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Sample Recce Activity

Look around the location Talk to the people there, organise filming permissions Identify the equipment you need to use Examine and identify any potential health and safety issues (both people and equipment related issues e.g. crown numbers being controlled; using safe cabling practices and video equipment being set up in a sensible location that does not block access points or that damages the environment and frightens livestock) Check the position of the sun and lighting conditions Look for interesting shots and camera angles Check the electricity supply. (for the majority of exterior locations you will be using battery power) Do a test sound/video recording and check for potential noise problems (traffic noise may be a problem; in a location on a main flight path to an airport?) Confirm times and dates with technical crew/actors or anybody you are interviewing etc. Arrange car parking, access, loading, security, where possible. Make sure everybody concerned with your video production knows what is happening and what is expected of them when on location

Is the location suitable for production Yes yes Identified and prepared All health and safety issues are taken into consideration and necessary precautions have been made

Additional comments Suits the convention of the horror genre Disclaimers are signed Final check with cast before filming There are many risks are present by being inside a house but most are protected, however certain scenes like the bath have taken more steps to ensure the casts safety and crews in overcrowding Natural lighting will be used from the house lights Additional ideas may appear whilst filming on location Natural lighting will be used by lights and only when needed Also with testing sound, scenes will be viewed immediately after to check that the scene is correct Date and time is decided to suit cast and crew Cast/ crew dropped off minimal transport used Everyone is informed and will be briefed on details before the scene begins

Checked and will consider whilst filming yes Yes, owners are given permission to use yes

Yes, location accessible Location is suitable The location is suitable for production/ cast and crew use

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