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Fontana De Trevi



trevi .





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48 - 4 .
Christy Swope RN

615 -835- 4738


615- 832-5530
OFFICE HOURS : 8.00 AM TO 4.00 PM, Monday through Friday .

330 Wallace Road , Suite 103, Nashville , TN 37211

Website :

8 :

330 Wallace Road ,

Suite 103, Nashville ,
TN 37211
Website : www.




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615 720 3733
615 569 8778

Albndigas de pavo con berenjena y esprragos

Cinco cenas latinas con
menos de 500 caloras
Albndigas de pavo con
berenjena y esprragos
4 Porciones
1 libra de carne molida de
Pavo, baja en grasa
taza de perejil, inamente
1 huevo
taza de cebolla, picada
2 dientes de ajo, picados
2 tazas pasta penne, integral,
1 berenjena mediana, en
4 tazas de esprragos crudos,
en trozos
1 taza de cebolla, picada
1 lata de tomates, en trozos
taza de perejil, inamente
taza de queso parmesano
2 cucharadas de aceite de
Sal y pimienta al gusto
En un sartn a fuego medio,
calienta el aceite, saltea la
cebolla por 3 minutos hasta

que est traslucida. Agrega la

berenjena, los esprragos y
tomates y cocina tapado por 8
minutos. Mientras se cuece
la salsa, en un tazn incorpora
todos los ingredientes para
tus manos haz las bolitas
dralas en un sartn a fuego
medio por 8 minutos.
Despus de que las albndigas
estn listas, mezcla la pasta y
los vegetales. Espolvorea el
queso parmesano y el perejil.
Informacin nutricional:
porcin contiene 3 albndigas.
Caloras: 420
Grasa Total: 16 gramos
Grasa Saturada: 4 gramos
Carbohidratos: 40 gramos
Fibra: 7 gramos
Protena: 31 gramos

Pizza de Jaca

Total:20 minutos
Preparacin:10 minutos
Servings6 porciones
Hace pocos das lleg a
mis manos una lata que
contena una fruta llamada
jaca, en ingls, Jackfruit, e
inmediatamente me puse
a investigar cules eran
las mejores maneras de
Se me ocurri preparar esta
pizza de jaca, despus que
comprob que su sabor y
textura era similar a la de la
alcachofa. En mi caso, utilic
jaca verde enlatada, aunque
esta fruta puede conseguirse
ya madura, tambin en
Mezclando trocitos de jaca,
mayonesa, queso parmesano
y ajo, consigues una deliciosa
cubierta para acompaar
la masa lista para pizza de
Pillsbury. Puedes acomodar

unas rodajas de tomate

sobre la pizza para resaltar
aun ms el sabor.
1 masa de pizza de Pillsbury
1 lata de jaca verde o jackfruit
1 taza de queso mozzarella
2 cucharadas de queso
1/2 taza de mayonesa
4 dientes de ajo machacados
1/2 tomate
Sal al gusto
Precalienta el horno a 400F.
Escurre el contenido de la
lata y corta la jaca en trozos
En un tazn, mezcla la jaca
picada, el queso parmesano,
la mayonesa y los ajos
Revisa la sazn y agrega la
sal que sea necesaria.
Agrega el queso mozzarella
sobre la masa para pizza y
luego extiende la mezcla de
Acomoda unas rodajas de
tomate sobre la supericie.
Lleva la pizza al horno por 15
minutos aproximadamente o
hasta que la masa est de
color dorado.
Sirve inmediatamente.

Horscopos en Marzo
Amor: Es una jornada muy favorable para los romances. Te sientes atrado por personas muy distintas
a ti y no te cortas a la hora de intentar llamar su atencin. La oposicin de...
ver horoscopo para hoy de Aries
Amor: Necesitas sentir que tu familia y tu pareja te
apoyan. Vas a querer pasar una jornada familiar y
casera con los tuyos. Si no tienes pareja, te agobiar
pensar que nunca la...
ver horoscopo para hoy de Tauro
Amor: Tu espritu aventurero est muy despierto y
tienes ganas de ser libre en el amor. Si tienes pareja,
preferirs pensar en un posible amante a pasar ms
tiempo con ella. Si...
ver horoscopo para hoy de Gminis
Amor: Necesitas te apetece que te adulen y te cuiden.
Te gusta que tu pareja te diga lo maravilloso que eres
y tenders a ser ms bien egosta y pasivo en la relacin. La...
ver horoscopo para hoy de Cncer
Amor: Te sientes muy unido a tu pareja y vuestra relacin luye muy bien en el da de hoy. Si tenis cualquier conlicto pendiente, la oposicin de Mercurio a
tu Sol favorece la...
ver horoscopo para hoy de Leo
Amor: La oposicin del Sol a tu signo te coniere una
cierta seguridad que te hace pisar fuerte en el terreno
sentimental. Si ests soltero, hoy tu atractivo personal
se ver... ver horoscopo para hoy de Virgo

Amor: Tiendes a ser muy explcito con tu manera de
hablar y eres muy directo. Dices las cosas sin rodeos y
esto puede hacer que los dems se sientan mal por tus
palabras. Deberas...
ver horoscopo para hoy de Libra
Amor: Tienes que aprender a no callarte tanto tus
problemas y expresarlos ms, en especial a tu pareja.
Si verbalizas lo que te pasa sentirs un gran alivio ya
que tu pareja...
ver horoscopo para hoy de Escorpio
\Amor: La Luna en Sagitario potencia tu capacidad
de contacto con los dems. Hoy vas a llenar de energa y de positivismo a las personas que te rodean.
Sin embargo, procura parar...
ver horoscopo para hoy de Sagitario
Amor: Te cuesta relajarte en el terreno sentimental.
Eres un poco fro y eso te puede hacer distante con tu
pareja y tus amigos. Gracias a que Venus, planeta del
amor y el...
ver horoscopo para hoy de Capricornio
Amor: Con Mercurio en tu signo, ests ms atento
con el mundo que te rodea, en especial a las personas que habitan en l, a las que que ltimamente las
tenas un poco descuidadas....
ver horoscopo para hoy de Acuario

Amor: Este es un buen momento personal para ti.

El astro ms poderoso, el Sol, acaba de entrar en
tu signo y te llena de energa y buenas vibraciones.
Es el momento de conquistar.


Where you
go to shopping

Where you
go to shopping

Where you
go to eat

Mazi Market

615 833 2775
360 Elysian Fields


House of Kabob

Murfreesboro PK 974
Nashville TN 37217

216 Thompson
LN Nashville TN

Sanabil Bakery


615 915 3517

Dunya Intl Market

615 482 4157
5378 Mt.View rd



Elmasry Market

AHMED jewelry

615 - 365- 1391

845 Briley Pike
Nashville TN

615 366 1400

3764 Hillsboro RD


615 585 8463

615 810 9011
4708 Nolensville Pk
Nashville TN 37211

615 830 6927

3812 Nolensville PK
615 831 5588

615 554 7118


615 609 6867

367 Harding place
suite A

615 -720 4857

Tel :615:333-3793
18 East Thompson
Lane Nashville TN

tel:615-383 lls
3764 Hillsboro RD

New York Deli
9040 carothers pk
B105 Franklin , TN

Farmers Market


2510 Murfreeboro pk

Nashville TN

Fantasty Hall

% 25
615 569 2337
615 945 3590


4856 Nolensville PK

Internationl Food

615 333 9651
2855 Logan Street


615 600 6349

615 569 8778




Girgis Youssef

615- 391 -9080

615- 738- 8973

615 781 1935

615 397 0422

Basem Girgis

615 832 5530

Clean Service

615 331 9777

Mike Mekhail

3830 Nolensville Pike

Nashville TN 37211 Beside

615 586 9135

George Niseem


615 366 1788

1825 old Murfreesboro rd, Nashville TN


Dr Charles F. Sabourin

615- 584-6980

615 525 8990

615 969 0512

Ashraf Gabous

Hany Michael


615 500 7162


Dr Robert . W.Herring

Sherif Ibrahim

615- 638 - 5358

397 Wallace Rd , Suite



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Software Solution

Nashville Road

Best Auto Repair

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615 833 8384

State Farm

For slae

615 216 6248

615 258 4292

Gallatin Pike
615 419 9372



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615 916 9360

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615 837 2523

Hardware .Software

615 360 4269

615 569 8778

We all want it. We all need it.

Many of us crave it with an
unquenchable thirst. But what
is it?... What is this elusive
thing we call success? And more
importantly, do we all have the
ability to attain success in our
lifetime, or is that only reserved
for the lucky, privileged, and
fortunate few? I say no, its not
reserved for only the select few.
Success is attainable for each
and every one of us regardless
of our background, regardless
of the inevitable obstacles that
confront us. You and you alone,
are responsible for whether you
become successful or not.
The dictionary deines success
as the attainment of wealth,
position, or honors. It also
deines success as the favorable
or prosperous termination of
attempts or endeavors.
The irst deinition relies heavily
on societys determination as to
weather you are a success. Im
sure we can all agree that Donald
Trump and Bill Gates are quite
According to societys standards.
The second deinition of success
describes success as being
something on a more personal
level, not necessarily gauged by
society, but by the individual. A
person having been in a horrible
accident and told by doctors that
she will never walk again.. and
yet, after years of determination
and tenacity and belief in herself,

In Search of Success
by Tari Eddy

does walk again that is success

according to a personal standard.
Regardless of how we deine
it, we all seek it. Weather it is
fame and fortune, inishing
the 5k marathon, climbing Mt.
Everest, providing a better life
for ourselves and our families,
or just surviving until the next
day dawns we all seek our own
personal success. But if we al seek
success, why do so many people
walk through this life never
becoming the successful person
they have dreamt of becoming?
We all have ability or power
within ourselves to succeed in
whatever we choose.
Unfortunately, this power we all
have inside of us to create our
own success, has for many people
been all but destroyed. Their
power hides deep inside the pit
of disparity, the disparity of
poverty, the disparity of not being
the right color or of being in the
right social class, the disparity

of just too many obstacles in

their path, the disparity of being
told they are smart enough or are
incapable. Too many people do
not realize just what this so-called
power is, nor do they understand
how to ind this power that lies
within all of us.
This is a power we all have. The
poor have it just as the wealthy
do. Whites have no more of it than
minorities. This power is what
helps us to not only overcome all
of our obstacles but to learn from
the process of overcoming them.
By learning from this process we
learn to take control of our own
lives and are then able to create
our own direction.
What is this power that we all
have? Its determination. Its
perseverance. Its optimism
and self-motivation. Its the
willingness to take chances. Its
the fortitude to try and try again
despite failures. And it all begins
with hopes and dreams; it begins
with believing in yourself that
you can achieve what you most
desire, ignoring the nay sayers.
Henry Ford father of the
automobile once said, Whether
you think that you can, or that
you cant, you are usually right.
Believing in ourselves and having
the desire to succeed is the irst
step in the journey that leads us
to the success we are yearning for.

There are to many people in

America today who blame their
lake of success on the obstacles
in their lives. Many of the
obstacles these people complain
about are race discrimination,
unequal opportunity for better
education, and lack of available
jobs, to name a few. These are
undoubtedly legitimate problems
in our society and although these
factors contribute to a persons
dificulty in becoming successful,
are these obstacles the sole
reasons for their lack of success?
There are countless people in
our nation who have succeeded
in the face of these seemingly
insurmountable obstacles of our
nations oppression.
General Colin Powell, a good
example of a person who
overcome the obstacles of poverty
and oppression, was born into
poor black immigrant family and
rose to become a top-ranking
U.S. military oficer by refusing
to allow his minority status
or his social class become an
insurmountable obstacle to him.
Advising young black Americans
he said to them: Dont let your
blackness, your minority status,
be a problem to you. Let it be a
problem to somebody else beat
them at it. prove theyre wrong.
If you work hard do the best
you can, take advantage of every
opportunity thats put in front of
you, success will come your way.

The sight and sound of

Romes many fountains
moved Italian composer
compose a suite entitled
The Fountains of Rome.
Lets visit one of the most
Trevi Fountain.
As we walk down a narrow
street that leads to the
fountain and turn a corner,
we are greeted by a sight
that takes our breath
away. It is the huge Trevi
Fountain, 65 feet wide [20
m] and 85 feet [26 m] high,
which dominates a small
square. What an impressive
structure to be tucked away
in such a conined space!
The Trevi Fountain was
commissioned by Pope
Clement XII and designed
by Italian architect Niccol

A Voice of the Eternal City

was started in 1732 and

completed in 1762. The
fountain is fed by the irstcentury B.C.E. Aqua Virgo
aqueduct, which begins
some eight miles [13 km]
from the city.
The theme of the fountain,
which is built against the
facade of a palace, is the

China has always been a thriving nation

The nation will do anything it h

as to do to remain successful,
even if it means restricting
some families from having
more than one child. China,
being a fairly large country,
can hold a sizable amount of
people, but everything starts
to change when China holds a
quarter of the worlds people.
There had to be certain
rules set in place to end the
population rise, propaganda
of birth control was set forth,
but unfortunately it had little
effect. China then, took drastic
measures and decided to set
forth, the one child policy.
Mao Zedong, had a
great part in bringing about,
Chinas one child policy.
Zedong, was an important
igure in the Peoples Republic
of China in 1949, and desired
for China to have a strong and
large army. Zedong felt that
if he wanted to achieve his
goal, the Chinese would have
to multiply. He took many
steps to achieve his goal, like
reprimanding birth control

and banning imports of

contraceptives. The Chinese
population quickly multiplied
under his reign, to the extent
of having a quarter of the
worlds people just in China.
resources and food supply.
China quickly went from,
wanting as much citizens as
possible to trying to limit the
amount of children born. In
1979, Chinas one child policy
was created by Chinese
leader Deng Xiaoping, when
all other approaches, such as
reinforcing birth control using
propaganda, did not have the
effect China was hoping for.
The one child policy in
China has been in effect for
more than 32 years, causing
the law to move from being
temporary to permanent.
Chinas one child policy is
consistent with the nations
plan for population growth and
would continue indeinitely
(Zhang Weiqing, Minister
of the State Commission of
population 2006). Because of
the one child policy, China
did see progress towards a
stable population. Chinese
authorities declare that the
one child policy, averted
400 million births between
1979 and 2011, due to
this achievement, Chinas
pollution has lessened. China
got the results they were
hoping for and even attained
the population number they

sea. The mythical igure

Oceanus (or, some say,
Neptune) stands proudly
in his shell-shaped chariot,
controlling the lood that
cascades beneath him. As
water gushes around the
other igures and tumbles
over the rocks below,
it sounds like waves

By Braksam Basta
were reaching for in 2000,
which was 1.2 billion. The
population of China was about
1.343 billion people in 2012,
but by 2025, if the one child
policy is still intact, China
will have a zero population
growth, which is what they
are aiming for.
The one child policy does
not affect everybody. The
people that the policy most
affects or the people who
the law was intended for, are
the urban married couples,
who are part of the nations
Han ethnic group. This is
because the Han ethnic group
makes about forty percent
to sixty three percent of the
population, the other percent
comes from, non Han ethnic
groups, anyone living in
Hong Kong or Macau, and
foreigners living in China.
People who are not Han, are
allowed more leniency, due to
the fact that they do not make
up a great part of Chinas
population. There are also
many exceptions to the policy,
you are allowed to have a
second child if; the irst child
was a girl or was mentally or
physically ill, if both people in
the couple have no siblings,
or natural disaster kills the
child. There are also different
exceptions in different places.
As one can imagine, the
citizens in China were not
happy with this law. Although,
the policy did help the

shore. The basin takes up
a large part of the piazza,
giving the impression that
the whole square is part of
the fountain.
Every day hundreds of
visitors pour into the tiny
square and toss coins
into what is one of Romes
biggest tourist attractions.
Once a week, the fountain
is drained. The money left
by tourists, which averages
$11,000 a week, is then
collected and donated to a
religious charity.
If, as Respighi believed,
the fountains sing with the
voice of the city, then the
Trevi Fountain stands out
as a soloistexceptional
among the many fountains
that are admired by visitors
to Rome, the so-called
Eternal City.
economy, it hurt the couples
in China who unintentionally
gave birth to a second child.
There were many men
surrounding my wife, they
held her arms behind her back,
pushed her head against the
wall, kicked her stomach and I
dont know if they were trying
to give her a miscarriage (Luo
Yan Qua, citizen in China).
This happened a lot in China,
whether it be forced abortion,
miscarriage, or sometimes
even abusing the baby while
it is in the mothers womb
and injecting the mother
with lethal injections. These
different methods to kill the
baby, not only have an affect
on the parents but also on
the irst child. Luo Yan Qua
goes on to say, Shes been
feeling my wifes belly as it
has grown larger and larger
over the months, My daughter
says, I will have a little
brother soon. I dont know
how I can possibly explain
to her what has happened.
Quas daughter will eventually
come to know the truth and
it will have a tremendous
affect on her. People like
Quas family are experiencing
the same circumstances,
this is because the Chinese
government has made it their
mission to heavily enforce the
law. They are carrying out this
law by assigning Population
Commissions to the national,
provincial and local levels of
the government.

What I need to know

about Hepatitis C
Hepatitis* C is a virus, or
infection, that causes liver
disease and inlammation of
the liver. Viruses can cause
sickness. For example, the lu
is caused by a virus. People
can pass viruses to each other.
Inlammation is swelling
that occurs when tissues of
the body become injured or
infected. Inlammation can
cause organs to not work
Who gets hepatitis C?
Anyone can get hepatitis C,
but those more likely to are
people who

were born to a mother

with hepatitis C

are in contact with

blood or infected needles at

have had more than

one sex partner in the last 6
months or have a history of
sexually transmitted disease

are on kidney dialysis

the process of iltering wastes
and extra water from the
body by means other than the

are infected with HIV

have injected illegal


have had tattoos or

body piercings

work or live in a prison

had a blood transfusion

or organ transplant before
July 1992

have hemophilia and

received clotting factor before
Also, men who have sex with
men are more likely to get
hepatitis C.
What are the symptoms of
hepatitis C?
Most people do not have any
symptoms until the hepatitis
C virus causes liver damage,
which can take 10 or more

years to happen. Others

may have one or more of the
following symptoms:

feeling tired

muscle soreness

upset stomach

stomach pain


loss of appetite


dark-yellow urine

light-colored stools

yellowish eyes and skin,

called jaundice
When symptoms of hepatitis
C occur, they can begin 1 to
3 months after coming into
contact with the virus. See
a doctor right away if you
or a child in your care has
symptoms of hepatitis C.
How is hepatitis C diagnosed?
A blood test will show if you
have hepatitis C. Blood tests
are done at a doctors ofice
or outpatient facility. A blood
sample is taken using a needle
inserted into a vein in your arm
or hand. The blood sample is
sent to a lab to test for hepatitis
If you are at higher risk of
getting hepatitis C, get tested.
Many people with hepatitis C
do not know they are infected.

A blood test will show if you

have hepatitis C.
Your doctor may suggest
getting a liver biopsy if chronic
hepatitis C is suspected. A liver
biopsy is a test to take a small
piece of your liver to look for
liver damage. The doctor may
ask you to stop taking certain
medicines before the test. You

may be asked to fast for 8

hours before the test.
During the test, you lie on a
table with your right hand
resting above your head.
Medicine is applied to numb the
area where the biopsy needle
will be inserted. If needed,
sedatives and pain medicine
are also given. The doctor uses
a needle to take a small piece of
liver tissue. After the test, you
must lie on your right side for
up to 2 hours. You will stay 2
to 4 hours after the test before
being sent home.
A liver biopsy is performed at
a hospital or outpatient center
by a doctor. The liver sample
is sent to a special lab where a
doctor looks at the tissue with a
microscope and sends a report
to your doctor.
How is hepatitis C treated?
Hepatitis C is usually not
treated unless it becomes
chronic. Chronic hepatitis
C is treated with medicines
that slow or stop the virus
from damaging the liver.
Your doctor will closely watch
your symptoms and schedule
regular blood tests to make
sure the treatment is working.
Hepatitis C
Chronic hepatitis C is most
often treated with a medicine
combination that attacks the
hepatitis C virus. Treatment
may last from 24 to 48 weeks.
Today, newer treatments with
medicine for chronic hepatitis
C are appearing quickly. Talk
with your doctor if you have
questions about treatment.
Talk with your doctor before
taking other prescription
over-thecounter medicines.
How can I avoid getting
hepatitis C?
You can protect yourself and
others from getting hepatitis C
if you

do not share drug

needles and other drug

do not donate blood or

blood products

wear gloves if you have

to touch another persons
blood or open sores

do not share or borrow

a toothbrush, razor, or nail

make sure any tattoos

or body piercings you get are
done with sterile tools

tell your doctor and

your dentist if you have
hepatitis C

use a condom during

A vaccine for hepatitis C does
not yet exist.
Do not share drug needles
and other drug materials.
What should I do if I think I
have been in contact with the
hepatitis C virus?
See your doctor right away
if you think you have been
in contact with the hepatitis
C virus. Early diagnosis and
treatment of chronic hepatitis
C can help prevent liver

For more information

about aailable trials ,
please call
Christy Swope RN,
Clinical Director of
Research at
615 -835- 4738
and leave your name
and a contact number
: 8.00 AM TO 4.00
PM, Monday through
Friday .
330 Wallace Road ,
Suite 103, Nashville ,

TN 37211
Website : www.


615- 832-5530

OFFICE HOURS : 8.00 AM TO 4.00 PM, Monday through Friday .

330 Wallace Road , Suite 103, Nashville , TN 37211

Website :

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