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Yaretzi Mancillas

Dr. Adam Kozaczka

Engl 1302

2 May 2024

Final Reflection Essay

In this English 1302 class I have had the privilege to have a great professor who was

good at giving information without making it boring. I have learned many valuable lessons

throughout being in this class. Some of the valuable lessons I learned are the importance of

creating a rough draft and having a strong thesis and main idea. This class has also taught me

how to think rhetorically and how to apply rhetorical questions to my essays. This class was

very informative and enjoyable because of the professor’s hard work. I am very glad I was in

this class as it was both informative and the students had fun learning.

The lessons that I have learned in my English 1302 class have not only made my essays

stronger and detailed and refined, but they have also given me tools and strategies that I can

apply to other classes. For example, having a strong thesis is vital to set up your essay for

success. Having a strong thesis can really help the structure of your essay and make it sound

smoother and flow better. Another valuable lesson I learned in this class is creating a rough

draft. To be honest I have never seen the necessity in having a rough draft before this class.

Now that I see all the benefits from having a rough draft it is a vital step in the essay process.

Having a rough draft can prevent careless mistakes and help improve the flow of your essay. A

rough draft is where you can make mistakes then correct them, so in your final draft those
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mistakes aren't there. Another important tool that I learned in this English 1302 class is the

importance of revision. Revising an essay is probably one of the most important steps in the

editing process of an essay. The revision process can help eliminate some mistakes that might

have been made during the process of writing the essay. Revising your essay is like the last line

of revision before turning in an essay. Another form of revision that I found very helpful is peer

reviewing. I found peer reviewing very helpful because you are getting constructive criticism

from people who you consider friends. This also allows students to be able to interact with

other students in the class. I have always viewed peer reviews as very helpful because it's a win

win for everyone. The students get to help each other out and the professor can get a grade out

of the participation of the peer review.

I genuinely found this class to be very enjoyable along with the professor. The professor

made this class enjoyable by interacting with the students enough to keep them interested and

entertained that way we didn't get bored. I also found some of the assignments assigned very

interesting. For example, one of the first assignments assigned to us was to watch a film then

write about it. I genuinely found this film so interesting and I even watched this film after the

assignment was done. One of the other assignments assigned to us was to watch a film named

“The Whale”, although this movie was very disturbing it had a powerful message behind it that I

found very interesting. This movie was so powerful in its message that it genuinely shocked me

so much and it was very easy for me to write and elaborate on in the assignment. I am very

grateful to have had this professor who tries to make things interesting to us students. In a way

it was very refreshing to have a professor like, Dr.Kozackza, teaching us and guiding us through
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this course throughout the semester. He gave out a new perspective not only on the subject

but the way we worked with it and could find a way to really express our thoughts on paper. It

cannot go unnoticed the effort our professor put in day in and day out for us to have a good

education. Someone that would constantly continue to push us and tried their best to keep us

on task. As I had mentioned, the subject of English had not caught my attention before because

it would be a bit difficult to really learn how to express myself through words. I think although I

was a bit hesitant about this class, I had a full turn around on my overall perspective of this

course. I think always pushing us to really expand our knowledge as well as exercise our essay

skills continually, was a gift in disguise because I feel as I’m more prepared then ever to

continue my college career. I’m truly grateful for the knowledge I’ve gained with this course. I

have been of success proceeding through this college semester. But this class has helped me

uphold my responsibilities.

In conclusion, I have learned several valuable lessons throughout the duration of this

course. I am very grateful to have experienced such a revolutionary professor and class. I have

really enjoyed having this professor because of his dedication and determination towards his

students. I have always recognized his hard work towards this class and the students. This

professor has taught me the importance and value of each step of the writing process. In

essence I have thoroughly enjoyed having this course although I was not the best student I

really enjoyed it.

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