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Abdul Meelar Cindy Rogers English 12 December 18, 2013 Self evaluation This course has been one of the hardest classes I have ever taken. Despite the difficulties I had this year, I do believe this class has taught me the most though out my four years of high school. It has taught me a lot about time management and about how I can flourish as a writer. The aspect that I liked the most about this course was its challenging nature and many chances for improvement. The grading by the teachers and criterion, really gave me an in-depth perspective about my writing style and mistakes. I truly hope that all that I have learned in this course can be applied in the future when I attend college. These courses and their strict grading criteria has really given me a chance to improve myself as a person and as a writer. The only place that I need major improvement is on my time management skills, which I personally believe I can fix in a few days. These English courses have really showed me how much I can improve and how to write properly in MLA format. I personally think that the essay work should be slightly tweaked so that the student would have more time to submit his or her other work as well. Other than that minor detail, the entire English course is perfect. Though this course has been quite difficult for me, it was rewarding in a sense because it assured me that no matter how hard the future will be, I always have to keep at it.

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