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Exposition: smoking

I strongly believe that the selling of cigarettes should be band

worldwide because of all the sicknesses and deaths. In Australia
2.9 million people have already succeeded in quitting so I think
more people should at least try to quit.

Firstly, the amount of deaths from smoking is horrific as million of

people die each year, each year more than 18,000 Australians die
prematurely because of smoking – that’s about 50 people a day!
And every 30 seconds someone somewhere world dies of lung
cancer. It is the ninth most common cause of death in the world
and the most common form of cancer. Each year more than 1.25
million die from it. Tobacco kills one person every ten seconds and
is set to kill 10 million people a year by 2025 and also Smoking
kills more people in Australia than the total number killed by
alcohol, drugs, murder, suicide, road crashes, rail crashes, air
crashes, poisoning, drowning, fires, falls, lightning, electrocution,
snakes, spiders and sharks.

Secondly, all the things the cigarette companies put into the
cigarettes is discussing. Cigarette smoke contains over 3,000
chemicals: Most of them are rather nasty such as:
Nicotine - used in cockroach and other insect killing products
Formaldehyde – used as a fluid to embalm dead bodies.
Hydrogen cyanide – rat poison
Acetone – dissolves certain substances and commonly found in
nail polish removers and
Hydrazine – used in rocket fuel


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