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4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

The target audience for our media product, the opening scene of a film would be aimed at teenagers from the ages 12-18, however it would be advisable for 12 year olds to watch it with parental consent. If it was to be assessed by the BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) they would agree with the 12A rating as there are intentions of violence but you do not ever see any blood. Our target audience was primarily anyone over the age of 16 however we felt that younger people may enjoy it too. It was stereotypically aimed at males as it would have been quite a violent and serious film, whereas girls would rather something more light hearted. It was also quite male dominated in the casting of the characters and the story line. Their other favourite films would probably consist of James Bond where it is mostly male dominant characters being the heroes and villains. They would have to enjoy films where you are unsure as to what is happening and there is a mentally disturbed character. It would be accessible for anyone from underclass all the way to upper class as it would not be really expensive to buy or to view in a cinema. To find out some information about our target audience it was quite simple to do, as Joe in our group was very interested in the type of film we created. We found out what kind of films teenager boys over the age of 16 enjoyed watching and mostly found out that violent films with a little suspense are their favourite, such as Transporter. Films that are violent but you do not always see the gory violence occur however you know that it is happening through sound or short takes. We kept our target audience in mind throughout the production and creation of the opening sequence, this was very important to do otherwise it may have ended up without any target audience at all. We knew what our target audience wanted to watch and what they liked, by having a clear target audience we tailored our work to suit their needs. This would have allowed us if creating it for real to produce the whole film, to use our money wisely and make the best film possible to make the most profit.

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