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This is from Astroboy, one of the posts from Light on Vedic Astrology forum, under the Donor's Lounge

Section under the post of the same name. Akanda Samrajya oga Sloka !" #art $ De%a &eralam '() *handra &ala +adi ,ut of the lords of the --th, and the -"th and the $nd houses, counted from the Ascendant, e%en if one planet o.ned by the abo%e is in an angle from the moon the +ati%e .ill be ruler of a undi%ided kingdom /i.e. .ill be an emperor of a large area0 Simultaneously 1uru should be the ruler of one of the $nd, 2th, or the --th houses counted from the ascendant. Akhanda Samrajya oga as per 3yotisharna%a +a%anitam sloka 245" 6f ,ne of the lords of the --th, 7th or the $nd house is in a &endra from 8oon, .hile simultaneously 3upiter is the lord of $nd, 2th or the --th house counted from the Ascendent. then the person .ill ha%e a .ide kingdom and /.ill be the lord of a large area0 There are only 9 Lagnas .hich can potentially satisfy the abo%e condition : ;or Vrishabha lagna, one among the three planets i.e., <udha / $nd and the 2th lord 0 Shani / 7th and the -"th lord 0 and 1uru / the =th and the --th lord0 needs to be in an angle from the 8oon ;or Simha lagna, one among the t.o planets i.e., <udha / the $nd and --th lord 0 and Shukra / -"th 0 needs to be in an angle from the 8oon ;or Vrischika one of the 5 planets i.e. 1uru / $nd and 2th lord 0 >a%i / -"th lord 0 and <udha / --th lord 0 needs to be in a angle from the 8oon ;or &umbha one of the $ planets i.e. 1uru / $nd and the --th lord 0 and &uja / -"th lord 0 needs to be in an angle from the 8oon 6 ha%e this yoga in my #rogressed D?92 .hich %erifies the #rogressed D?-. @#rogressed@ means taking the 2th house as the Ascendant.

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