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Music Reflection: Guiding Questions

Pick 2 or 3 questions to answer 1) What skills did I demonstrate in this video? (Singing, head voice, chest voice, canon, listening, bowing, pressing fingers, posture, tone/sound) How well were those skills executed or performed? 2) How successful was the performance? Why? 3) What is the next step to keep improving the performance? What should I improve as an individual? What should the class improve as a whole? 4) What did I learn to prepare for this video? 5) What Profile trait do I use the most in Music? What trait did I use the most in this video? 6) What was the most challenging part of making this video? 7) How will I use the skills I demonstrated in the future? 8) Why does the music sound the way it does? How has it improved so far? How do I improve it more?

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