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Guided Question

Should Germany be punished at the end of World War I? Why or why not?

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Which of the following made Italy hard to unit into a single country? A) Lack of a common language B) Ethnic differences C) Regional differences between the north and south D) Lack of natural resources

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countries that lose a war be punished for their defeat? Why or why not? If they should, whats an acceptable form of punishment?

I) Why is this a World War?

***A) Global Conflict - War fought on five continents B) Examples: 1) Africa / Asia Battles fought over European colonies. 2) Each colony around the world sent troops/ food/weapons/ and supplies to their mother country in Europe

I) World War I Ends

***A) With help of U.S. supplies, soldiers, and motivation, the Allies pushed Germany back. B) On November 11, 1918, at 11am, Germany surrenders to the Allies

***C) Armistice Day (Veterans Day) Agreement to end fighting in World War I

II) Treaty of Versailles

***A) Treaty of Versailles Peace agreement that ended World War I

II) Treaty of Versailles Terms

A) German and Austrian king must step down from power ***B) Reparations Germany pays Allies back for war damage (30 billion $) ***C) Germany has to accept all blame for starting & causing the war D) Germany /Austria / Ottoman Empire have to give up colonies

Story Characters

Setting Versailles France 1) Clemenceau French Representative 2) Lloyd George British Representative 3) President Woodrow Wilson U.S. President

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