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A handy guide

to take the
guesswork out
of counting
ca|ories p|us
samp|e mea|
p|ans to he|p
you drop
pounds f-a-a-s-t.


lhere's one lhing even lhe mosl casual dieler knows or cerlain, il is lhe imorlance o keeing a daily lrack o lhe calories he
lakes in. unorlunalely, lhis is easier said lhan done. Reason: The aucily o reliable dala on lhe caloric values o ndian oods.
There are several aclors resonsible or lhis dielary roadblock: (a) lhe lack o signiicanl research in lhe area o ood
analysis; (b) lhe acl lhal, unlike lhe wesl, where mosl o lhe oulalion relies on readyloserve meals or ackaged oods lhal
have been calibraled down lo lhe lasl decimal, we are slill a eole lhal relies on home cooking (lhink: a 1OOO ermulalions,
combinalions and as many caloric values or a single dish!); (c) again, unlike lhe wesl, where governmenl olicy makes il
comulsory or ood manuaclurers and reslauraleurs lo reveal caloric dala, no such rules bind our ood sellers... And so on
and so orlh.
0iven lhis sad slale aairs, you can undersland lhe dieler's dilemma. how is he suosed lo slay wilhin his rescribed
dielary limils i, say, he can'l even guess al whal a breakasl o iJ|i-sam|ar or a dinner o Ja||a cs|t and parat|as
could bring in, energy wise? Sure, lhere are do/ens o lillle booklels in lhe markel aimed al lhe dedicaled dieler lhal lisl
oods and lheir caloric values, bul a close analysis o lhese lyically reveal lhal lhey are lhe works o charlalans.
Following a diel based on such unreliable dala can have serious consequences on someone who is walching his
weighl or heallh reasons. (Bul even lhe casual dieler can be unleasanlly surrised lo learn lhal a daily inlake o a
8rea|IasI 300 - 400 ca|s
1. B|ead 1 s|ice 2Og 49
Boi|ed egg 1 5Og 87
0|auge 1 1OOg 48
Skim mi|k 1c 15Og 29
2. Co|ul|akes 1c 25g 94
Ni|k (cows) 1c 15Og 1O1
Suga| 2lsps. 1Og 4O
App|e 1 1OOg 59
8. B|ead 2 s|ices 4Og 98
Bulle| 1lsp 5g 8G
Cheese 1cube 25g 87
Tea 1lsp suga| 5g 81
4. ld|i 2 9Og 18O
Sambha| 1cup 15Og 1OO
Ni|k 1c 15Og 1O1
8rea|IasI 300 - 400 ca|s
5. osai 1 5Og 185
Chuluey 2 lbsps 5Og 1OO
Collee+suga| 1c 5g 54
G. Toasl 2 s|ices 98
Sc|amb|ed egg 1 1O1
Bauaua 1 1OOg 11G
Tea+suga| 1c 5g 87
7. Po||idge (oals) 1c 1OO
Ni|k 1c 144
Suga| 1lsp 5g 2O
/8 med. 1OOg 82
8. upma 1c 9Og 22O
l|uil (o|auge) 1 5O
Ni|k 1c 1O1
o |ose weighl aud lo maiulaiu lhe |oss ove| lhe |oug le|m, dieliciaus |ecommeud lhal you allempl lo d|op uo mo|e lhau
ha|l a kg a week (auylhiug mo|e wi|| |equi|e a doclo|'s supe|visiou). Neu a|e lhe|elo|e advised lo gel al|easl 18OO ca|o|ies
pe| day, whi|e womeu cau gel by wilh 14OO ca|o|ies.
The lo||owiug diel p|au has beeu based ou lhese ligu|es aud is couveuieul|y divided iulo 8 mea|s aud oue suack. A midmo|uiug
o| |ale uighl suack, may a|so be iuc|uded p|ovided lhe ca|o|ies a|e adjusled wilh lhe uea|esl maiu mea|.
B|eaklasl 4OO ca|s B|eaklasl 4OO ca|s
Luuch 5OO ca|s Nid mo|uiug 1OO ca|s
Tea 85O ca|s Luuch 5OO ca|s
iuue| 55O ca|s Tea 8OO ca|s
iuue| 5OO ca|s
lo| womeu, lhe 14OO ca| diel p|esc|ipliou may be simi|a||y
divided as lo||ows.
B|eaklasl 85O ca|s B|eaklasl 8OO ca|s
Luuch 4OO ca|s Luuch 85O ca|s
Tea 25O ca|s Tea 25O ca|s
iuue| 4OO ca|s iuue| 4OO ca|s
Lale uighl 1OO ca|s
The diel p|esc|iplious meulioued above howeve| have lo be
lu|lhe| iudividua|ised l|om pe|sou lo pe|sou.
Neuus have beeu wo|ked oul lo| 8OO-4OO ca|. mea|s.
Ca|o|ic va|ue ol ave|age po|lious ol mauy ludiau dishes have
beeu wo|ked oul lo| quick |ele|euce. ll is impo|laul lo |emembe|
lhal lhese va|ues wi|| chauge acco|diug lo lhe amouul ol lal
used iu cookiug aud a|so lhe use ol iug|edieuls such as
cocouul, uuls aud c|eam.
Subsliluliou ol oue lood lo| auolhe| is possib|e iu each ol lhe
suggesled meuus bul lhe uew lood choseu shou|d p|ele|ab|y
be l|om lhe same g|oup aud coulaiu app|o/imale|y lhe same
uumbe| ol ca|o|ies. The 'Ca|o|ie Couule|' is p|ovided lo he|p
iu lhis ca|cu|aliou. The 1OO ca|o|ie e/chauge |isl makes il
easie| sli||.
mere 1OO exlra calories a day could mean alleasl 1O ounds o addilional baggage al lhe end o lhe year.)
Since readers o |ca|t| & |utriticn have long been clamouring or lhe caloric dala o ndian oods, we wenl
back lo a lillle manual ublished over 1O years ago by lhe College o home Science, hirmala hikelan or
malerial. As ar as we know, barring a ew minor blis, lhe 0a|cric 0cuntcr is one o lhe mosl reliable and
ainslakingly researched comendium o ils kind. (The halional nslilule o hulrilion, hyderabad, has also
broughl oul a similar booklel, bul on a more limiled scale.) The ollowing secial seclion lhal lhe college has
kindly ermilled |ca|t| & |utriticn lo reroduce, is an excerl rom lhe manual, and rovides nol only a
comrehensive lisl o caloric values o common ndian oods, bul also menu lans lo hel dielers lose weighl.
Follow lheir advice and you'll know lhal you're on lhe righl lrack!
JA The 0a|cric 0cuntcr also has recies or all lhe oods il has lisled, so il's worlhwhile lo gel hold o
a coy i you can!
2. Chapali 2 1OO
a| (lhick) 1c 1GG
Cau|il|owe| wilh
g|eeu peas / c 125
Sa|ad 2 sma|| lomaloes 2O
ahi 1c 1OO
8. Phu|ka 4 7Og 2OO
usa| (mooug) 1c 12O
oodhi |aila c G5
Sa|ad (lomalo) 1 5Og 1O
Beaus loogalh / c 75
4. Tomalo |ice 1c 178
Cucumbe| |aila 1c 71
Vegelab|e cul|el 1 45g 14O
Roasled papad 1, |a|ge 1Og 29
5. Kichdi 1c 1G8
Kadhi (pakoda) 1c 152
Tomalo &
ouiou sa|ad 75g 28
G. Taudoo|i |oli 1 147
Nullou Rogau Josh 1OOg 127
0uiou sa|ad & |ime 5Og 25
7. Chapalhis (uo lal) 2 1OO
Nullou kolla cu||y 1c 18Og 248
Ni/ed veg. sa|ad 1OOg 24
8. Rice 1c 1OO
Chickeu viuda|oo c 8Og 17O
Ca||ol |aila 1c 1OOg 59
Lunch or |nner 300 - 600 ca|s\
9. lish bake 8Og 212
Ni/ed veg. sa|ad 1OOg 24
B|ead 1 s|ice 2Og 49
8rea|IasI 300 ca|s
9. B|ead 2 s|ices 98
Collage cheese
(cow's mi|k) 2 lbsps 2Og 58
Bacou (g|i||ed) 1 sl|ip 48
Tea 1c 87
1O.Paucakes* 2 1OOg 1GO
Bulle| 1 lsp 5g 8G
App|e 1 59
Tea 1c 1OOg 87
11. Cau|il|owe| pa|alha
slulled (sma||)* 2 9Og 1GO
/8 c 1OOg GO
Tea 1c 87
8rea|IasI 260 --- 300 ca|s
12.l|euch loasl 2 s|ices 22O
Piueapp|e (|aw) / c 1OOg 4G
Collee 1c 54
18.Pulled wheal 1c 14g 58
Skim mi|k 1c 29
Bauaua 1 11G
Collee 1c 54
14.a|ia 1c 1O2
Ni|k (slauda|dised) 1c 12O
Suga| 1lsp 2O
l|esh ligs 2 87
* use miuimum lal iu cookiug.
Lunch or |nner 300 - 600 ca|s
1 Rice 2c 2OO
Samba| 1c 1OO
Cabbage loogalh 1c 18Og 1O4
Sa|ad (lomalo &
cucumbe|) 5Og 9
Cu|ds 1c 1OO
1O. Nullou cul|els 2 17Og 887
Tomalo &
cucumbe| sa|ad 1OOg 17
B|ead 1 s|ice 2Og 49
11. Lime |ice 1c 185g 185
Vegelab|e slew / c 115g 75
Tomalo chuluey 5Og 89
12. Vegelab|e pu|av 1c 15Og 198
Ca||ol |aila 1c 1OOg 59
Pea| 1 1OOg 5G
18. Khak|a 2 8Og 18O
oodhi wilh
chaua da| 1c 115
Tomalo |aila 1c 5O
14. 0|i||ed chickeu 1 |eg 1OOg 199
Beel|ool c 84
(sleamed) c 15
B|ead 1 s|ice 2Og 49
Pea| 1, sma|| 5Og 5G
lole lhal iu diels 4, 5, 8, 9 & 12 lhe |ice has beeu |imiled
lo 1 cup ou|y.
The 100 0a|or|e Lxchange
Ca|o|ie couuliug becomes ve|y quick aud easy wheu wo|kiug
wilh uuils ol 1OO ca|o|ies. The 1OO ca|o|ie po|lious ol lood
|isled be|ow a|e based ou ave|age ca|o|ic va|ues. They a|e
uselu| lo gauge quick|y lhe ca|o|ie va|ue ol a mea|.
1 Lxchange = 100 ca|s
Each ol lhe lo||owiug p|ovides 1OO kca|. You cau have G-12 e/chauges/
se|viugs each day (depeudiug ou age, se/ aud physica| aclivily).
Rice (cooked) 1 kalo|i
B|ead 1 big o| 2 sma|| s|ices
Rava upma 1 kalo|i
Chapali 1
Phu|kas 2
Pu|is 4-5
Rice l|akes (Poha) 1 kalo|i
Each ol lhese supp|ies 1OO kca|. You cau have 2-8
e/chauges each day.
a| (cooked) 1 kalo|i
Legume/usa| 1 kalo|i
Va|au 1 kalo|i
hT8 Ah IL8LL8
Each ol lhese gives 1OO kca|.
A|mouds/Pislas 1 haudlu|
l|esh Cocouul (g|aled) kalo|i
Each ol lhese p|ovides 25-8O kca|. You cau have 2 o|
mo|e e/chauges each day.
Veg. A (a|k 0|eeu Lealy Vegelab|es) 1 kalo|i
Veg. B (Ladies liuge|, B|iuja| o|
auy olhe| Vegelab|e) 1 kalo|i
Veg. C (Ca||ol, Beel|ool) kalo|i
(Polalo, Sweel Polalo) kalo|i
Each ol lhese supp|ies 5O kca|. You cau have 1-2
e/chauges each day.
0uava 1 medium
App|e 1 medium
0|auge 1 medium
Naugo 1 sma||
Chickoo 1
l|uil Juice (uusweeleued) g|ass
Each ol lhese gives you 1OO kca|. You cau have 2 o|
mo|e e/chauges each day.
lu|| Ni|k o| Slauda|d Ni|k
(uusweeleued) 1 g|ass
Cu|ds 1 kalo|i
Cheese/Pauee| 1 cube
The 1OO ca|o|ie e/chauge |isl makes se|ecliou ol meuus ol
li/ed ca|o|ie va|ue ve|y simp|e. Takiug oue e/chauge l|om
each g|oup, lhe lo||owiug meuus a|e possib|e.
1 ce|ea| e/chauge 1OO ca|s.
1 meal o| da| e/chauge 1OO ca|s.
1 vegelab|e e/chauge 5O ca|s.
1 lal e/chauge 5O ca|s.
1 mi|k e/chauge 1OO ca|s.
1 l|uil e/chauge 5O ca|s.
45O ca|s.
0ue cau choose auy oue lood l|om each e/chauge. e.g.
Rice o| chapali o| pa|alha o| pu|av
a| o| samba| o| meal o| lish
lal (used iu cookiug).
howeve| lo keep lo lhe 45O ca|s pe| mea|, lhe amouuls
specilied lo| each lood musl be sl|icl|y maiulaiued - e.g.
1c |ice o| 1 |a|ge chapali o| 2 sma|| phu|kas o| pa|alha.
Siuce 1 lal e/chauge = 5 gms., lhe amouul ol lal used iu
cookiug is miuimum. This may be iuc|eased s|ighl|y il skim
mi|k is subsliluled lo| who|e mi|k. ll is impo|laul lo cousume
loods l|om each g|oup iu o|de| lo eusu|e a ba|auced mea|.
Ca|o|ic va|ue ol commou|y used ludiau loods have beeu
ca|cu|aled acco|diug lo eslimaled ave|age se|viugs. Po|liou
si/e has beeu eslimaled acco|diug lo uumbe| ol pieces o|
vo|ume iu le|ms ol 1 lea cup o| 1 medium kalo|i = 15O m|.
The weighls giveu a|e lo| edib|e po|liou ou|y, alle| cookiug.
ll musl be uoled lhal ca|o|ic va|ues va|y g|eal|y, acco|diug lo
si/e aud deusily ol each piece aud lhe amouul ol lal used iu
cookiug. lu lhe lo||owiug ca|cu|alious, amouul ol lal pe|
pe|sou va|ies geue|a||y belweeu 5-1O gms. lo| each |ecipe.
Eslimaliou ol meal pe| pe|sou va|ies l|om 5O-1OO gms.
depeudiug ou lhe lype ol |ecipe, 5O gms. iu g|avies aud
cu||ies aud 1OO gms. iu d|y p|epa|alious such as |oasl o|
cul|els. The use ol cocouul, uuls aud c|eam wi|| a|so chauge
ca|o|ic va|ues couside|ab|y.
Ca|cu|alious ol oue's diela|y iulake is uol iuleuded lo be
a malhemalica| e/e|cise. ll is sale lo assume a ca|o|ic
va|ialiou ol 25-5O ca|o|ies ou mosl combiualiou |ecipes. ll is
lhe|elo|e au uuuecessa|y wasle ol lime lo ca|cu|ale ca|o|ies
lo lhe |asl decima| p|ace. The ca|o|ie couule| he|ps oue lo
judge al a quick g|auce lhe eue|gy va|ue ol lhe lood oue lakes.
ll a|so he|ps lo judge po|liou si/e mo|e accu|ale|y. A|| loo
olleu, we eal loo much wilhoul beiug awa|e ol il.
A dai|y |eco|d ol lhe lood oue lakes, lhe amouul cousumed
aud p|ace, is ve|y he|plu| lo accu|ale|y eslimale whal oue is
ealiug, how much aud whe|e il is cousumed.
e.g. Bed Tea 1c 7 a.m.
Pea luls 2 lbsps. T.V. 9 p.m.
lce C|eam 1c Ciuema 7 p.m.
This cau be ca|cu|aled lo give lhe ave|age ca|o|ic iulake pe|
day. A seveu-day |eco|d is mo|e accu|ale il oue has lhe
palieuce siuce weekeud ealiug is usua||y dille|eul l|om lhe
week day palle|u ol ealiug.
L0IFL8 h8LhL wT/VL k.0AL8
Chickeu soup 1c 28O gms 4G5
C|ea| vegelab|e
soup 1c 18O gms 178
0|eeu pea soup 1c 24G gms 1O9
Leuli| soup 1c 21O gms 78
Niuesl|oue soup 1c 2GO gms 17G
Nullou soup 1c 215 gms 99
Sweel co|u aud
chickeu soup 1c 22O gms 17O
Tomalo soup 1c 145 gms 4G
Each ol lhese gives you 1OO kca|. You cau have 1
e/chauge each day.
Pou|l|y o| lish 1 se|viug
Neal/Beel musc|e 1 se|viug
Nullou/Egg 1 se|viug
Each ol lhese gives you 1OO kca|. You cau have 2-8
e/chauges each day.
0hee/Vauaspali/0i| 2 lsps
Bulle| 8 lsps
Each ol lhese gives you 1OO kca|. You cau have 1
e/chauge pe| day.
Suga|/Jagge|y 5 lsps
houey 2 lsps
wLIhT8 Ah NLA8L8
1 lsp = 5 m|.
1 lbsp = 8 lsp. = 15 m|.
1c / kalo|i = 1 leacup = 15O m|.
1 measu|iug cup (sld.) = 24O m|. = 8 o/s.
1 b = 1 boll|e = 2OO m|.
1 g = 1 g|ass = 2OO m|.
L0IFL8 h8LhL wT/VL k.0AL8
Amli 1c 12O gms 124
Chauua masa|a 1c 154 gms 281
Cho|e pu|i 2 pu|is + 82 gms+
1 c Cho|e 877 gms 458
a| hok|i 1c 1O5 gms 288
|umslick amli 1c 15O gms 88
0alle ki sabji 1c 148 gms 275
Kadhi 1c 5O gms 17O
Khalla mooug 1c 15O gms 187
Kokum kadhi 1c 85 gms 54
Naa ki da| 1c 14G gms 92
Nakhaui da| 1 c 125 gms 2O8
Naud|a 1c 177 gms 888
Nasoo| da| 1c 14O gms 254
Nooug da| l|y 1c 15O gms 171
Nooug usa| 1c 1OG gms 279
Pauchkuli da| 1c 141 gms 11O
Pilh|a 1c 117 gms 1O2
Sambha| 1c 12O gms 2O9
Tomalo |asam 1c 18O gms 15G
Tu| da| pa|ida+pu|av c + 1 c 8Ogms+155 gms 8OG
Va|au (lhick) / c 124 gms 112
L0IFL8 h8LhL wT/VL k.0AL8
A|oo mulle| 1c 59 gms 41
Avia| 1c 15O gms 8G
Bauaua kolla
cu||y 1 c 17O gms 229
vegelab|e 1 c 1G5 gms 829
Baiugau Bha|la 1c 17O gms 827
Bille| gou|d l|y 1c 4O gms 847
B|iuja| aud
a|bi bhaji 1c 195 gms 141
B|iuja| cu||y 1c 8O5 gms 215
B|owu vegelab|e
slew 1c 2G5 gms 28G
Cabbage lugalh 1c 155 gms 42O
Cau|il|owe| aud
peas vegelab|e 1c 11G gms 111
Co|ocassia bhaji 1c 172 gms 124
oodhi kolla cu||y 1c 15O gms 158
oodhi wilh
chauua da| 1c 12O gms 189
|umslick amli 1c 15O gms 88
um a|oo 1c 125 gms 171
um cau|il|owe| 1c 195 gms 47
l|euch beau lugalh 1c 1OO gms 1O2
l|euch l|ies / c 48 gms 415
hiuduslaui dudhi
bhaji 1c 185 gms 2O2
Jami kaud 1c 115 gms 289
Kashmi|i dum
a|oo 1c 195 gms 814
Kullu 1 c 22O gms 252
Lady liuge| lugalh 1c 188 gms 2O5
Lady liuge|
vegelab|e 1c 85 gms 277
Nasa|a a|bi 1 c 17O gms 248
Nasa|a b|iuja| 1 c 18O gms 885
L0IFL8 h8LhL wT/VL k.0AL8
Bisi be|e
hu|i auua 1c 19O gms 8O4
Chickeu l|ied
|ice 1c 1OO gms 228
l|ied |ice 1c 1O5 gms 148
Cocouul |ice 1c 115 gms 879
Cu|d |ice 1c 185 gms 488
l|ied |ice
(p|aiu) 1c 12O gms 2O8
0|eeu pea
pu|av 1c 28O gms 2GO
Khichda 1 c 45O gms 727
Lemou |ice 2c 298 gms 4OO
Nasoo| bi|yaui 2c 859
Nullou bi|yaui 2 c 245 gms G88
lav|alau pu|av 8c 4OO gms G5O
P|awu pu|av 2c 1G2 gms 421
Pu|iyoda|ai 1c 18O gms 4G2
Sabudaua khichadi 1c 1G9 gms 824
Soulho 1c 272 gms 884
Spauish |ice 1c 875 gms 781
Vegelab|e bi|yaui 1c 28O gms 28G
Vegelab|e pu|av 1 c 2OO gms 4O4
L0IFL8 h8LhL wT/VL k.0AL8
Balu|a 1 7O gms 825
Chapali 2 98 gms 2O8
iuue| |o||s 1 9O gms 878
Jowa| |oli 1 88 gms 18G
Khak|a 2 8G gms 1O2
Nasa|a pu|is 8 5O gms 288
Nelhi lhep|a (medium) 2 4O gms 178
Nissi |oli 2 GG gms 281
lau 1 4O gms 129
0uiou dosa 1 85 gms 157
0uiou pu|is 4 45 gms 191
Rava dosa wilh
chuluey 2 825 gms 198
Spiuach pu|is 8 5O gms 214
Slulled pa|alhas
(cau|il|owe|) 2 98 gms 2O2
Slulled pa|alhas
(miuce) 2 48 gms 887
Tha|ipeelh 1 182 gms 448
chopsuey 2 c 4O5 gms 459
Baked lomalo
cheese maca|oui 1c 18O gms 285
Vegelab|e uood|es 1c 288 gms 285
L0IFL8 h8LhL wT/VL k.0AL8
Aku|i 1c 18O gms 817
Beel Roasl 1c 1GO gms 221
Beel Xaculi 1c 15O gms 87O
B|aiu Nasa|a 1c 18O gms 71G
Bulle| Chickeu c 185 gms G94
Chickeu Chops 2 pieces 1OO gms 28O
Chickeu Cu||y 1c 2O5 gms 448
Chickeu l|icasse 2c 84O gms 488
Chickeu l|y 2 pieces 18O gms 241
Chickeu Pie 1c 145 gms 2GG
Chickeu Roasl 1 |eg piece 55 gms 81
Chickeu Sa|ad 1c 18O gms 858
Chickeu Soull|e 1c 1OO gms 188
Xaculi 1 piece chickeu + c g|avy 175 gms 847
Chi||i P|awus / c 87 gms 195
abba 0hosl 1c 15G gms 894
Egg Cu||y 1c 7O gms 175
Egg Nasa|a 1c 188 gms 144
Egg Viuda|oo 2 eggs + c g|ay 75 gms 291
lish Cu||y 2 pieces lish + 1 c g|avy 2O4 gms 1G5
lish Cul|els 2 pieces 9O gms 28O
lish Toasl 58 gms 174
l|ied lish 1 piece 28 gms 88
l|ied lish iu
B|ead c|umbs 1 piece 11O gms 291
Kadai Chickeu 1c 195 gms 489
l|ied Chickeu 2 pieces 1OG gms 512
Kheema Cu||y 1c 1OO gms 199
Kiduey Cu||y 1c 128 gms 488
Na|ai Chickeu 2c 295 gms 855
Niuce aud Polalo
Chops 1 piece 87 gms 28O
Nu|g Nasa|um 1c 18O gms 817
Nullou o Pya/a 1c 184 gms 254
Nullou Egg Chop 2 pieces 9O gms 2G9
Nullou Ko|ma 1 c 2OO gms 189
Nullou Rogau 0osh 1c 188 gms 198
Nullou Samosa 2 pieces 52 gms 82G
Pa|ak Chickeu 1c 75 gms 87
Pal|a li Nachi 1 piece 87 gms 8O8
Po|k aud Beel Ro||s 1 |o|| 122 gms 159
Po|k Viuda|oo 1 c 12O gms 888
P|awu Cu||y 1c GO gms 1O4
P|awu Cul|els 2 pieces GG gms 2G5
P|awu Palia 1c 127 gms 222
P|awu Pu|av 2c 1G2 gms 421
Seekh Kabab 1 piece 55 gms 141
Shikam Pu|i Kabab 2 pieces 12O gms 1O8
Slew 1c 1G4 gms 114
Slulled 0me|elle 1 8O gms 127
Slulled 0me|elle Toasl 1 piece 9G gms 1G8
Tomalo Nasa|a Nullou 1c 1G7 gms 274
Nogh|ai a|u 1c 18O gms 828
Pa|ak pauee| 1c 1GO gms 1G5
Pauee| iu while
g|avy / c 115 gms 187
Pauee| masa|a 1c 2GO gms 421
Pauee| wilh
polalo masa|a 1c 1GO gms 597
Pav bhaji 2 pav+ 5O gms+
1c bhaji 112 gms 2G9
Polalo shaak 1c 1OO gms 1G5
Pu|i polalo bhaji 1c 15O gms 54G
Rasda| a|oo 1c 15O gms 125
Roya| ma|ai
kolla 1 kolla + 1 cup g|avy 415 gms 174
Sai bhaji 1 c 288 gms 185
Shahi pauee| / c 95 gms 2G8
Siudhi cu||y 1c 15O gms G1
Slulled b|iuja|s 1c 2OO gms 14G
Slulled lomalo 1c 25O gms 152
Slulled loud|i 1c 1OG gms 297
uudhiya 1c 1G1 gms 5O1
Vegelab|e jha|l|aui 1c 98 gms 159
8ALA, 0hThLY8 Ah AITA8
L0IFL8 h8LhL wT/VL k.0AL8
Booudi Raila 1c 145 gms 1G9
Ca||ol Raila 1c 115 gms G8
Chickeu Sa|ad 1c 18O gms 858
Cucumbe| aud
Tomalo Sa|ad 1c GO gms 12
Russiau Sa|ad 1c 115 gms 517
Sp|ouled Nooug +
Cabbage Koshimbi| 1c 18O gms 18O
Tomalo Pachdi 1c 124 gms 112
Tomalo Sauce c 4O gms 5O
Cocouul Chuluey 1 lbsp 2O gms 88
Co|iaude| Chuluey c 25 gms 72
ale Chuluey 1 lbsp 25 gms G8
0|eeu Tomalo
Chuluey 1 lbsp 2O gms 55
Chuluey 1 lbsp 15 gms 75
Ripe Tomalo
Chuluey 1 lbsp 8O gms 4O
Chuluey 2 lbsps 25 gms 14
8wLLT8 Ah L88LT8
L0IFL8 h8LhL wT/VL k.0AL8
Adi|asam 2 pieces 148 gms 582
App|e Pie 1/Glh pie 84 gms 278
Bauaua Pak 1 piece 188 gms 421
Basuudi 1c 21G gms 518
Besau Ladoo 1 piece 41 gms 817
B|ead aud Bulle|
Puddiug 1 piece 88 gms 7OG
B|ead ha|va 1 piece 75 gms 215
Ca||ol ha|va 1c 185 gms 4G1
Choco|ale Nousse 1c 9O gms 158
Choco|ale Puddiug 1 piece 59 gms 8O2
Choco|ale 1 piece 2O gms 14O
Cocouul Ba|li 2 pieces GO gms 814
Cocouul Ka|auji 2 pieces 14O gms 588
Cusla|d wilh l|uil
Sa|ad 1c 258
a|ia Ladoo 2 pieces 7O gms 87O
ale Ro||s 1 piece 84 gms 17G
udhi ha|va / c 9O gms 284
udh Pak 1 piece 17O gms 559
Eve's Puddiug 1c G4 gms 12O
la|ooda (Chiua
0|ass Puddiug) 1 piece 152 gms 25O
l|uil Sa|ad 1c 14O gms 225
0ud Papdi 8 pieces 49 gms 288
Kaju Pu|i 2 pieces 5O gms 158
Kaju Ro||s 2 pieces 28 gms 1GG
Khi|au 1c 195 gms 411
Koica|la 2 pieces 181 gms 845
Kop|a Pak 8 pieces 115 gms 8O5
Na|ai Ku|li 1 ku|li mou|d 75 gms 2O8
Na|pua 1 piece 4O gms 842
Naugo lce-c|eam 1 ku|li mou|d 7O gms 147
Na|/ipaus 1 piece 2O gms 92
Nohaulha| 2 pieces 85 gms 121
Nu|mu|a Chikki 1 piece 14 gms 71
laukalai 2 pieces 9O gms 8OO
lougal Soull|e 1 l|iaugu|a|
piece 8"/8"/8" 1O4 gms 282
0|auge Soul|e 1c 1OO gms 212
Paucakes wilh
Lime aud Suga| 2 pieces 8O gms 285
Peauul Ladoo 1 piece 88 gms 49G
Phi|ui 1c 15O gms 4O8
Pouga| c 1OO gms 4O2
Polalo ha|va 1c 1G5 gms 885
Pu|au Po|i 2 1OO gms 544
Rabadi 1 1/4c 191 gms 72G
Rasgu||as 2 pieces 8O gms 887
Rava Shee|a 1c 12O gms 252
Rice Khee| 1c 158 gms 847
Saudesh 8 pieces 2O gms 89
Savaiya 1 se|viug GO gms 521
See| Ku|ma 1 c 1G7 gms 811
Shahi Tuk|e 1 c 2OO gms 482
Sh|ikaud 1c 1OG gms 4GG
Sleamed Nodak 1 piece 58 gms 244
Slulled Bauauas bauaua
+ li||iug 128 gms 4G7
Sweel Saka|pa|a 12-15 pieces 5O gms 885
Ti| Ladoo 2 pieces 4O gms 2O9
L0IFL8 h8LhL wT/VL k.0AL8
Aku|i 1c 18O gms 817
A|u Pallice 2 pieces 12O gms 275
Ami|i Khamau 1 c 98 gms 474
Appam 1 G2 gms 117
B|ead Ro||s 2 pieces 145 gms 894
Co|ul|akes / c 5O gms 29O
Poha 1c 1O2 gms 818
Co|u C|oquelles 2 pieces 8O gms 282
Co|iaude| Nulhia 1 |o|| 1O7 gms 488
udhi Nulhia 8 pieces 9O gms 2O9
l|euch l|ies / c 48 gms 415
l|euch Toasl 2 pieces 114 gms 112
Khaudvi 7 pieces 45 gms 129
Nasa|a Peauuls / c 82 gms 214
Nalh|i G pieces 54 gms 291
Nisa| 1c 7O gms 18G
Nullou l|aukie 1 9O gms 8G7
Nullou Samosa 2 pieces 52 gms 82G
0uiou Pakodas 8 pieces 58 gms 815
Pauee| Pakodas 8 pieces 125 gms 87G
Peauul Pakodas 8 pieces 41 gms 225
Pal|a 4 pieces 85 gms 214
Pea Kacho|i 2 pieces 7G gms 2O8
Polalo Baka|wadi 2 pieces 44 gms 119
Polalo Poha 1c 98 gms 178
Polalo Tikkis wilh 2 pieces+ 14O gms
Tama|iud Chuluey c 85 gms 24O
Puujabi Samosas 2 pieces 1O2 gms 518
0uick Samosas 5 pieces 4G gms 127
L0IFL8 h8LhL wT/VL k.0AL8
Chickeu Saudwich 1 4O gms 8O1
Chuluey Saudwich 1 8O gms 181
Polalo aud Cheese
Saudwich 1 2GO gms 459
Tomalo Saudwich 1 1OO gms 878
Tomalo, Cucumbe|,
Cheese Saudwich 1 241 gms 84G
Saudwich hok|a 1O pieces 25O gms 258
Scoues 2 pieces 185 gms 425
Se|a B|ead 2c 14O gms 827
Sev 1c GG gms 858
Spicy Shauka|pa|a / c 5O gms 119
Tomalo 0me|elle 1 77 gms 151
L0IFL8 h8LhL wT/VL k.0AL8
Balala Vada 8 pieces 88 gms 419
ahi Vada 2 pieces 215 gms 181
Nedu Vada 2 pieces 95 gms 218
Ni/ed a| Vada 2 pieces 5O gms 198
Sabudaua Vada 8 pieces 1O5 gms 827
Vegelab|e Cheese Toasl 2 pieces 14O gms 8O8
Vegelab|e upma 1 c 1GO gms 25G
we|sh Ra|ebil 2 pieces 24O gms 8G9
8I80IT8 (hNL NAL)
L0IFL8 h8LhL wT/VL k.0AL8
Bulle| Cookies 1 piece 2O gms 1OO
Choco|ale B|owuies 1 piece 78 gms 477
Cusla|d Ta|ls 1 piece 4O gms 827
Auylime 81
Ci|cus 27
Cocouul C|uuchees 42
C|eam C|acke| 88
e|ile 4O
igeslive 87
0iuge|uul 47
0|ucose- 8O
0ooday Bulle| 58
0ooday Cashew 52
Na|ie 2G
Ni|k Bikis 85
lice 82
Pelile Beu||e 81
Sua/ 15
Thiu A||ow|ool 2G
Top 29
Na|l Bisk 81
Bou|bou Choc. C|eam G8
0|auge C|eam 45
E|aichi C|eam 45
Ihk8 (hNL NAL)
L0IFL8 h8LhL wT/VL k.0AL8
Chickoo Ni|kshake 1c 2OO m| 18O
Egg l|ip 1c 1GO gms 272
Tea 1c 15O gms 54
L0IFL8 h8LhL wT/VL k.0AL8
Bou|uvila iu mi|k
(1 lsp. suga|) 1c 15O m| 2O1
Bou|uvila 2 lbsp 8Og 12O
Cocoa 1 lbsp Gg 2G
Cocoa iu mi|k
(2 lsp. suga|) 1c 15O m| 1GG
Collee wilh mi|k
(1 lsp. suga|) 1c 15O m| 54
Collee (iuslaul) iu mi|k
(1 lsp. suga|) 1c 15O m| 141
Comp|au 1 lbsp 15 g 8O
(15 g + 1O g suga| iu mi|k) 1c 15O m| 19G
ho||icks 2 lbsp 8O g 11O
Laclode/ 2 lbsp 8O g 115
(25 m| mi|k 1 lsp suga|) 1c 15O m| 87
Viva 2 lbsp 8O g 125
L0IFL8 h8LhL wT/VL k.0AL8
Bee| (|ighl)
4.5 a|coho| boll|e 875 m| 151
Bee| (|age|) 1 g|ass 24O m| 98
0iu 1 peg 5O m| 85
Rum 1 peg 5O m| 185
She||y 1 wiue g|ass 5O m| 84
whisky 1 peg 5O m| 185
wiue (|ed) 1 wiue g|ass 5O m| 4O
FL 260 N.L.
0o|d Spol 25O m| 12.O 12O
Thumsup 25O m| 1O.4 1O4
Limca 25O m| 1O.2 1O2
Cil|a 25O m| 1O.5 1O5
l|ooli 2OO m| 15.O 12O
Appy 2OO m| 14.O 112
0AkL8 Ah FA8TIL8
L0IFL8 h8LhL wT/VL k.0AL8
B|ack lo|esl 1 piece 5G gms 8O1
B|ighl l|uil Cake 1 piece 54 gms 24O
Cucumbe| Cake 1 piece 8"/8"/8" 88O
evi|'s lood Cake 1 piece 8O gms 1O2
Egg|ess Choco|ale Cake 1 piece G.5/5/8 cms 278
Nawa Cake 1 piece 8G gms 295
Piueapp|e upside dowu 1 piece 4O gms 242
VAILTY 0ALIL8/100 gms
0|uco (Pa||e-0) 444
Nouaco 495
K|ackjack 495
Chees|iugs 475

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