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Nancie Pass Gina Jacobsen Professional development meeting October 11 !"1"

On September !#t$ %e met to discuss a professional development plan& 'ere is a summar( of t$e meeting& Where do you want to see the organization go? How does this fit into our mission statement? ) %ant to be a part of our organi*ation moving for%ard and being successful+ success is not onl( about addressing professionalism processes,s(stems or e-uipment issues but more importantl( addressing t$e $uman element& .( part is education on leaders$ip personal gro%t$ and being open to c$ange+ all of %$ic$ fit into our mission statement& )n addition ) am committed to t$e establis$ed goals and priorities& ) spend most of t$e time putting out dail( fires& )t %ould be a nice c$ange to rotate off t$e floor to %or/ on a project& )f eac$ supervisor %ere given t$e opportunit( to develop in ot$er areas of supervisor( assignments suc$ as training -ualit( assurance or fire liaison+ t$e supervisor( staff %ould be %ell rounded and e0perienced in eac$ area 1if t$e( desire2& )t %ould also give us t$e opportunit( to %or/ %it$ different people& ) %ant emplo(ees to feel valued and empo%ered& .( part is to activel( listen to emplo(ee concerns and bring for%ard t$ose concerns or address t$ose %$ic$ ) can& ) %ant to assist emplo(ees in t$eir o%n professional development b( meeting %it$ t$em on a regular basis& 3oll4calls are unorgani*ed and $ap$a*ard& ) $ave 1"415 minutes preparation time& )t %ould be $elpful if all supervisors %ere on t$e same page about t$e structure and organi*ation of roll4calls& One %a( to address t$is issue is to pic/ 5! topics or SOP6s to discuss and plan a$ead so all supervisors our on t$e same page& T$e topics %ould be addressed for one %ee/ to ensure all emplo(ees receive t$e information& 7urrentl( it is $it or miss depending on (our da( off or if t$e supervisor feels li/e doing a roll4call& 8 ne% process for t$e dissemination of SOP6s needs to be discussed& T$e current process is 9information overload: and fre-uentl( emplo(ees do not pa( attention to all t$e updates or emails even t$oug$ it is t$e responsibilit( of emplo(ees to /no% t$e SOP6s& 8s a supervisor it is m( job to /no% and understand SOP6s& Several times a (ear ) revie% all SOP6s in t$e manual in order to /eep m(self up4to4date and /no%ledgeable&

What are the issues that need to be identified and addressed in order to move our organization forward?

) need to ta/e o%ners$ip and ac/no%ledge m( part %$ic$ $as been lac/ of collaboration lac/ of respect for t$ose in c$arge and anger ; frustration& ) $ave al%a(s said t$at ) am a %or/s in progress and %ill continue to be& On a dail( basis ) am a%are of m( s$ort comings and ) ta/e responsibilit( for t$ose s$ortcomings& <$at ) %ant is to be valued respected for m( e0perience ; /no%ledge and given a c$ance to succeed& ) am one of t%o supervisors %or/ing on a master6s degree 1Organi*ational =eaders$ip2& =earning and gro%t$ are $ig$ priorities for me& Disconnect bet%een managers and supervisors& >ot$ need to 9let go: of t$e past and move on& Some can do t$is and ot$ers %ill not& >uild trust b( being $onest $o%ever ) do not believe management is& For instance nobod( $as addresses or ac/no%ledged %$at is going on %it$ t$e Training manager position? Do %e $ave a training coordinator or training manager position open? Some sa( (es some sa( no& )s t$ere a -ualit( assurance supervisor4 %$at does t$at mean? ) t$oug$t Denise O6=ear( %as -ualit( assurance manager %$( t$e need for a supervisor too in addition to t$e -ualit( assurance @mil( %as doing& )t is ver( deceptive in m( mind& 8long %it$ trust and $onest( $o% about courage and $umilit(? T$e courage and $umilit( to ac/no%ledge people $ave been promoted be(ond t$eir level of competenc(& .anagement is good at managing some of t$e organi*ation but lac/s leaders$ip s/ills A basic leaders$ip 1"1& Old paradigm of leaders$ip is no longer successful in organi*ations& =eaders toda( need to be t$in/ing in terms of ne% paradigm of leaders$ip %$ic$ is about c$ange ; crisis management empo%erment collaboration diversit( $ig$er et$ical purpose and $umilit(& Disconnect bet%een supervisors and supervisors A not a team because a fe% continue to act in a 9lone ranger: st(le vs& %$at is group consensus or directed b( management no support for ot$ers decisions man( do not ac/no%ledge t$at it is o/a( to $ave differences of opinions and lac/ of /no%ledge and professionalism& 9Bou don6t /no% %$at (ou don6t /no%: and some supervisors are not open to learning and gro%t$& 8s a result ) $ave little respect for t$ose supervisors %or/ et$ic because t$e( are not %illing to c$ange and gro%& ) need to find a %a( to meet people %$ere t$e( are at& ) can be encouraging and s$are /no%ledge in a $elpful manner instead of ma/ing a co4%or/er feel stupid& =abor issues suc$ as seniorit( e-ual pa( for e-ual %or/ structure of dispatc$ positions& ) disagree %it$ t$e current plan because its proven to be unsuccessful and a %aste of valuable training time&

What supervisory skills do I want to work on?

) need to %or/ on some interpersonal s/ills suc$ as diplomac( and tact& Often times ) am told t$at t$e tone of m( communications is sarcastic and demeaning or s$ort& 8lso ) need to be clear and concise and articulate %$at ) am tr(ing to sa(& 3espect for ot$ers A ) see slopp( %or/ or bad be$avior and ) $ave little respect for t$ose people %$o do t$at& T$ose t$ings reflect poorl( on all of us& T$is is anot$er area for me to be $elpful and encouraging instead of critical and demeaning& ) am a firm believer of earning respect in order to be given but per$aps t$is approac$ s$ould be loo/ed at& ) %ill ponder t$at& T$e desire to care %$at ot$ers t$in/ A sometimes ) tune people out because ) $ave little respect for %$at t$e( t$in/& ) need to pa( more attention to m( be$avior and t$e message ) send& ) need to be less critical and nonjudgmental A ) $old m(self to a $ig$ standard and sometimes ) e0pect ot$ers to perform at t$at level& ) need to reali*e not all people strive for e0cellence and be more accepting of %$ere people are at&

How can my supervisor help me achieve my goals? Give me feedbac/ A ) appreciate a direct and $onest approac$& No sugar coating necessar(& .a/e suggestions for better %a(s to approac$ matters& Tell me )T )S NOT OC8B or )T )S DN877@PT8>=@ to be$ave in a manner or tal/ in a certain %a(& ) %ill appreciate (our $onest(& Set clear e0pectations direction and guidance& ) prefer structure and organi*ation& =ead b( e0ample& 'old people accountable&

Challenges for me sit ne0t to Jon at conference and let Nancie /no% if ) am not in t$e rig$t frame of mind&

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