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The self: It’s nature and significance

Course Introduction and overview

Our journey towards our life goals is a quest to determine what makes us happy, contented and full filed. Such
requires a deep understanding of the “self” towards the achievement Of self-determination. The essence of our
humanity and the meaning of our existence demand an appreciation of who we are as a person, as a member of a
community and as a member of a larger institution of people.
The self can be defined in many ways, in different context of psychological process that starts when one
identifies himself of herself as an object, followed by describing one- self as a self- concept or self –feeling, and ends saying that the
self is manifested in how one acts and present himself or herself to others. ( Zhao,2014)

Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module, you should be able to:

1. Define the concept of “self”

2. Discussed the meaning of “identity”

3. Recognize the concepts associated with the self and explain the quadrants in the “Johari Window”
Learning Content
 Process of discovering the self
 Components of Self- concept
 The Johari Window: getti ng to know “The Self”
The Process of Discovering the “Self”
Often, we struggle in our lifetime to search for our “identity” and our “core being”. The greatest challenge
happens during the period of adolescence as we go through, surge of hormonal imbalance. The search of our true identity is
a process of learning, re- learning and unlearning the lessons that we acquire from the teachings of life. Discovering and re-
discovering the self becomes a complex procedure that we need to undergo to finally find our genuine “self” and
Three Components of Self- concept
1. Self worth or self-esteem – is what one thinks about oneself. This develops in early childhood stage resulting from the
the interaction of the child with his or her mother and father.

2. Self- image- id how one sees himself or herself, which is important for good psychological health. Self- image includes the
the influence of body image on inner personality. At a simple level, one might look at oneself as either good or bad,
beautiful or ugly, self- image has an effect on how a person thinks , feels, and behaves in the world.

3. Ideal self- is the person that one wants to be, It consist of one’s dreams and goals in life, and it is continuously changing.
To illustrate, the ideal self during childhood id not the same ideal self during adulthood.
The Johari Window

The Johari Window model was developed in 1955 at the University of California Los Angeles by Joseph Luft and
Harrington Ingam who are both American psychologist. This model allows participants to understand themselves well and
their corresponding relationship with the significant of others through the four quadrants determining traits relative to one’s
self and other’s judgement.

Determining the Four Quadrants

1. Open or The Arena – this are the traits or descriptions that one sees in the ‘self’ similar to that perceived by the
significant by others. Example of this is being outgoing and sociable. This is known as the “the public self” as it is evident
to the self and to others.

2. Faced or the Hidden Area- These are the traits that are known to the “self” but not to the significant others. An example
Includes ‘ being emotional and sensitive despite being a man’. This quadrant is also known to be the ‘hidden’ quadrants
as it covers those that we desire not to expose to others.

3. Blind Spot- This includes traits that the subject is unaware of but the significant others claim to be possessed by the
subjects. This quadrant cover those that others perspective to characterize the subject such as being down to earth and

4. Unknown- This quadrant covers traits that both parties do not recognize and consider as comprising the subject traits.
This is a mystery that waits to unfold in the proper time. Such ideally means that there is still much that needs to be
Discovered in the individual ‘self’ as we go through the process of discovering our unique identity.

Understanding the Self Developing Life skills by: Ethel Magalona MAP,LPT, Evelyn Sadsad Phd. , Elline Cruz, MAED,LPT
Understanding the Self by: Ronald M. Corpuz, Ronan S. Estoque, Claudio V. Tabotabo


Direction: Respond to the following queries with all honestly.

1. What are your strengths?
2. What are your abilities?
3. How are you different from others of same age?
4. What do you wish to change in your traits? Why?
5. What do you want to achieve for your self?


Write an essay with a title " Who Am I?"

Directions: Write an essay of not less than 200 words for each of the following questions. Answer must be substantive.
( Rubric: 60% quality of writing, 20% grammar, 20% spelling)

Ariola, M. (2018). Understanding the self. Manila: Unlimited Books.

Brawner, D. & Arcega, A. (2018). Understanding the self. Quezon City: C & E
Publishing, Inc.
Magalona, E., Sadsad, E., & Cruz, E. (2018). Understanding the self:
Developing life skills. Manila:
Mindshapers, Co., Inc.
Understanding the Self by: Ronald M. Corpuz, Ronan S. Estoque, Claudio
V. Tabotabo

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