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Maggie Huang, Sophia Cao, Shefali Krishnan History Patrick Period 4 11/21/13 Annotated Bibliography orks Cited Pictures

!"lue #la$e Magic #ont %&er "lack "ackground' (etter )*! Royalty Free Stock Photos* 123+#, 2,,-* e.* 14 /o&* 2,13* 0http'//111*123rf*co$/photo24,3-1122.lue4fla$e4$agic4

font4o&er4.lack4.ackground4letter4i*ht$l5* 6his picture sho1s the letter ) in a script for$at* 6he letter is $ade out of .lue fla$es, 1ith e&anescent puffs of s$oke around it* 6he .ackground is an opa7ue .lack color, $aking the letter ) .right and capti&ating* 6he letter ) is the only letter used in the title of the that is not the sa$e font as the other letters* Ho1e&er, it still rese$.les the dra$atic ti$e during the )ndustrial +e&olution, 8ust like the other letters** 9reyniu$ )nfor$ation 6echnologies, n*d* e.* 1, /o&* 2,13* 0http'//$ira4

.hayandar*click*in/dr4sarang41eight4loss4and4liposuction4clinic4$ira4road4c:;4 &33;3<3,=i$age445* 6his source also ga&e us a picture that 1e included in our title page of our* incorporated it to depict our topic and used the 1ord !childhood! in our title* 6his 1as &ery helpful in assisting us 1ith a picture of good 7uality* e only used one e

picture fro$ this source .ecause that 1as all it ga&e us to 1ork 1ith* 6he other pictures and infor$ation 1ere of no use to our pro8ect .ased on our the$e*

Etsy* >tsy, 2,13*

e.* 1, /o&* 2,13* 0http'//111*etsy*co$/listing/12;413<,;/dog4lo&ers4sign4

a4house4is4not4a4ho$e?ref@$arket5* 6his source ga&e us a picture that 1e put in our title page of our* )t ga&e us the 1ord !1ithout! and 1e used it in our title* 6he 1as helpful in gi&ing us a picture that 1e incorporated into our and helped us illustrate our topic* 6he source only ga&e us this one picture and did not offer anything $ore** /et1ork Solutions, 2,13* e.* 1, /o&* 2,13*

0http'//111*scrapnesia*co$/store/indeA*php?$ain2page@indeAB$anufacturers2id@25* 6his site ga&e us a picture that 1e used to put on the title page of our* 6he 1ord !children! 1as cropped and used as a part of the title* 6he purpose 1as to sho1 1hat 1e 1ere doing and 1hat our topic 1as* e 1ere a.le to get only one picture fro$ this

source* 6hat 1as all it offered for our pro8ect* +ich, Cindy* !Childhood (ost' Child (a.or Curing the )ndustrial +e&olution*! !Shattered 9lass #ont (etter C* Dector*! Royalty-Free Clipart* +# Clipart, 2,1,* e.* 1, /o&* 2,13* 0http'//rfclipart*co$/shattered4glass4font4letter4c4::,,4&ector4 clipart*ht$l5* 6his sho1ed us a picture of a shattered glass font letter C* 6he i$age 1as used in the title of the, Children Without Childhood, The Neglect o Children Rights !uring the "ndustrial Re#olution. Elso, the icon aided us to sho1 the i$pact of child la.or during the )ndustrial +e&olution*

!Shattered 9lass #ont (etter C, Dector*! +oyalty4#ree Clipart* +# Clipart, 2,1,* e.* 14 /o&* 2,13* 0http'//rfclipart*co$/shattered4glass4font4letter4d4::,14&ector4 clipart*ht$l5* 6his picture sho1s the letter C, in 1hich 1e used in the 1ord Childhood in the title of the* 6he letter is $ade out of shattered .lue glass, like the other letters in the title* 6he .ackground is a dark .lue color, 1hich has a sullen feel to it* 6he .roken glass adds to the $elancholy of the picture, sy$.oliFing the period of the )ndustrial +e&olution* !Shattered 9lass #ont (etter >, Dector*! Royalty-Free Clipart* +# Clipart, 2,1,* e.* 1, /o&* 2,13* 0http'//rfclipart*co$/shattered4glass4font4letter4e4::,24&ector4 clipart*ht$l5* 6his picture depicts a letter >, in a dark .lue .ackground* 6he > is $ade out of shattered .lue glass, gi&ing a dra$atic effect* 6he dark, tragico$ic style of the letter > captures the gloo$y period of the )ndustrial +e&olution* 6his is 1hy 1e used the i$age in the title of the, Children Without Childhood. !Shattered 9lass #ont (etter H, Dector*! Royalty-Free Clipart* +# Clipart, 2,1,* e.* 1, /o&* 2,13* 0http'//rfclipart*co$/shattered4glass4font4letter4h4::,;4&ector4 clipart*ht$l5* )n the i$age, a shattered glass font letter H is depicted in the picture 1ith shado1s, .lue and .lack surrounding it to $ake it look presenta.le* 6he letter H 1as used in the title of the, Children Without Childhood* )t 1as displayed to sho1 ho1 tragic GshatteredH the childrenIs li&es 1ere in the factories during the )ndustrial +e&olution*

!Shattered 9lass #ont (etter (, Dector*! Royalty-Free Clipart* +# Clipart, 2,1,* e.* 14 /o&* 2,13* 0http'//rfclipart*co$/shattered4glass4font4letter4l4::,<4&ector4 clipart*ht$l5* 6his picture depicts the letter ( $ade out of shattered .lue glass* 6he focal point of the i$age is the center, since the light see$s to .e hitting the $iddle, creating a three di$ensional appearance in the letter* 6he .ackground is a dark .lue color that gradually leads up to a lighter .lue in the center* 6he i$age creates an electrifying tone that is a precise representation of the )ndustrial +e&olution* )t is also 1hy 1e used it in the title of our* !Shattered 9lass #ont (etter /, Dector*! Royalty-Free Clipart* +# Clipart, 2,1,* e.* 1, /o&* 2,13* 0http'//rfclipart*co$/shattered4glass4font4letter4n4::114&ector4 clipart*ht$l5* 6his picture sho1s the letter / $ade out of shattered .lue glass* 6he .ackground consists of a dark na&y .lue .lending into a lighter .lue in the center* 6he di$ness and darkness of the i$age sy$.oliFes the 1eariness of children during the )ndustrial +e&olution* 6he dra$atic effect of the letter $akes it appropriate for usage in the title* !Shattered 9lass #ont (etter %, Dector*! Royalty-Free Clipart* +# Clipart, 2,1,* e.* 1, /o&* 2,13* 0http'//rfclipart*co$/shattered4glass4font4letter4o4::124&ector4 clipart*ht$l5* 6his picture sho1s a letter %, $ade out of .lue glass4like pieces that ha&e .een .roken* 6he disunity and 8aggedness of the letter is si$ilar to the se&erance and i$.alance of the ti$e during the )ndustrial +e&olution* /ot only is the letter a

congruous representation of the )ndustrial +e&olution, .ut it also $akes a capti&ating illustration for the title of the* !Shattered 9lass #ont (etter +, Dector*! Royalty-Free Clipart* +# Clipart, 2,1,* e.* 1, /o&*

2,13* 0http'//rfclipart*co$/shattered4glass4font4letter4r4::1-4&ector4clipart*ht$l5* 6his picture of the letter + is used in the title of the, 1hich is Children Without Childhood. )t depicts the letter + in shattered .lue glass 1ith an o$.re .lue .ackground* 6he picture has a so$.er tone to it, $aking it an eAcellent representation of the la.orious period of the )ndustrial +e&olution* Websites !E /e1 orkforce during the )ndustrial +e&olution*! Child (a.or in #actories* /*p*, 2,,2* e.*

23 %ct* 2,13* 0http'//1112*needha$*k12*$a*us/nhs/cur/ "aker2,,/2,,22p:/ak2p:/childla.or*ht$l5* 6his gi&es specific infor$ation on the )ndustrial +e&olution* )t organiFes the 1orkforce during the )ndustrial +e&olution into categories' 1ages and hours, treat$ent, and the $o&e$ents to regulate child la.or* >ach section gi&es a thorough eAplanation of the se&ere conditions the children li&ed in, as 1ell as the effects of child la.or during the )ndustrial +e&olution* /ot only does it gi&e historical facts of the )ndustrial +e&olution, .ut it also ho1 it affects the 1orld today* 6he pro&ides a couple of pictures that gi&e an essence on 1hat it 1as like .eing a child during the )ndustrial +e&olution* )n addition to, the gi&es a graphic representation of the 1orkforce in 1:;, in the for$ of a pie chart* Child $a%or Pu%lic Education Pro&ect* /*p*, n*d* e.* 21 /o&* 2,13*


)n this, it eApresses industrialiFation outlining child la.or in J*S* history during the )ndustrial +e&olution* E fe1 i$ages are sho1n for instance a spinning roo$ 1here the children 1orked in* )n the picture, the children are spinning/1orking for a.out 1< hours 1ith only a one4hour .reak* Elso, the esta.lishes a ti$eline of the e&ents that occurred during the )ndustrial +e&olution* Children endlessly 1orked for little to no $oney, .arely sur&i&ing in the society* !Children in the )ndustrial +e&olution*! 'istory $earning Site* History(earningSite*co*uk, 2,,,* e.* 21 /o&* 2,13* 0http'//111*$entor$o.*co$/learn/i/industrial4re&olution/children4 in4the4industrial4re&olution5* 6his gi&es a list of 7uotes fro$ $erchants and children during the )ndustrial +e&olution* 6hese people either 1rote or 1ere inter&ie1ed a.out their eAperiences 1orking during the )ndustrial +e&olution* 6he outside sources 1ho 1ere not part of the 1orkers 1rote a.out the li&es of the children fro$ their perspecti&es* 6he children 1rote a.out their o1n eAperiences 1orking in factories and on far$s* "oth the outside sources and the children descri.e the $isera.le li&es of the la.orers, 1ho are constantly a.used* 6he 7uote 1e used for our 1as .y Kohn "ro1n, 1ho 1as 7uoted in the !(ion! /e1spaper* "ro1n the 1ay his o&er lookers a.used hi$* El$ost e&ery day he 1ould .e .eaten .y his e$ployers 1ith an iron .elt* "ro1n 1as only one of the children 1ho 1as often $istreated and 1ho led an anguished life* Eastern "llinois (ni#ersity* >astern )llinois Jni&ersity, n*d* 0http'//eiu*edu/eiutps/childhood*php5* 6his pro&ides helpful infor$ation a.out children during the )ndustrial +e&olution using pri$ary sources* )t sho1s the transfor$ation of E$erican society as the ti$e period e.* 23 %ct* 2,13*

shifts into the era of the )ndustrial +e&olution* #urther$ore, it gi&es an eAplanation on the daily life of children during the )ndustrial +e&olution, and the tough conditions they had to 1ork through* 6he the life of children in different regions 1here the areas had harsh circu$stances* 6his also pro&ides a picture of children during the )ndustrial +e&olution* 6he .lack and 1hite picture includes t1o children 1ho appear to .e eAhausted after 1orking long hours, looking out into the distance 1ith an insufficient a$ount of hope in their eyes* !>ffects of the )ndustrial +e&olution*! "ndustrial Re#olution* Modern 13* e.* 2- /o&* 2,13* orld History 6eAt.ook,

0http'//1e.s*.cp*org/sites/ &cleary/Modern orldHistory6eAt.ook/)ndustrial+e&olution/) +>ffects*ht$l5* 6his gi&es us detailed infor$ation a.out the )ndustrial +e&olution and the li&es of the children* 6he is di&ided into sections, including .efore the )ndustrial +e&olution, during the )ndustrial +e&olution, and the aftereffects* )t the daily li&es of the children and their 1orking conditions* 6he children 1orked long hours and 1ere often a.used .y their e$ployers* 6he li&ing conditions of the children 1ere horrid, and they had $any health issues* )t also pro&ides so$e pictures of the factories and the children* 6he depictions sho1ed the $isera.le children 1ho 1ere constantly 1orking, and 1ho 1ere &ery dirty* 6he su$$ariFes the ti$e period of the )ndustrial +e&olution as 1ell as its i$pact on the 1orld* Hunt, Katie* !6he 1, 2,13* orst Countries for Child (a.or*! CNN World* Ca.le /e1s /et1ork,

e.* 1, /o&* 2,13* 0http'//111*cnn*co$/2,13/1,/1;/1orld/


6his source ga&e us &alua.le infor$ation that 1e used on our* )t listed the top ten 1orst countries for child la.or* e used this to sho1 ho1 $any countries all o&er the

1orld participate in child la.or and not 8ust a fe1* Many acts, la1s, and .ills ha&e tried to put an end to it .ut it 8ust 1onIt cease to eAist* 6his also pro&ided us 1ith an interesting article .y Katie Hunt on child la.or and ho1 the pro.le$ see$s to escalate and not di$inish since the 1ork needed in factories has increased* e used this article

and chart to help us gauge the child la.or around the 1orld and 1e used it in our as 1ell as to infor$ us 1ith so$e .ackground kno1ledge on our topic* "ndustrial Re#olution* EB> 6ele&ision /et1ork, 1<<-* e.* 21 /o&* 2,13*

0http'//111*history*co$/topics/industrial4re&olution5* )n this, it reflects on the )ndustrial +e&olution' cause and i$pact* Elthough the )ndustrial +e&olution, taking place fro$ the 13th to the 1<th century, .rought an increase in industrialiFation, it resulted in often grueso$e e$ploy$ent as 1ell as poor li&ing conditions* 6he infor$ation on this is used to sho1 the introduction of the )ndustrial +e&olution on our*

"ndustrial Re#olution Famous )uotes* Search7uotes*co$, 2,13*

e.* 21 /o&* 2,13*

0http'//111*search7uotes*co$/search/)ndustrial2+e&olution2#a$ous/5* 6his site displays se&eral 7uotes fro$ different people a.out the )ndustrial +e&olution* #or instance, a $an na$ed !)r&ing "! says, !6he industrial re&olution has tended to produce e&ery1here great $asses that see$ to .e increasingly careless of ethical standards*! 6his 7uote reflects .efore the )ndustrial +e&olution and child la.or* 6he 7uote

is used to illustrate a strong i$pact on the 1e.siteIs introduction of the )ndustrial +e&olution* The *ritish "ndustrial Re#olution* /*p*, 2- Sept* 2,,;* e.* 21 /o&* 2,13*

0http'//111*cle$son*edu/caah/history/#acultyPages/Pa$Mack/lec122/.ritir*ht$5* 6he eApresses ho1 the )ndustrial +e&olution is a funda$ental econo$ic change* 9i&en a fe1 points, it the econo$y .et1een 1::, to 13;, in >ngland* Elso the outlines the causes of the )ndustrial +e&olution such as the eApansion of trade and $ercantilis$* 6his site is used to sho1 the cause of the )ndustrial +e&olution/child la.or for our* !6he Children of the )ndustrial +e&olution*! T++PWorld* >d* Catherine Sulli&an* 6angient ((C, 2,13* e.* 23 %ct* 2,13*

0http'//taap1orld*1ikispaces*co$/6heLChildrenLofLtheL)ndustrialL+e&olutionL4 LCatherineLSulli&an5* 6his gi&es a general eAplanation of the )ndustrial +e&olution* )t $ainly uses pictures to sho1 1hat life 1as like for the children during the )ndustrial +e&olution* )t pro&ides a fe1 statistics of the 1orkforce in "ritain, including a data ta.le and a pie chart* 6he categoriFes the reasons for child la.or, conditions, types of 8o.s, and $o&e$ents into different sections* >ach section includes i$ages of the la.orious chores that the children had to do, 1ith a caption clarifying each picture* #urther$ore, the includes pri$ary sources fro$ children and their fa$ily during the )ndustrial +e&olution, as 1ell as 7uotes* The "ndustrial Re#olution, a ,idcy%er We%link Page* )$agescPhotos*co$, 2,11* 2,13* 0http'//111**co$*au/topics/indre&*ht$5* e.* 21 /o&*

)n the, it the .eginning of the )ndustrial +e&olution, the ti$e .efore it all started* /eAt to the 1riting are a fe1 pictures representing the past as 1ell as the present* %ne of the$ is a picture of a fe1 houses and factories 1orking satisfyingly as the cars cal$ly dri&e .y* 6his sho1s 1hat life 1as like .efore the )ndustrial +e&olution started' 7uiet, pure, and 8ust perfect* 6his i$age is used for the introduction of the )ndustrial +e&olution on our* The "ndustrial Re#olution* /*p*, n*d* e.* 21 /o&* 2,13*

0http'//111*teacherlink*org/content/social/instructional/industrialre&olution/5* )n this, it introduces the )ndustrial +e&olution 1ith pictures to guide the reader* %ne i$age sho1s an tene$ent 1here the children li&ed in 1hen they 1ere not 1orking* Children 1orked till a.out 1< hours at $ost, ha&ing a one4hour total .reak* orking 1as .asically the childrenIs life, .esides their fa$ily* 6he picture sho1s a ruptured apart$ent house, a lo1 class li&ing shelter 1ith auto$o.iles dri&ing across the street* Sur&i&al 1as a .ig issue for fa$ilies as they fight a1ay fro$ a life of po&erty*

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