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Producers that would endorse our film:

This entry discuses which big film produces would produce our film if it were to be completed and then broadcasted to the general public, my choice on appropriate produce will mainly hinderer on the chosen genre of my film and the usual genre of film that that produce produces.

An example of an unsuitable producer would be film 4 because there genre of film they primarily produce is British dramas such as scouting book for boys and submarine. This is a complete contrast to our film as it is a comedy and so would not fit with their usual film productions.

Moving on, a producer that would be appropriate for our film would be comedy central as they usually produces comedies such as South Park which is aim at our films chosen age range which is 15 and up, so in doing so the chosen producers would aim their productions at younger audience which would help endorse our film.

One final producer to mention would be sky movies, as this producers caters form almost any film genre and is quite popular with all audiences, in doing so would be a perfect choice for a production like mine.

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