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Supersize Me!

Grade/Subject: 10th grade/Health! ! ! ! ! !

Objectives: The main objective in showing this movie is for students to see what eating out, fast food, and junk food can do to your body. Hook and Hold: Do you enjoy McDonalds? How would you like to eat it three meals a day for 30 days? How would YOUR body react? State Standards: 4.1 N Use communication skills to deal effectively with inuences from peers and media regarding food choices and physical activity. 5.1 N Use a decision-making process to identify healthy foods for meals and snacks. 5.3 N Compare personal eating and physical activity patterns with current age-appropriate guidelines. Materials Needed: DVD player Super Size me Paper Pencils Exploring and Experiencing: Students will be watching, Super Size me. Students will be required to take 15 notes. This will take two days, but after the movie the class will have a discussion using the following questions: 1. In general, what was Morgan"s health status at the start of the project? At the end? 2. How did Morgan feel after his rst Supersize meal? Why do you think this happened? 3. Why are they repeatedly comparing cigarette smokers and overweight people? 4. Do you believe that people can have food addictions? Why or why not? 5. How long does it take Morgan to lose ALL the weight he gained in this 30 day project?

6. Did this movie change your view of fast food? Did this change you view of your own eating habits? 7. Do you think your school offers nutritious meals? How would you change the cafeteria"s offerings? Modications: During the movie, Jose will only be required to take 7 notes. Also, he will not have to take any notes or verbally participate in group discussion, he will be allowed to sit and listen to the discussion, unless he volunteers his opinion. Closure: Class discussion Teacher will ask the questions above (1-7) Assessment/Evaluation: Students will turn in their papers, allowing for the teacher to read and review their notes. This will show their understanding, effort and even spelling/punctuation and grammar.

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