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Dean 1

Justice Leslie Dean 10/29/2013 ENGL 106 Aria Halliday

Beware the Jargon Reading Response This article was interesting after reading the previous assignment, Academic Writing is Convoluted, by Kidder. Beware the Jargon tied all of this weeks readings and classes together. There is a time and place for jargon. In academic communities, the jargon is sometimes misused and is usually changing. In Ever-Shifting Jargon, the article talked about how jargon is shifting due to politically correctness, time period, or the overall origin and meaning of the terms. Mulgan wrote in Beware the Jargon that perhaps we should have a cull every year or two of jargon words that do not add real meaning. There is a time and place for jargon. It can reflect values and goals, but in scholarly writing it can be very convoluted. In scholarly writing, the writers make their writing complex, even when they could use much less and simplified words to really make their point. Jargon is appropriate when it makes things easier to understand. It is often used as a shortcut. However, academic writing will often confuse people and therefore not be a tiny bit enjoyable to read. Once again, we need to find the balance to educate and be readable. I thought it was quite funny when Mulgan wrote that we should have awards for the best communication and the worst deliberate obscurity. I think that would open up the eyes of writers worldwide.

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