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Rajesh Kumar CABM-Pantnagar, GBPUA&T



INTRODUCTION Career Management

General introduction, CM meaning. Why CM is important. C. M module. C. M cycle.
Step 1(a): Determine Where You Want To Go. Step 1 (b): Understand Your Work type. Step 2: Identify Your Strengths and Development Areas Through 360 Degree Feedback. Step 3: Make a Career Development Plan. Step 4: getting closer to your goal.

C. M model, process, its component. Companys role, HR manager , employee role in CM. Conclusion.



If you dont know where youre going, you might end up somewhere else!

The pessimist complains about the wind, the optimist expects it to change, the realist adjusts the sails
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---- William Arthur Ward



Career is a term defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as an individual's "course or progress through life (or a distinct portion of life)".
Career management refers to efforts made by the individual or the organization to manage ones career. This consists of identifying ones interests, learning about various job opportunities, identifying career goals, and creating plans to achieve those goals.



the companys perspective, the failure to motivate employees to plan their careers can result in:

A shortage of employees to fill open positions Lower employee commitment Inappropriate use of monies allocated for training and development programs




the employees perspective, lack of career management can result in:

Frustration Feelings of not being valued by the company Being unable to find suitable employment should a job change be necessary due to mergers, acquisitions, restructuring, or downsizing.



Career Management Module


Solid Performance in Current Job


Decision Making

Goal-Setting Continuous Learning And 7 Evaluation



Career Management CYCLE

Step 1(a): Determine Where You Want To Go (b): Understand Your Work type Step 2: Identify Your Strengths and Development Areas Through 360 Degree Feedback Step 3: Make a Career Development Plan Step 4:getting closer to your goal (Resume Writing and Interview Skills)
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What Is A Career?
Traditional Career
Sequence of positions held within an occupation Context of mobility is within an organization Characteristic of the employee

Protean Career
Frequently changing based on changes in the person

and changes in the work environment Employees take major responsibility for managing their careers

College Of Agri Business Management

Comparison of Traditional Career and Protean Career:

Goal Psychological contract Mobility Responsibility for Management Pattern Expertise Development

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Traditional Career
Promotions Salary increase Security for commitment Vertical Company Linear and expert Know how Heavy reliance on formal training

Protean Career
Psychological success Employability for flexibility Lateral Employee Spiral and transitory Learn how Greater reliance on relationships and job experiences

A Model of Career Development

Career development is the process by which employees progress through a series of stages.
Each stage is characterized by a different set of

developmental tasks, activities, and relationships. There are four career stages:
Exploration Establishment Maintenance Disengagement
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A Model of Career Development (continued..)

Developmental tasks Identify interests, skills, fit between self and work

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Advancement, growth, security, develop life style

Hold on to accomplishments , update skills

Retirement planning, change balance between work and nonwork Phasing out of work


Helping Learning Following directions Apprentice

Making independent contributions Colleague

Training Sponsoring Policy making Mentor

Relationships to other employees Typical age Years on job


Less than 30 Less than 2 years

30 45 2 10 years

45 60 More than 10 years

61+ More than 10 years

The career management process:

Self-Assessment Reality Check Goal Setting Action Planning

College Of Agri Business Management

Components of the Career Management Process:

Use of information by employees to determine their career interests, values, aptitudes, and behavioral tendencies. Often involves psychological tests.

Reality Check
Information employees receive about how the company evaluates their skills and knowledge and where they fit into company plans.

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Manager Company

HR Manager

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Employees Role in Career Management

Take the initiative to ask for feedback from managers and peers regarding their skill strengths and weaknesses. Identify their stage of career development and development needs. Seek challenges by gaining exposure to learning opportunities. Interact with employees from different work groups inside and outside the company. Create visibility through good performance.
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HR Managers Role in Career Management

Provide information or advice about training and development opportunities. Provide specialized services such as testing to determine employees values, interests, and skills. Help prepare employees for job searches. Offer counseling on career-related problems

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Companys Role in Career Management

Companies are responsible for providing employees with the resources needed to be successful in career planning:
Career workshops Information on career and job opportunities Career planning workbooks Career counseling Career paths

Importance of Career Management

Effects on career motivation Career resilience Career insight Career identity

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The future belongs to the employee-empowering organizations : - using new Technology-based HRM tools to give their staff more autonomy and confidence, - in the framework of a strategy clearly understood and shared both by the staff and the Managers
A fast growing win-win approach: To-morrows employees should not be considered only as corporate assets, but as free agents who invest their human capital (abilities, energy, behavior and time) in Companies that give them the best return.

College Of Agri Business Management

You can do it!

Be the best you can be by managing your career!




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