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Mclendon, Kerriona Part I Questions 1. Which Adobe product do they use & why?

Interpress, they use it to print pages from a screen, its a language called, Page Description Language. 2. How did the creators of Adobe, come up with the name? 3. Did anyone else besides the creators know the codes/language they knew? Part II Questions 1. Which Adobe product do they use & why? Adobe XD, they use it to design different things. 2. What kinds of things can you design with this product? 3. How long does it usually take to learn this product? Part III Questions 1. Which Adobe product do they use & why? Creative Cloud, to create or design different types of objects. 2. How many years in college does it take to be what these people are? 3. Is there average percent of how many people have been successful with this?

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