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Name: Date: Class:

Where does my Food Go?

1.) The ___________ system helps in the breakdown of food into nutrients. 2.) The ___________ is the beginning of the digestive system. 3.) __________, or spit, helps moisten the food and begin the chemical breakdown of food. 4.) This muscular tube connects the throat to the stomach,___________. 5.) The stomach secretes ___________ to help the chemical breakdown and liquefying of food. 6.) Enzymes from the ___________ and bile from the ___________ mix with the food in the small intestines. 7.) Nutrients are absorbed into the ___________ __________ through the small intestinal walls. 8.) The remaining fluid is removed in the ___________ intestine. 9.) The ___________ is the end of the digestive system. 10.) ____________ is passed out the body through the colon

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