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101 Buddha Quotes

He is able who thinks he is able.

The Way is not in the sky. The Way is in the heart.

Through zeal, knowledge is gotten; through la k o! zeal, knowledge is lost.

Being dee"ly learned and skilled, being well# trained and using well#s"oken words, this is good lu k.

Ha""iness is a $ourney not a destination.

Ha""iness o%es when your work and words are o! bene!it to yoursel! and others.

&'ery hu%an being is the author o! his own health or disease.

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Health is the greatest gi!t, ontent%ent the greatest wealth, !aith!ulness the best relationshi".

To be angry is to let others) %istakes "unish yoursel!.

Holding on to anger is like gras"ing a hot oal with the intent o! throwing it at so%eone else; you are the one who gets burned.

*our work is to dis o'er your work, and then with all your heart to gi'e yoursel! to it.

*our body is "re ious. +t is our 'ehi le !or awakening. Treat it with are.

Thousands o! andles an be lit !ro% a single andle, and the li!e o! the andle will not be shortened.

,ea e o%es !ro% within. -o not seek it without.

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/ust as a andle annot burn without !ire, %en annot li'e without a s"iritual li!e.

*ou will always be getting "raise and bla%e, but do not let either a!!e t the "oise o! the %ind.

0o one sa'es us but oursel'es. 0o one an and no one %ay. We oursel'es %ust walk the "ath.

+t is a %an)s own %ind, not his ene%y or !oe, that lures hi% to e'il ways.

1ll know the Way, but !ew a tually walk it.

+! you wish to be gentle with others, be gentle !irst with yoursel!.

1n outside ene%y e2ists only i! there is anger inside.

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1 %an should !irst dire t hi%sel! in the way he should go. 4nly then should he instru t others.

Work out your own sal'ation. -o not de"end on others.

1 $ug !ills dro" by dro".

There is nothing so disobedient as an undis i"lined %ind, and there is nothing so obedient as a dis i"lined %ind.

There are only two %istakes one an %ake along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.

Ha""iness ne'er de reases by being shared.

To kee" the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to kee" our %ind strong and lear.
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What we think, we be o%e.

Be 'igilant; guard your %ind against negati'e thoughts.

1ll that we are is the result o! what we ha'e thought. +! a %an s"eaks or a ts with an e'il thought, "ain !ollows hi%. +! a %an s"eaks or a ts with a "ure thought, ha""iness !ollows hi%, like a shadow that ne'er lea'es hi%.

The greatest "rayer is "atien e.

&nduran e is one o! the %ost di!!i ult dis i"lines, but it is to the one who endures that the !inal 'i tory o%es.

4n a long $ourney o! hu%an li!e, !aith is the best o! o%"anions; it is the best re!resh%ent on the $ourney; and it is the greatest "ro"erty.

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We are sha"ed by our thoughts; we be o%e what we think. When the %ind is "ure, $oy !ollows like a shadow that ne'er lea'es.

We are what we think. With our thoughts, we %ake our world.

*ou will not be "unished !or your anger; you will be "unished by your anger.

7u""ose an ene%y has hurt you in his own do%ain, why should you annoy yoursel! and hurt your %ind in your own do%ain8

*our worst ene%y annot har% you as %u h as your own thoughts, unguarded. But on e %astered, no one an hel" you as %u h. 0ot e'en your !ather or your %other.

+! we ould see the %ira le o! a single !lower learly, our whole li!e would hange.

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Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings "ea e.

:editation brings wisdo%; la k o! %ediation lea'es ignoran e. ;now well what leads you !orward and what hold you ba k, and hoose the "ath that leads to wisdo%.

+nward al% annot be %aintained unless "hysi al strength is onstantly and intelligently re"lenished.

Howe'er %any holy words you read, howe'er %any you s"eak, what good will they do you i! you do not a t on u"on the%.

+n the sky, there is no distin tion o! east and west; "eo"le reate distin tions out o! their own %inds and then belie'e the% to be true.

<riendshi" is the only ure !or hatred, the only guarantee o! "ea e.

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To on=uer onesel! is a greater 'i tory than to on=uer thousands in a battle.

1 !a%ily is a "la e where %inds o%e in onta t with one another. +! these %inds lo'e one another, the ho%e will be as beauti!ul as a !lower garden. But i! these %inds get out o! har%ony with one another it is like a stor% that "lays ha'o with the garden.

Hatred does not ease by hatred, but only by lo'e; this is the eternal rule.

When it is i%"ossible !or anger to arise within you, you !ind no outside ene%ies anywhere.

1 dog is not onsidered a good dog be ause he is a good barker. 1 %an is not onsidered a good %an be ause he is a good talker.

<ashion your li!e as a garland o! beauti!ul deeds.

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1n insin ere and e'il !riend is %ore to be !eared than a wild beast; a wild beast %ay wound your body, but an e'il !riend will wound your %ind.

*ou should res"e t ea h other and re!rain !ro% dis"utes; you should not, like water and oil, re"el ea h other, but should, like %ilk and water, %ingle together.

We are !or%ed and %olded by our thoughts. Those whose %inds are sha"ed by sel!less thoughts gi'e $oy when they s"eak or a t. /oy !ollows the% like a shadow that ne'er lea'es the%.

What we are today o%es !ro% our thoughts o! yesterday, and our "resent thoughts build our li!e o! to%orrow> 4ur li!e is the reation o! our %ind.

0othing is "er%anent.

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0either !ire nor wind, birth nor death an erase our good deeds.

1nger will ne'er disa""ear so long as thoughts o! resent%ent are herished in the %ind. 1nger will disa""ear $ust as soon as thoughts o! resent%ent are !orgotten.

+ don)t wish to be e'erything to e'eryone, but + would like to be so%ething to so%eone.

*ou an sear h throughout the entire uni'erse !or so%eone who is %ore deser'ing o! your lo'e and a!!e tion than you are yoursel!, and that "erson is not to be !ound anywhere. *ou yoursel!, as %u h as anybody in the entire uni'erse deser'e your lo'e and a!!e tion.

To !orgi'e others is to be good to yoursel!.

The on=uest o! onesel! is better than the on=uest o! all others.

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-o not dwell in the "ast, do not dwell in the !uture, on entrate the %ind on the "resent %o%ent.

Belie'e nothing %erely be ause you ha'e been told it. -o not belie'e what your tea her tells you %erely out o! res"e t !or the tea her. But whatsoe'er, a!ter due e2a%ination and analysis, you !ind to be kind, ondu i'e to the good, the bene!it, the wel!are o! all beings that do trine belie'e and ling to, and take it as your guide. -o not belie'e in anything si%"ly be ause you@'e heard it. -o not belie'e in anything si%"ly be ause it is s"oken and ru%ored by %any. -o not belie'e in anything si%"ly be ause it is !ound written in your religious books. -o not belie'e in anything %erely on the authority o! your tea hers and elders. -o not belie'e in traditions be ause they ha'e been handed down !or %any generations. But a!ter obser'ation and analysis, when you !ind that anything agrees with reason and is ondu i'e to the good and bene!it o! one and all, then a e"t it and li'e u" to it.

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Be where you are; otherwise you will %iss your li!e.

Three things annot be long hidden> the sun, the %oon, and the truth. *ou only lose what you ling to.

Aet yoursel! be o"en and li!e will be easier. 1 s"oon o! salt in a glass o! water %akes the water undrinkable. 1 s"oon o! salt in a lake is al%ost unnoti ed.

4ne thought leads to hea'en, one thought leads to hell.

&a h %orning we are born again. What we do today is what %atters %ost.

Belie'e nothing, no %atter where you read it, or who said it, no %atter i! + ha'e said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own o%%on sense.

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The se ret o! health !or both %ind and body is not to %ourn !or the "ast, worry about the !uture, or anti i"ate troubles, but to li'e in the "resent %o%ent wisely and earnestly.

The tongue like a shar" kni!e kills without drawing blood.

1n idea that is de'elo"ed and "ut into a tion is %ore i%"ortant than an idea that e2ists only as an idea.

Words ha'e the "ower to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they an hange our world.

Whate'er words we utter should be hosen with are, !or "eo"le will hear the% and be in!luen ed by the% !or good or ill.

To be idle is a short road to death and to be diligent is a way o! li!e; !oolish "eo"le are idle, wise "eo"le are diligent.
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-o not o'errate what you ha'e re ei'ed, nor en'y others. He who en'ies others does not obtain "ea e o! %ind.

Bood %en and bad %en di!!er radi ally. Bad %en ne'er a""re iate kindness shown the%, but wise %en a""re iate and are grate!ul. Wise %en try to e2"ress their a""re iation and gratitude by so%e return o! kindness, not only to their bene!a tor, but to e'eryone else.

There has to be e'il so that good an "ro'e its "urity abo'e it.

There is nothing %ore dread!ul than the habit o! doubt. -oubt se"arates "eo"le. +t is a "oison that disintegrates !riendshi"s and breaks u" "leasant relations. +t is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills.

+! a %an)s %ind be o%es "ure, his surroundings will also be o%e "ure.

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+t is better to on=uer yoursel! than to win a thousand battles. Then the 'i tory is yours.

Aet a %an a'oid e'il deeds as a %an who lo'es li!e a'oids "oison.

When one has the !eeling o! dislike !or e'il, when one !eels tran=uil, one !inds "leasure in listening to good tea hings; when one has these !eelings and a""re iates the%, one is !ree o! !ear.

The ignorant %an is an o2. He grows in size, not in wisdo%.

+t is wrong to think that %is!ortunes o%e !ro% the east or !ro% the west; they originate within one)s own %ind. There!ore, it is !oolish to guard against %is!ortunes !ro% the e2ternal world and lea'e the inner %ind un ontrolled.

*ou are the sour e o! all "urity and i%"urity. 0o one "uri!ies another.
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&'erything is based on %ind, is led by %ind, is !ashioned by %ind. +! you s"eak and a t with a "olluted %ind, su!!ering will !ollow you, as the wheels o! the o2 art !ollow the !ootste"s o! the o2.

&'erything is based on %ind, is led by %ind, is !ashioned by %ind. +! you s"eak and a t with a "ure %ind, ha""iness will !ollow you, as a shadow lings to a !or%.

4ur sorrows and wounds are healed only when we tou h the% with o%"assion. There is no !ire like "assion. 0o ri%e like hatred. 0o sorrow like se"aration. 0o si kness like hunger, and no $oy like the $oy o! !reedo%.

+t is better to do nothing, than to do what is wrong. <or whate'er you do, you do to yoursel!.

How easy it is to see your brother)s !aults. How hard it is to !a e your own.
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*our worst ene%y annot har% you as %u h as your own thoughts, unguarded. But on e %astered, no one an hel" you as %u h. 0ot e'en your !ather or your %other.

There is "leasure, and there is bliss. <orgo the !irst to "ossess the se ond.

&asy to do are things that are bad and har%!ul to onesel!. But e2 eedingly di!!i ult to do are things that are good and bene!i ial.

Be a la%" unto yoursel!.

4ne is not low be ause o! birth nor does birth %ake one holy. -eeds alone %ake one low, deeds alone %ake one holy.

Aet us rise u" and be thank!ul, !or i! we didn)t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and i! we didn)t learn a little, at least we didn)t get si k, and i! we got si k, at least we didn)t die; so, let us all be thank!ul.
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