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Quarter 4 - Module 1
Focus on the Digestive System

LESSON I: Digestive System
What Is It
Digestive system is the system responsible for breaking down food particles and give
nutrients to the different parts of the body. It is a complex process of turning the food you eat
into nutrients which our body uses for energy, growth, and cell repair needed to survive. There
are four stages of digestion namely the ingestion, digestion, absorption, and excretion.
Digestion of food is carried out by the organs and substances of the digestive system.
. The moment you put food in your mouth, the digestion process begins. The first step of the digestion
process is Ingestion. It refers to the entry of food into the alimentary canal through the mouth. When food is
ingested into your mouth, your teeth, tongue, and saliva work together to begin the process of digestion.

Digestion process begins when you put food in your mouth. Our teeth help in breaking down food by
grinding and chewing the large chunks of food into small pieces. The cutting or breaking down of food by
tearing, grinding, and chewing is what we call mechanical digestion. It helps to moisten food and contains
the digestive enzyme amylase. The presence of saliva in the ingestion process starts the second type of
digestion which is chemical digestion. The enzyme amylase is essential for breaking down starches into
sugar. The food mixed with saliva that forms into a ball inside your mouth is called bolus. After the initial
digestion of food, your tongue helps in pushing the bolus by swallowing the food to throat and into the opening
of esophagus.

What’s More
Activity 3: Complete the Concept Map
Directions: Using the concept map, explain the process of ingestion .
This is for 15 points.

Absorption is a complex process that happens in the small intestine. 90% of ingested water,
vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids are absorb by the small intestine. The process of
absorption begins once the digested food from the stomach moves in the small intestine. The nutrients
from the digested food are absorbed by the inner walls of the small intestine into the blood stream.
Because the nutrients are small enough, they may pass or be transported across the epithelial cells of the
gastrointestinal tract. The nutrients are absorbed by processes of passive diffusion, facilitated diffusion,
and active transport. The process of absorption is very important because through this process we can get
the nutrients out from the food we eat and will be further use by the cells throughout our body.

Activity 5. Brief Explanation
Direction: On your answer sheet, write a brief explanation about the importance of absorption in the process
of digestion. This is for 15 points.
Criteria 5 3 2
Content Well accurate use of Somewhat accurate use of Lack use of the
correct information about the accurate information accurate information
the topic about the topic about the topic.
Organization Well organized details Somewhat organized Poor organization of
of thoughts about the topic details about the topic thoughts about the


What Is It
Assimilation is a process of taking in digested food nutrients into the cell by providing materials
in building new protoplasm and energy needed during the cell activities. This process occurs in the small
intestine. Assimilation simply means resynthesizing or putting back together all the molecules to form a bigger
formation of proteins, polypeptides, carbohydrates, and lipids. After the absorption process, the digested food
products such as glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids are in the bloodstream. These nutrients should be
delivered in the cell. The digested food products should be assimilated into the cell of the following reasons:

- They provide energy needed in the cell activities like the glucose is needed in respiration to form
ATP and amino acid used to build new proteins
- They are converted into protoplasm.
- They are converted to build cell membranes from the fats.
The end product of carbohydrate breakdown(glucose) reaches the liver by hepatic portal veins. Inside
the liver, the excess of glucose is converted into glycogen. The amino acids also reach the hepatic
portal veins where amino acids get breakdown. Separated amino acids are converted into urea with
the carbon dioxide. These are excreted in the body in the form of urine. The fats are stored in the
liver, bone, adipose tissue like in the thighs. Some fats also enter in to the composition of cell
organelles. Assimilation basically means storing nutrients when they are not yet needed and reuse
them whenever they will be required.

Activity 3. Tell Me
Directions: Explain where the nutrients will be assimilated.
1. Carbohydrates
2. Fats
3. Amino Acids


What Is It
Excretion is the process of removing wastes and excess water from the body. The excretion in
the digestive system works with the excretory system to excrete or eliminate the waste product of our body.
After the absorption and assimilation process that happens in the small intestine, the undigested materials
move to the large intestine.. It is responsible of reabsorbing the water and minerals that are not digested in
the small intestine. The rest of the undigested materials move to the rectum until they are eliminated from
the body through the anus. The process of excretion is very important for our body to maintain homeostasis
in our body. The waste by-product of our body should be eliminated for us not be intoxicated and may lead
to serious diseases or health problems. Drinking lots of water is a big help in the easy and smooth elimination
of feces in our body.

What’s More
Activity 3. Tell Me
Directions: Explain the excretion that happen in the large intestine. (10 points).

Activity 5. Question and Answer

Direction: Explain briefly and write your answer in your answer sheet. (10 points).
1. Why the excretion process is important?

LESSON 2: Diseases of the Digestive System, Treatment,

and Prevention
What’s In

Activity 1. Choose the Right Word

Directions: Identify the word that is being described in each statement. Choose your answers in the box
below. Write your answers in your notebook.
___________________ 1. It is where most of the absorption process happen.
___________________ 2. It is a process of taking in digested food nutrients into the cell by
providing materials in building new protoplasm and energy
needed during cell activities.
___________________ 3. It is where ingestion process begins.
___________________ 4. It helps to moisten the food and contains the enzyme amylase.
___________________ 5. It is the organ that reabsorbs vitamins and minerals which
are not absorbed by the small intestine.
Small intestine stomach assimilation colon saliva stomach

Activity 2. The Possible Ways
Directions: Please complete the table below. Write the symptoms and possible treatment you know about
the common digestive diseases. (15 points).

Common Digestive What did you feel when you What did you do to ease
Diseases/Disorders experienced that the uncomfortable
disease/disorder? feeling you had?
Peptic Ulcer

What Is It
The following are the common diseases that affect the digestive system:
● Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) – it is commonly called ‘severe heartburn’ or a burning
pain in your chest. It is a disease in which the ingested food leaks back from the stomach into the
esophagus. The stomach acid that flows back irritate and inflame the lining of the esophagus. The
person who experiences GERD has a difficulty in swallowing and reflux.
▪ Treatment/ prevention – elevation of the upper body is highly recommended when. Avoid
eating chocolates, spicy foods, alcoholic drinks, coffee, and fatty foods. Doctors also
recommend to take antacids an hour after meals to neutralize the acidity in the stomach and
avoid lying down after a meal.
● Gastritis - it is the inflammation of the stomach caused by too much intake of alcoholic drinks,
coffee, or any acidic drinks, stress, smoking cigarettes, and the too much intake of anti-inflammatory
drugs such as the aspirin and ibuprofen. Nausea, upset stomach, vomiting, indigestion, abdominal
pain, loss of appetite are some symptoms of gastritis.
▪ Treatment/prevention – gastritis can be treated by changing one’s lifestyle or if it is caused
by an infection, taking antibiotics which, your doctor prescribed can be an option too. Avoid
drinking acidic drinks such as alcohol and minimize coffee intake.
● Peptic Ulcer – it is painful sores that develop in the lining of stomach or small intestine. It is caused
by the bacteria H.pylori and also too much intake of acidic drinks such as alcohol. Nausea, feeling
abdominal pain or burning sensation in the stomach after eating, sudden weight loss, and also
vomiting are some symptoms of peptic ulcer.
▪ Treatment/prevention - taking antibiotics and practicing healthy lifestyle can be a treatment
of this disease. Doing some exercise can help too.
● Colon cancer – it is caused by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the large intestine. It is
very common to adults. The signs and symptoms of this disease are the following: fatigue,
unexplained weight loss, blood in your stool, constipation, abdominal discomfort such as cramps,
and vomiting. It is the third common cancer in the Philippines based from the data of the Philippine
Cancer Society.
▪ Treatment/prevention - Colon cancers are treated by undergoing a process of surgeries
including radiotherapy and chemotherapy. In order to prevent the occurrence of this disease,
practicing a healthy lifestyle, well-balance food intake, and doing some exercise is highly

There are also common digestive disorders that may happen in our digestive system which can be
considered as disturbance in the normal flow of digestion. Below is the list of common digestive disorder.

● Diarrhea – it is usually called ‘stomach flu’. A person with diarrhea may experience bloating,
abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, loose and watery bowel. This disorder
is caused by infection of bacteria that came from the food we eat or allergies from certain food.
▪ Treatment/prevention – rehydration or drinking plenty of water/energy drinks that is rich in
rehydration salts) is highly recommended to avoid dehydration.
Consulting a doctor is a must too for better and prescribe medication
● Constipation – this disorder is characterized by infrequent bowel movement. This results from a
blockage in the large intestine or sometimes it is due to lack of fiber or water in our body.
▪ Treatment/prevention – eating foods that are rich in fiber such as the bananas, apples, and
avocados. Drinking plenty of water and having regular exercise may help regulate bowel
● Lactose intolerance – this is the inability of the body to digest lactose (sugar). It is caused of the
lack of the enzyme lactase which is needed to digest lactose. Drinking milk, eating yogurt, or taking
any dairy products may lead to bloating, abdominal cramps, or diarrhea.
▪ Treatment/prevention - people who experience lactose intolerance may take lactase
supplements before eating food that contains lactose.
● Obesity – it is the abnormal accumulation of fat in the body. It occurs when the body consumes
more calories than it burns. Too much consumption of food causes the body to store fat and lack of
physical activities such as exercise prevents the fat from being metabolized by the body. People
who are obese have a high risk of having a high cholesterol level, diabetes. High blood pressure,
heart diseases, and cancer.
▪ Treatment/prevention - eating a balanced diet, regular exercise, healthy weight loss, and
practicing a healthy lifestyle may prevent a person for being obese

What’s More

Activity 3. Complete Me
Directions: Fill in the table with correct answer.

Causes Possible Treatment

1. Uncontrolled growth of 2.
abnormal hormones in
the large intestine

Lactose intolerance 3. Tae lactase supplements

before eating any dairy

Constipation 4. 5.

6. Cause by infection of 7.
bacteria that came from
food we eat. Usually
called “stomach flu”

Obesity 8. 9.

Peptic Ulcer 10. Take antibiotics and adapt

healthy lifestyle.

What I Have Learned

Activity 4. Tell Me
Directions: Cite some possible disease/disorder and its treatment for every situation given. Explain briefly.
Write your answers in your notebook. (20 points).

1. Jennie had been complaining about her abnormal bowel movement. She only poop three times a week.

2. Cathy always feel a burning sensation every after she eat and she tend to vomit everything she ate. She
then observes that she unexplainably loss weight.

3. Lean experienced a severe chest pain and difficulty in swallowing.


4. Leonor loves to eat. Her weight is not ideal for her age and height.


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