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Page 163 Listen to the information presented and then read silently as these words are read aloud

d on Audio Lesson 532. / We All Can Read James E. Williams

Adding Suffixes
Three major rules determine the correct spelling of words when adding a suffix. Lesson 532 Spelling Rule Two Spelling rule for adding suffixes to root words ending in a silent e. Drop the silent e at the end of a word when adding a suffix that begins with a vowel such as smile/smiling, race/racer, and make/making. However, do not drop the silent e when adding a single s to the end of the word as in type/types, mile/miles, and give/gives. Do not drop the silent e when adding a suffix that begins with a consonant such as fine/fineness, improve/improvement, safe/safely. Spelling rule two for adding suffixes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. grace/graceful make/makes waste/wasteful slide/slider fine/fines bike/biking strive/striving love/lovely graze/grazing slime/slimy probe/probing nice/nicest pine/pines rate/rating haze/hazy bake/baker chose/chosen tide/tidings spoke/spoken whine/whining broke/broken file/filing lame/lamely grime/grimy

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