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Himmahs ART -CNS


UPPER MOTOR NEURONS CELL BODIES LIE IN THE cerebral cortex nuclei in the gray matter of the brain stem eg superior colliculus LOWER MOTOR NEURONS CELL BODIES LIE IN THE anterior horn of the spinal cord motor nuclei of the cranial nerves in the brain stem

synapse with lower motor neurons control the activity of the lower motor neuron DESCENDING TRACTS

have directs innervation to the skeletal muscle final common pathway by which the nervous system controls movement SPINAL AND CRANIAL NERVES


FUNCTIONS: Controls voluntary, rapid, skilled movements of the limbs by contraction of individual or small group of muscles especially those moving the distal parts of the limbs.

ORIGIN: pyramidal cells of betz situated in the 5th layer of the cerebral cortex COURSE: Cerebrum: Area 4,6,3,2,1 corona radiata post. limb of Internal capsule. Midbrain: Pass through middle 3/5 of crus cerebri Pons: Pass through basilar parts of pons MO & SC: Bundles of fibers are group together along the anterior border of the medulla oblongata to form a swelling known as the pyramid COURSE 70-90% of the fibers cross to the 10-25% of the fibers do not (at junction of MO & opposite side at the pyramidal cross to the opposite side SC) decussation descend in the anterior white descend in the lateral white column of the spinal cord as the column of the spinal cord as the anterior corticospinal tract lateral corticospinal tract (uncrossed pyramidal tract) (crossed pyramidal tract) TERMINATION terminate in the anterior horn of cross to the opposite side the spinal cord at all segments before terminate with in the synapse with lower motor anterior horn of the spinal neurons mostly by means of cord at cervical and upper internuncial neurons. thoracic regions

synapse with lower motor neuron mostly by means of

Himmahs ART -CNS

internuncial neurons

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