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Discussion topics from the JCC of Thursday 30th May 2013

Present: Murray Gascoyne Contract Manager Mary Welsh Reverse Account Manager 'igel Henman Warehouse Manager )aniel A ams Retail )ean ,ar oe - (nventory Mi&e ,raser Main, 0ims & #it0am Je11s - Reverse Kevin Toon - Reverse Gosia 0mith A min & 0ystems

Apologies: Jane Weston - Hotstaging, Trials & Com Car Kits An r!e" #i!ut $uil & %re&it Kamil Cygan Goo s (n & Test * +ar Annan - $ai oo Team #ea ers & ,unc- ./s-


e discussed:
(n1o MG : 'H MW : MG

2- !mployee of the Month3 (!a4ela 0!ymans&a 1or May 56275- The ne s ipe cards " do e still need to fill in producti#ity sheets or start using the cards$ $oth /ro uctivity screens are running their in ivi ual screens as o1 no+ ).'*7- %e need a &i'e shelter to protect people(s &i'es from getting damaged) The 4i&e shelter has 4een or ere an it shoul arrive in the ne8t 5 to 7 +ee&s 9en o1 May : 4eginning o1 June;- (t +ill hol a//- 7< 4i&es- (nstalle 2=:6>:5627 ).'* ?- *mas holidays for couples or'ing on site " can this &e organised so the couples are put into pool together rather than indi#idually as the allocations ere done out of the hat last year$ We haven@t ha any alternative +ays so 1arA es/ite it +as 4rie1e t+ice, so +e +ill /ut the cou/les together on one tic&et only- )ra+ +ill ta&e /lace 2st +ee& in July 1or those that +ish to 4e entere ).'* <- +ots of locations don(t ha#e chec' string la&els, the ones that are on there don(t or') We have or ere those, a+aiting Buote- This shoul 4e actione WK 5< an +e can or er an get in the 1ollo+ing +ee&- .'G.('G >- -n fe aisles around the seam and concrete sla&s deteriorated the Buote +e as&e our 4uil ing su//lier 1or is very e8/ensive there1ore +e nee to loo& into alternatives- JJ# 4oo&e to com/lete +or&s WC 5Cth May- We have ha D7,666 +or&s one recently, +hich is no+ com/lete- .verall the 1loor re/airs carrie out 4y JJ# have hel u/ very +ell, ho+ever in rac&ing aisle E <22 across to F <22 - 5 o1 the "oints re/aire have crum4le an there are 7 more "oints that have initial crac&ing +hich may lea to crum4ling- .'G.('G C- ./P0 " is there any more training planned for ne1t 12 months$ We have agree that +e +ill 4e o11ering more White 4elt training this year 4ut it +ill 4e unli&ely that +e +ill o11er any Green4elt training as there is not currently the nee 1or this level 9although this coul change as the year /rogresses;- The timing o1 this training +ill 4e e/en ant on the eman 1or it the /ro/osal +oul 4e to Ga vertiseH 1or interest in White 4elt training an then /lan the num4er o1 sessions to suit- The a vertising shoul 4e is/laye on the notice 4oar s- #iam shoul 4e a4le to organise more training in July 5627- .'G.('G /e Topics: 2- -nduction - Most o1 the ne+ sta11 still i n@t have one to 4e /ic&e u/ 4y Matt +atts : I0H* 5- 2eaters in 3e#erse area are not +or&ing an some /eo/le are com/laining7- Can e ha#e %i45i in canteen$ 'o, ue to Cor/orate (T /olicyA +hen +e ha the internet a e in the canteen the eal a//rove +ith central (T +as that +e +oul n@t /ut it on W(-,( to meet the K' stan ar -



MW : 'H


MW : 'H M, : MW %$

?- 6niform the Buality o1 all +or&+ear, es/ecially shoes is very /oor /ic&ers are com/laining a4out having 1eet issues- Can +e get i11erent 1itting 9+i th;J We have arrange a site visit on < th July 4y the su//lier to eal +ith any issues +e are having +ith +or&+ear : 1oot+ear, +hich +ill 4e atten e 4y a mem4er o1 a %rocurement team as +ell- We +ill &ee/ you u/ ate - .'G.('G <- Can >- Can e com&ine 0ocial committee and !!CJ 'o, +e can@te ha#e another toaster for the canteenJ Kes- ).'*-

M Welsh

MG G0 'H

C- Can e ha#e some hoo's on the inside doors in the toilets$ This has 4een com/lete ho+ever some o1 the hoo&s have alrea y 4een amage ue to sta11 carelessness 9 oors 4eing 4ashe against tile +alls;, so they +ill nee re/lacing- .'G.('G =- People engagement sur#ey +ill 4e one on-line this year an every entry +ill Buali1y 1or a ra11le /ri!e- The system +ill 4e accesse through the +e4 an there +ill not 4e a tie 4ac& to in ivi ual names- The only recor o1 +ho has com/lete an on line survey +ill 4e a manual register so +e +ill have no +ay o1 re1erencing /eo/les com/lete Buestionnaires- We +ill su4mit our /a/er registration as a recor as to +ho has su4mitte 1or a /ri!e ra+- .'G.('G


/e1t JCC meeting " 27th June 2013, time 13:00 " 18:00

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