the stor # the s'eaker sees Raheem kissing the red)haired girl" Although# she is initiall angr # she decides that he &ill come +ack to her i$ she ignores it and 'lans &hat she is going to make him to eat and :act like VsheW ain/t see nothing at all";

(ndependent Practice

-he read the $inal section o$ the no6el 3Ln +f Mice and Men# this is Cha'ter 1"4 and &rite a three sentence summar and locate t&o im'ortant (uotes"



Students $orm one continuous line around the outer edge o$ the room" One student leads students +ack across the room until s?he reaches the 'erson at the other end o$ the line" Sou should no& ha6e t&o lines o$ students $acing one another" -he should esta+lish &ho their talking 'artners are and then +egin a t&o)minute e%'lanation o$ their thoughts a+out &hat the character/s choices re6eals a+out the character# and &hat the think the author is tr ing to sa + ha6ing the character make this choice" Onl one 'erson s'eaks &hile the 'erson $rom the o''osite line sim'l listens and gi6es 'ositi6e +od language" =hen the t&o minutes are o6er# e6er one in the outside line shi$ts one o6er# so that e6er one has a ne& 'artner" Peo'le $rom the o''osite line &ill no& talk# &ithout +eing interru'ted + their 'artners" -he &ill continue this 'rocess as much as ou see $it and time allo&s in order $or students to 'rocess and 6er+ali*e their thinking a+out the choices this character made and the author/s 'ur'ose" What does the characters choice re"eal a out hi' or her( What does this choice tell us a out the authors $ur$ose(

)omewor * 'xtension

Students &rite a one)'age anal sis in their Reader/s? =riter/s Note+ooks a+out ho& the character deals &ith the 'ro+lem in the last reading section and &hat it sa s a+out him?her" -he should make s'eci$ic re$erences to the te%t" Points ma +e gi6en $or a &riting a summar that $ul$ills the criteria listed on the :Reading Summar Checklist";



Session 12 E%amining the No6el as a =hole to Understand -hemes

>A no6el is ne6er an thing# +ut a 'hiloso'h 'ut into images"; )Al+ert Camus Preparation +onnection Gather the $ollo&ing materials: +utcher +lock 'a'er# stick notes# marker# masking ta'e" O'tional: Pre'are co'ies o$ toda /s ins'irational (uote"

Ln the last session# students e%'lored ho& characters deal &ith 'ro+lems" Ln this session# the &ill disco6er themes and $ind te%tual e6idence to su''ort their assertions" Readers consider the story as a whole to understand the author6s purpose and the multiple ideas that are expressed ;theme<. Re6ie& the lesson connection and teaching 'oint" Iescri+e the acti6it o$ the Lnde'endent Practice descri+ed +elo&"

Teaching Point %cti&e 'ngagement

(ndependent Practice

Students meet &ith their discussion grou's to re6ie& the 'assages the ha6e deemed im'ortant in their reading" Using their notes $rom the Reader/s? =riter/s note+ooks# the should choose $i6e o$ the most im'ortant (uotes and &rite each one on a ,/ % 0/ stick note# including 'age num+ers" =hen the $inish co' ing the (uotes on stick notes# the should 'ut them on the +oard at the $ront o$ the room" Students should gather around the (uotes to tr to categori*e the (uotes + theme" Lead a discussion a+out &hat themes students +elie6e the author &as tr ing to sho& in his? her no6el" >ot the theme &ords that come out o$ this discussion" 3For e%am'le# students might come u' &ith theme &ords like Loneliness, 5o'$anionshi$, Mercy, + ligations, or 6rea's.* Using the list# sho& students ho& a theme &ord can +e e%'ressed as a thematic statement" 3For e%am'le# students might &rite a statement like 6rea's of a etter life 'a!e a difficult life 'ore eara le"4 Students 'ractice &riting thematic statements $rom the theme &ords that &ere $ound in the +rainstorming session"


Students share the thematic statements that the ha6e &ritten &ith a 'artner and Gudge the statements $or clarit " <est e%am'les should +e shared &ith the grou'" Choose $our &ell)&ritten thematic statements that re'resent di$$erent +ig ideas or themes" =rite each o$ the statements at the to' o$ a sheet o$ +utcher +lock 'a'er and 'ost the sheets in the corners o$ the room"

%cti&e 'ngagement


(ndependent Practice

Collecti6el # students re6ie& the (uotes on the +oard and determine &hich ones $all under each theme heading" As the locate a''ro'riate (uotes# the should mo6e the stick notes and 'ost them on the corres'onding 'oster" Some (uotes ma $all under more than one categor " Ln this situation# students should re)co' the (uote to +e a+le to 'ost them in all 'ertinent categories" Students gather + the 'osters to read the (uotes $rom the 'osters" As a grou'# the select t&o or three o$ the most a''ro'riate (uotes $or each thematic statement" Consider and discuss the $ollo&ing: Whats the &riter trying to get us to understand( Why should &e care( %o& does it i'$act our life( Students choose a thematic statement and (uotation to &rite a+out" -he &ill &rite a one) 'age entr in their Reader/s? =riter/s Note+ooks a+out ho& the (uotation is e6idence o$ the thematic statement" Points ma +e gi6en $or the com'letion o$ a one)'age anal sis o$ ho& one o$ the (uotes is e6idence o$ one o$ the thematic statements"


)omewor * 'xtension



Session 1" -e%t)to)-e%t Connections

:L ha6e al&a s imagined that 'aradise &ill +e a kind o$ li+rar "; )>orge Luis <orges Preparation Iecide i$ ou &ill use t&o $ilm 6ersions o$ our no6el or t&o thematicall ) related te%ts $or this lesson" L$ t&o or more mo6ie 6ersions are a6aila+le $or our no6el# select ke scenes $rom the t&o $ilms to sho& students" Cue +oth $ilms to the same scene to anal *e ho& di$$erent mo6ie directors might inter'ret the no6el di$$erentl " 3L$ using +f Mice and Men# there are t&o &ell)kno&n $ilm 6ersions a6aila+le : +f Mice and Men 37.8.*, directed + Le&is 9ilestone# starring <urgess 9eredith and Lon Chane # >r" and +f Mice and Men 3!7724# directed + Gar Sinise# starring >ohn 9alko6ich and Gar Sinise"4 L$ mo6ie 6ersions are not a6aila+le# choose at least t&o te%ts that are thematicall connected to our no6el 3e"g"# t&o 'oems# ne&s'a'er articles# songs# short stories4" E%am'les o$ 'oems that might +e used &ith +f Mice and Men include: Langston Kughes/ :Ireams Ie$erred#; and Ro+ert <urns/ :-o a 9ouse; 3the origin o$ the +ook/s title4" E%am'les o$ short stories that might +e used &ith +f Mice and Men include: Gar Soto/s :-he Sa6ings <ook ; $rom Li"ing #$ the Street and :=onamona#; + >err S'inelli in Linda 9ro&n, :ou Are Not Alone: The 9ro&n ". 9oard of 1ducation 6ecision. Another resource on te%t)to te%t connections is: htt':??$or'd"uc$"edu?strategies?strat-e%t"html O'tional: Pre'are co'ies o$ toda /s ins'irational (uote"


Ln the last session# students e%'lored the themes o$ the no6el and $ound te%tual e6idence to su''ort their ideas" Ln this session# students &ill consider ho& other te%ts deal &ith the same themes and ideas" Readers connect to other texts. other genres. and their world.

Teaching Point


%cti&e 'ngagement

Re6ie& the lesson connection and teaching 'oint" E%'lain that most +ooks that are included in the canon ha6e com'elling themes that man scholars $ind timeless and uni6ersal" L$ using $ilm 6ersions# ask students to &atch the selected scenes and com'are their o&n notions o$ the +ook and ho& the director3s4 chose to enact the scenes" Sho& the scenes# &hile students Got notes" Sho& a scene $rom each o$ the $ilm 6ersions and model thinking a+out ho& the directors/ choices re$lect di$$erent inter'retations o$ the no6el" L$ using other te%ts 3'oems# ne&s'a'er articles# songs# or short stories4# distri+ute the co'ies and direct students to read and take notes a+out the 'ieces/ connections to the no6el" -eacher models one e%am'le o$ a connection +et&een te%ts"

(ndependent Practice Share

Students 6ie& the $ilms or read the t&o te%ts# Gotting notes a+out the selections/ connections to the no6el" Ln small grou's# students discuss the di$$erences +et&een the $ilm 6ersions or the connections +et&een the reading selections to the no6el" L$ using $ilm# students should take a 'osition on &hich 6ersion is truer to their o&n +elie$s# o'inions# and understanding o$ the no6el" Which fil' "ersion est ca$tures the authors $ur$ose( Why do you thin! so( L$ using other thematicall )connected te%ts# the should descri+e their understandings o$ connections to the no6el. %o& do these other te2ts enhance or 'uddy our understanding of the no"els the'es(

)omewor * 'xtension

A$ter ha6ing selected a 'osition to take a+out the no6el $rom the mo6ie 6ersions# students should &rite a 'age)long summar o$ their +elie$s in their Readers?=riters Note+ooks# including e6idence $rom one or more o$ the mo6ie cli's" L$ using other te%ts# the should &rite a 'age)long anal sis o$ ho& the te%ts and no6el share similarities" S'eci$ic re$erences to each 'iece should +e made" Points ma +e gi6en $or a com'leted note+ook entr "



Session 1$ Personal Connections

:=hen L look +ack# L am so im'ressed again &ith the li$e)gi6ing 'o&er o$ literature" L$ L &ere a oung 'erson toda # tr ing to gain a sense o$ m sel$ in the &orld# L &ould do that again + reading# Gust as L did &hen L &as oung"; )9a a Angelou Preparation +onnection Gather materials: ne&s'a'ers# maga*ines# scissors# glue sticks# markers# colored 'encils# construction 'a'er or 'oster +oard" O'tional: 're'are co'ies o$ the da /s ins'irational (uote"

Ln the last session# students disco6ered ho& $ilm or other te%ts are related to a no6el/s themes" -oda # the &ill consider ho& these ideas and themes are connected to their o&n li6es and consider &h &e care a+out the literature &e read and ho& it im'acts our li6es" Readers ma e personal connections to literature.

Teaching Point %cti&e 'ngagement

Re6ie& the lesson connection and teaching 'oint" Re6ie& the themes identi$ied in the last session" Iescri+e the re(uirements $or the 'ersonal connections 'oster students are to com'lete# including: a 'oster title that is a theme $rom the no6el# at least 2 ke (uotes relating to the theme# a 'age)long e%'lanation o$ ho& the &riter/s o&n li$e can +e connected to the no6el/s themes# and 'ictures and?or ne&s headlines to sho& the theme/s 'ertinence in toda /s &orld"

(ndependent Practice

Students create a 'oster that includes: a title &ith a theme $rom the no6el# at least t&o ke (uotes relating to the theme# a 'age)long e%'lanation o$ ho& the &riter/s o&n li$e can +e connected to the no6el/s themes# and 'ictures and?or ne&s headlines to sho& the theme/s 'ertinence in toda /s &orld" Students share their 'roducts &ith classmates" Students 'ost their 'ersonal connections 'osters around the room" Students circulate around the room to 6ie& each 'oster" Students res'ond in their Reader/s?=riter/s Note+ooks a+out the no6el as a &hole" What is an i'$ortant 'essage a out life this oo! gi"en 'e( What i'$act did the no"el ha"e on 'y life( Points ma +e gi6en $or com'lete 'oster that includes: a thematic connection# t&o ke (uotes# a &ritten e%'lanation o$ the 'ersonal connection# and 'ictures and?or headlines"


)omewor * 'xtension



=orks Cited
-homas# >o ce Carol# Ed" Linda 9ro&n, :ou Are Not Alone: The 9ro&n ". 9oard of 1ducation 6ecision. Ne& Sork: K 'erion <ooks $or Children# 288," Print" Flake# Sharon" Who A' ) Without %i'( Short Stories A out ;irls and the 9oys in Their Li"es. Ne& Sork: K 'erion <ooks $or Children# 288." Print" Soto# Gar " Li"ing #$ the Street" Ne& Sork: Iell Pu+lishing# !750" Print" Stern# >erome# Ed" Micro Fiction: An Anthology of Fifty Really Short Stories. Ne& Sork: ="=" Norton and Co"# !771" Print" U'dike# >ohn" 0igeon Feathers. Ne& Sork: <allantine <ooks# !771" Print"


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