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Grade 3/4

Classroom News
Mrs. Leadbeater
School: 204-734-4506
- lease remember Lo send wlnLer cloLhlng
(haLs, mlus, booLs, and skl panLs)
everyday as we wlll be ouLslde for gym
classes and have several speclal wlnLer
acuvlues planned Lhls monLh!

- We have Lhree skaung daLes Lhls monLh
on 1uesdays. lf your chlld wlshes Lo play
hockey Lhey need Lo have gloves, a suck,
and a caged helmeL.
- Cn lebruary 14
, valenune's uay we wlll
have a class valenune exchange and have
a speclal snack ln Lhe aernoon. lf you
wlsh Lo send someLhlng please wrlLe lL ln
Lhe agenda.

1hls monLh:
WlLh Lhe Clymplcs sLarung Lhls monLh we
wlll be uslng Lhls as lnsplrauon ln our
readlng, wrlung, soclal sLudles and arL
acuvlues! lor Lhe nexL Lwo weeks we wlll
be sLarung an Clymplc 8eadlng rogram
wlLh sLudenLs worklng Loward collecung
Lhelr home readlng mlnuLes for medals!

ln MaLh our focus ls on ulvlslon. lease
keep pracuclng mulupllcauon facLs as Lhls
helps us wlLh dlvlslon!

ln Soclal SLudles we are also looklng aL
Communlues ln our world and we are
comparlng llfe ln Canada Lo llfe ln 8ussla
focuslng on slmllarlues and dlerences ln
food, Lradluons, home, cloLhlng, acuvlues
lmporLanL uaLes:
lebruary 4Lh - Skaung
lebruary 6Lh- 1hunderhlll Skl 1rlp
lebruary 10-14 Cross-CounLry skllng and snowshoelng ln gym class!
lebruary 11Lh- Skaung
lebruary 14 - llddlers here ln Lhe mornlng
lebruary 17Lh - Louls 8lel uay nC SCPCCL!
lebruary 18Lh - Skaung
lebruary 21sL - Made ln ManlLoba 8reakfasL
lebruary 27Lh- 1hunderhlll Skl 1rlp

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