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My Contribution & Reflection

Personal Contribution For the first draft of the presentation I was not able to contribute as much as I would have liked to, due to illness. I did however work on looking up information for the 2nd part of the rhetorical situation. I referred to Box Office Mojo to obtain movie information, like how well it grossed. I was able to contribute much more for revising. I worked on getting pictures of each of the important characters and putting them on the slides. My main job was to gather the visuals necessary to improve on our overall presentation. In the final draft revision I contributed, by enlarging images.

Reflection Karina and I presented for both the first revision and the final draft. The first revision draft did not go as bad as I thought. I did however blank out for a good 10 seconds while presenting. This caused us to have low marks in the polls filled out by fellow classmates, which I disagreed upon because I felt we did an awesome job disregarding me

blanking out. Karina was able to help me find the train of thought I had lost. This lead us to conclude that for the next presentation we needed to rehearse more in front of the mirror, and that is exactly what Karina and I did for improvement. For the final draft presentation, I know we did such a great job and had an improvement in our oral presentation. I also followed in what Karina and others had done to help aid in case they blank out, make flash cards with key words. The note card technique helped me greatly. Overall I was proud of us and in our presentation.

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