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Listen to My Teacher

December 8 - December 14, 2013

Review the central truth, the memory verse, prayer and confessions, and read the Bible story with your child each day. As this is done, let your child color in or put a sticker on the power outlet located on the back of the devotional. At the end of the week please sign as proof of completion and return to the teacher. Children who complete 3 weeks Power Cords in a month will have their picture posted in the foyer of Power Source.

Teachers help us understand Gods Word.

Let us not give up meeting together. . .but let us encourage one another. Heb. 10:25

Father God, I am so thankful today for all You have blessed me with. Thank you for those who teach me Your Word-my parents, teachers and Pastor Ron. May they be filled with Your love and walk in Your wisdom today. Teach me to obey my parents so things will go well with me and I will live a long life on the earth. Help me to look for ways to bless others. Thank you that because of Jesus, I am healed and whole. In Jesus Name, Amen

As the disciples were in a boat, a big storm came. The wind and waves tossed the boat around. The disciples were afraid. Jesus came to them, walking on the water. Peter wanted to walk on water with Jesus. He climbed out of the boat and his faith in Jesus kept him from sinking. Then Peter looked at the wind and waves. He got scared and began to sink. Jesus reached down to rescue him. They returned to the boat and the storm stopped.

Psalm 100:4 God, I enter your gates with thanksgiving and Your courts with praise. I am thankful to You, God, and I bless your name.

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