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Habits of Naturally Thin People

By Cynthia Dermody from Reader's Digest

(Part 3/5)

Make these weight-loss tips a part of your routine!

Some people with great odies ha!e a dirty little se"ret# Sure$ they work out and eat well % ut they also sneakily urn hundreds more "alories than e!eryone else# &rom the outside$ they don't seem to e doing anything parti"ularly strenuous# 'his is not a diet % or a rigorous e(er"ise program# ()o ody "an sti"k to those for long#) *nstead$ it+s a simple way to make weight loss a natural part of the lifeyou already li!e# ,nd guess what-


.ou don+t ha!e to gi!e up the foods you lo!e or /oin a gym#.ou /ust adopt some tri"ks naturally lean people do# 0i"k the ones you like$ sti"k with them$ and you+ll slim

Swing your arms

1'he more parts of your ody that you use simultaneously$ the more you urn$1 says 2ukerman#

Work your legs a bit

1*f *'m stu"k in a seat$ * do small knee lifts$ almost like *'m mar"hing in pla"e$1 says M"3ee#

Tone in traffic
4se the time umper-to- umper to de!elop your uns of steel5 S6uee7e your derri8re ea"h time you tap the rake$ holding for 9:

se"onds# Shoot for 9: to 9; s6uee7es a trip# .ou may also do this while waiting for your dinner to arri!e# Burns !

"ou know s#uat$

,t your desk "hair$ pretend you+re going to sit ut don+t % stop and "ome a"k up without using your arms# ,lways start s6uats y lowering your hips$ not ending knees forward$ and keeping your weight on your heels# Repeat the motion throughout the day (e!en at the potty!) for 9; to <: total# Strengthens 6uadri"eps# Burns 5

%limb up$
'aking the stairs for a total of /ust two minutes$ fi!e days a

week$ gi!es you the same "alorie- urning results as a <:-minute walk# Burns !!& '!

(ase into e)ening

Sitting with feet un"rossed$ gra your wrist and raise your hands a o!e your head to lengthen the spine# 'ake a deep reath in as you rea"h and hold the position$ reathing slowly in and out for 9:- <: se"onds$ taking longer on the e(hale# *nstant rela(ation# Burns 5

%runch for your clicker

'he a!erage half-hour '= show has eight minutes of "ommer"ials# Make rea"hing for the remote "ontrol worth it5 0la"e it out of rea"h on the "offee ta le or$ if you+re lying down$ on the opposite arm of the "ou"h# >!ery time an ad "omes on and you rea"h for the remote$ "run"h until the show "omes a"k on? you should rea"h 9::-9;: or so# 'ones a s# Burns *'

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