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Science & Research Branch, Islamic Azad University (SRB, IAU), Tehran, Iran Faculty of Foreign Languages and


Presentation Title: Language and Identity Presenters Name: Ramona Golmohamadi Professors Name: Dr. Yazdani


Identity of Identity Put as simply as possible, your identity is who you are. If someone asks Who are you?, the answer they expect is your name. Or maybe the person asking Who are you? already knows your name. Maybe it is you looking in the mirror. Here obviously some more profound form of identity is being sought. Who are you really? Then, there are two basic aspects to a persons identity: their name, which serves first of all to single them out from other people, and then that deeper, intangible something that constitutes who one really is, and for which we do not have a precise word. It has been called by different terms such as ego, self, soul, identity, inner self, personal identity and so on; all referring to the same concept of identity.

Fundamental Types of Identity Already we have seen three apparent pairs of subtypes of personal identity: One for real people and one for fictional characters; one for oneself and one for others; one for individuals and one for groups.

What Language Has to Do With Identity

To be continued on the next page 1

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