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(fr k sh n) n. 1. The rubbing of one object or surface against another. 2. Conflict, as between persons having dissimilar ideas or interests; clash. 3. Physics A force that resists the relative motion or tendenc to such motion of two bodies or substances in contact.


(m sh n) n. 1. The act or process of changing position or place. 2. A meaningful or e!pressive change in the position of the bod or a part of the bod ; a gesture. 3. Active operation" set the plan in motion. 4. The abilit or power to move" lost motion in his arm. 5. The manner in which the bod moves, as in walking. 6. A prompting from within; an impulse or inclination" resigned of her own motion. 7. Music #elodic ascent and descent of pitch. 8. Law An application made to a court for an order or a ruling. 9. A formal proposal put to the vote under parliamentar procedures. 10. a. A mechanical device or piece of machiner that moves or causes motion; a mechanism. b. The movement or action of such a device.

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