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Monthly KC Progress Report

(To be submitted before 7th of every month)

Name : _________________________________

Month __________

Year ___________

1. Assess yourself on how successfully you apply yourself to each item. Circle a number from 0 to 10. 5 is average.

1 2

"tems# Parameters
Hearing &eading '()( *+&,'(+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Much room for improvement

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&e-ationshi. /ith +0ua-s &e-ationshi. /ith *eniors &e-ationshi. /ith 1unior Honest avoidan2e of o..osite se3 *-ee. Hea-th *ervi2e 4ttitude

15 (omments on overa-- .ersona- -ife (+2stati26 Ha..y6 786 miserab-e6 )rustrated 9 e-aborate on s.e2ia- a2hievements6 fai-ures et2)

25 (omments on your 2hanting for -ast month: i5 :ua-ity ii5 ;hat s.e2ifi2 measures you too< to im.rove ur 2hanting=


Ho/ many e3tra rounds you 2hanted in -ast month=

5 ;hi2h *ri-a >rabhu.ada?s boo<s are you 2urrent-y reading 7N >+&*7N4@ @+,+@= Ho/ many hours do you read >rabhu.ada?s boo<s in a /ee<= !5 ;hi2h 2-asses did you hear on (AB 2assette= Ho/ many hours .er /ee<= "5 Ho/ many boo<s did you distribute -ast month= Ho/ many hours did u .arti2i.ated in boo< distribution seva= #5 Hea-thC 75 &e-ationshi.s /ith e0ua-s6 seniors and Duniors5 ;rite your observationB suggestions E one 2om.-iment that you /ou-d -i<e to 2onvey to any of your 2oC '()( B tem.-e devotee to enhan2e his 8(:

$5 (omment about >arents6 &e-atives6 )riends C

%5 &ea-iFationsB -essons u -earned G

105 4ny 2on2erns B .rob-emsB :uestions5

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