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MoLlvaLlon for Lhls lesson wlll be galned by presenLlng Lhe learner wlLh Lhe capablllLles
of uslng CamLasla sofLware and relaLlng Lhe flnal producL Lo Lhe learner's academlc
pro[ecLs and career paLhs. As lnsLrucLlonal deslgn sLudenLs Lhe learners wlll become
moLlvaLed Lo learn Lhe skllls necessary Lo produce vldeo lnsLrucLlons and Lo publlsh
Lhem onllne.

1he lesson wlll begln by havlng sLudenLs vlew a brlef vldeo abouL CamLasla and a vldeo
lnLroducLlon from Lhe lnsLrucLor whlch has been creaLed uslng CamLasla so LhaL learners
can see Lhe Lype of flnlshed producL LhaL can be creaLed.


Mlcrophone (bullL-ln or exLernal)
Sllde Show Sample ln 1
Sllde Show Sample on Lhumb drlve (for sLudenLs who wanL Lo use Lhe sample flle)
aper sLep-by-sLep lnsLrucLlons
AssessmenL CheckllsL

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1he lnLroducLlon vldeo wlll demonsLraLe many of Lhe capablllLles and uses of Lhe
CamLasla sofLware ln order Lo moLlvaLe Lhe learners. 1he maln course conLenL wlll be
demonsLraLed by Lhe lnsLrucLor on a Mac connecLed Lo a smarLboard followed by a
vldeo of Lhe same sLep compleLed on a compuLer runnlng Wlndows. SLudenLs wlll also
recelve a seL of prlnLed sLep-by-sLep dlrecLlons lncludlng Lhe followlng screenshoLs
lllusLraLlng each sLep.




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1he conLenL wlll be presenLed ln Lhe form of sLeps. Lach sLep wlll be presenLed boLh ln
class on a compuLer and as an onllne vldeo. SLudenLs wlll also recelve a handouL
conLalnlng Lhe sLeps and screenshoLs.

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1) uslng a compuLer wlLh elLher a Wlndows or Mac operaLlng sysLem, sLudenLs wlll
launch boLh owerolnL and CamLasla sofLware ln less Lhan one mlnuLe.
2) uslng elLher a flle of Lhelr own or a sample flle provlded by Lhe lnsLrucLor, Lhe
sLudenL wlll open a owerolnL presenLaLlon and launch a sllde show ln lull Screen
3) uslng CamLasla sofLware and elLher an lnLernal or exLernal mlcrophone, Lhe
learner wlll narraLe aL leasL 30 seconds of lnsLrucLlon uslng a mlnlmum of 2 slldes.
4) ln Lhe CamLasla edlLor screen, Lhe learner wlll edlL Lhelr recordlng ellmlnaLlng
unneeded conLenL aL Lhe beglnnlng and end of Lhe recordlng.
3) AfLer edlLlng, Lhe learner wlll save Lhelr recordlng as a pro[ecL flle on Lhelr
deskLop ln less Lhan 1 mlnuLe.
6) AfLer savlng Lhelr compleLed pro[ecL flle Lo Lhelr deskLop, Lhe learner wlll converL
Lhelr flle Lo an approprlaLe vldeo formaL and publlsh Lhelr compleLed pro[ecL Lo Lhe
lnLerneL so LhaL Lhe lnsLrucLor and Lhelr classmaLes can vlew lL.

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1he learner's acLlvlLles lnclude followlng Lhe 6 sLeps Lo compleLe a narraLed owerolnL
pro[ecL. 1he learner wlll follow each sLep as Lhe lnsLrucLor demonsLraLes lL. 1he
lnsLrucLor wlll pause afLer each sLep Lo allow learners Lo compleLe LhaL sLep before
movlng on Lo Lhe nexL sLep. Learners wlll demonsLraLe knowledge of each sLep as Lhey
move Lhrough Lhe class. leedback Lo Lhe learner ls lncluded ln Lhe successful or
unsuccessful compleLlon of each sLep.
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1he learner performs self-assessmenL as Lhey move Lhrough each sLep uslng a prlnLed
self-assessmenL checkllsL provlded by Lhe lnsLrucLor. 1he lnsLrucLor and Lhe learner's
peers wlll do Lhe flnal assessmenL as Lhey vlew Lhe learner's compleLed pro[ecL onllne.


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Learners Lake Lhe sLep-by-sLep dlrecLlon handouL home wlLh Lhem for fuLure reference.
Learners wlll also be able Lo access Lhe sLep-by-sLep vldeos on Lhe lnsLrucLor's slLe.

1o faclllLaLe Lransfer Lhe lnsLrucLor wlll end Lhe class wlLh a flnal overvlew LhaL
summarlzes Lhe academlc and professlonal uses of Lhls pro[ecL and of Lhe CamLasla

1he prlnLed handouL wlll also lnclude a llsL of onllne LuLorlals LhaL sLudenLs can refer Lo
ln order Lo reference whaL Lhey have learned ln Lhls lesson and Lo learn how Lo use
more of Lhe feaLures of CamLasla now LhaL Lhey are comforLable openlng and uslng Lhe

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