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Planning 10 Introductory Assignment


My Personal Profle
Name" #adison locum
The Quiz Results
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Ta+e t$e Multiple 'ntelligence Quiz and com'lete t$e %ollo&ing ta,le-
Top Three 'ntelligences (hat it &eans )*ro& the
Multiple 'ntelligenceQuiz
,t least two occupations
that ft this intelligence
1. Logical/ #at$ematical0 t$is means t$at I a''reciate a,stract relations$i's and can use
num,ers e1ecti2ely- #at$ematicians and scientists $a2e t$is intelligence-
3.4isual/'atial0 t$is means t$at I am a,le to 'ercei2e 2isual and s'atial in%ormation and
can create e1ecti2e mental 'ictures- Arc$itects and engineers $a2e t$is intelligence-

5.Bodily/6inest$etic0 t$is means t$at I am a,le to use all or 'art o% my ,ody to create
'roducts or sol2e 'ro,lems- At$letics and surgeons $a2e t$is intelligence-

My -earning .tyle ).eeing/ 0earing an 1oing Quiz+:
I am a 2isual learner-
T$ree strategies I can use to $el' me learn are" eeing in%ormation &ritten
out0 in a diagram and in 'ictures-
23plore 4areers by .5ills an 6nowlege
O% t$e s+ills t$at you c$ose in t$is section &$ic$ do you %eel are your to' 78
9Treating 'eo'le/animals
One area o% em'loyment t$at matc$es my results and interests me is"
A 2eterinarian
+ills or 6no&ledge t$at I &ould need to ac(uire %or t$is area o% em'loyment
u'er2ising0 Teac$ing and training
My 'nterests an 8alues:
T$ings t$at interest me"
I am 2ery interested in mat$ and science-
;$at moti2ates me8
T$e grades needed to get into t$e uni2ersity o% my c$oice-
#y 're%erred &or+ style"
I &ould 're%er in t$e long run to &or+ in medicine-
<o& I &or+ &it$ ot$ers"
I =nd t$at I &or+ &ell &it$ ot$ers-
;$at &or+ setting &ould I li+e8
I &ould 're%er a &or+ setting t$at in2ol2es 'eo'le-
Putting 't ,ll Together
Loo+ing ,ac+ at your e>'eriences can teac$ you a lot a,out yoursel%0 $o& you
$andle t$e cur2es li%e can t$ro& at you and re2eal some o% t$ose $idden
strengt$s or &ea+nesses- T$in+ ,ac+ o2er t$e 'ast cou'le o% years- ;$at are
t$ree o% t$e most memora,le e>'eriences you $a2e $ad8 T$ese can ,e
'ositi2e or negati2e- <o& did t$ey in?uence or c$ange you8
23perience 29ect on :ou
1- I studied %or a mat$ test %or around 7 $ours t$e nig$t ,e%ore-
T$e e1ect &as t$at I got 103-7@ on t$e test0 so $ard &or+ 'ays o1-
3-#y $oc+ey team and I &or+ed and 'racticed really $ard on some s+ills t$at
&e needed to &or+ on-
T$e e1ect &as t$at &e all im'ro2ed in t$e s+ill t$at &e &or+ed on as a team-
5-I stayed out 'ast my cur%e& -
T$e e1ect &as t$at my mom s$ortened my cur%e& ,y an $our- !ollo& your
'arents rules0 +ids-
3- Re2ie& t$e results o% t$e tests you $a2e ta+en- ;$at are some o% t$e
common t$emes or 'ersonality traits t$at you see8
I see t$at I am 2ery scienti=cally and mat$ematically oriented-
5- a. Identi%y occu'ations or areas o% em'loyment t$at =t &it$ your (ui)
Occu'ations t$at =t my (ui) results &ould ,e an anest$esiologist and a
,. ;$ic$ o% t$ese occu'ations interest you8 ;ere t$ere any sur'rises8
Bot$ o% t$ose occu'ations interest me (uite a ,it- T$ere &erenAt t$at many
sur'rises t$at I %ound &$ile ta+ing t$e tests or seeing t$e results-

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