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Andreea Raluca Constantin

TOPICS FOR WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS Guidelines: Choose one of the topics below !sin" so#e of the tips fo$ p$esentin" %n %$"u#ent on the %u&ili%$' #%te$i%l( p$ep%$e 'ou$ ess%' The #%in ob)ecti*e of this t%s+ is to e&p$ess % pe$son%l point of *iew( b%l%ncin"( if possible( the p$os %nd cons, the %d*%nt%"es %nd the dis%d*%nt%"es The w$itten *e$sion should be el%bo$%ted %s follows: - Title: Ti#es New Ro#%n( si-e ./( c%ps( cente$ed on top of the p%"e - Te&t: TNR ./( . 0 line sp%cin" - Mini#u# / p%"es 1 #%&i#u# 2 0 p%"es An o$%l p$esent%tion of the ess%'( %s % de#onst$%tion of its %uthenticit'( will be $e3ui$ed du$in" the e&%# session
No . / 2 5 0 6 7 8 9 .: .. Topic Could I live without the Internet? Why, Why Not? How important is Oral Written Communication in your relations? !tartin" a #usiness- $he Company o% &y 'reams (Choose a )o* you love and you will never have to wor+ a day in your li%e., -Con%ucius. (In the lon" history o% human+ind -and animal +ind, too. those who learned to colla*orate and improvise most e%%ectively have prevailed., -Charles 'arwin. $he $hin"s that I would li+e to do at wor+ and that would ma+e me proud and happy. What would the ideal *usiness world loo+ li+e? !ell value, not price and *rin" a smile on your customer/s %ace0 (&ana"ement is doin" thin"s ri"ht1 leadership is doin" the ri"ht thin"s., -2eter 'ruc+er. (3ood mana"ement consists in showin" avera"e people how to do the wor+ o% superior people., -4ohn '. Roc+e%eller. (2oor %irms i"nore their competitors1 avera"e %irms copy their competitors1 winnin" %irms lead their competitors., -2hilip 5otler. Student4s N%#e

Asist.univ.dr. Andreea Raluca Constantin

./ .2 .5 .0 .6 .7 .8 .9 /: /. // /2 /5

$he Romanian *usiness environment $he 6uropean *usiness environment $he responsi*ilities o% a &ana"in" 'irector -C6O. $he responsi*ilities o% a &ar+etin" 'irector What are the main activities o% the Human Resources 'epartment? What *ene%its would you e7pect %rom your %uture employer? $he %unctions o% the Customer Care 'epartment. Online shoppin". 8our %avourite product-s. and or service-s.. !ales people and the importance o% persuasion in sales. $ravellin" %or *usiness or %or leisure. &ana"ement- Art or !cience? How to *e a *etter mana"er?

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